Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Heads of State of Kyrgyzstan/Kirgistan/Kyrgyz Respublikasy (Female Suffrage 1918/22) The Mongol-Turkish Tribe of Kirghiz became part of the Russian Empire in the 1860s and 1870s. Part of
the Soviet Union 1920 and Declared independent 31.8.91, member of the United Nations 1992. The Qara Khitai Empire covered
parts of present day’s Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
China and Mongolia.
Also see Kyrgyzstan Ministers
1144-51 Khanum Regnant Tabuyan T’a-Pu-Yen
Gantian Huanghou of Qara Khitai (Turkistan)
Possibly successor of her husband, Yelü Dashi, who reigned as Emperor Dezong
1124-1144 as leader of the Central Asian Khanate – in what today is partly
Kyrgyzstan and partly Chinese Turkistan the region Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous
Region/Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu. She was mother of mother of Yelü Yilie, who ruled
as emperor Liao Renzong in 1151-1164) and possibly also mother of Khanum Regnant
Yelü Pusuwan Chengtian Taihou who ruled in 1164-1178.
1164-78 Dowager Khanum Regnant Yelü Pusuwan
Chengtian Taihou of Qara Khitai (Turkestan)
Also known as Empress Chengtian, Cheng Tian Hou) of Qara Khitai she was sister
of Yelü Yilie, who ruled as emperor Liao Renzong in 1151-64. In the 1120s
China's Liao Dynasty was ousted by the Liaos, or Khitans, and were driven west
into Central Asia, where, after defeating the Seljuq Turks of Persia under the Sultan
Sanjar in 1141, they founded the Qara-Khitai Empire with Samarkand as its
capital covering present day's Mongolia, Northern-China, Kyrgyzstan and other
central Asian territories. The khanate was weakened in about 1200 by attacks
from the Khwarizm shahdom and in 1218 it collapsed precipitately when the
Mongols invaded. The governmental institutions of Qara Khitai were taken over by
the Mongols to form the foundations of their own imperial administration.
1242-46 Regent Dowager Khanum
Ebüskün of Qara Khitai (Turkestan)
For Qara Hülägü
1252-61 Regent Dowager Khanum
Organa Hatum of Qara Khitai (Turkestan)
Her name also spelled as Orqina Khatum. Qara Khitai also coverd parts of
present day’s Turkmenistan, and she was also ruler of the Chagataiid Horde in
Mongolia and the Khanate of the Eastern Turkiut (Xinjiang)
Around 1850 Tsarina Kurmandjan Datka of
Also known as Kurmanjan Mamatbai Kyzy, or Alai
Queen, she was an outstanding leader of Kyrgyz nation. She had refused to live with the husband she was forced
to marry and ruled the country alone when her second husband died, during the
gloomy time of feudal despotism she could maintain a free spirit of independent
nomad's life, traditional way living and Kyrgyz culture in Alay region. She was
respected by all the foreign rulers she met during her reign, even by Kokand
Khan – guardian of Muslim norms. At that time, it was considered astounding
that a woman could govern such a huge territory as the Fergana valley. After the
Kirgis territory was annexed by Russia in 1876, she continued the resistance
movement. She lived (1811-1907)
1959-(70) Vice-President B.
2010-11 President
Former Foreign
Minister and long time political opposition leader
Last update 01.12.11