Guide to Women in Leadership
Substates of Madagascar/Madagasikare (Female
Suffrage 1946/59) A French Protectorate 1895 and a colony 1897, 1958 an
autonomous republic within the French community, 1960 Independent, 1958-75 known
as the Malasy Republic
Madagascar Heads
and Madagascar Ministers
Ambohidratrimo or Ambohidratima
17... Queen Regnant Ramananandrianjaka Rambolamasoandro
Priviously known as Princess Ravorambato or Ravormbato, she deposed her uncle King
Andrianbelanonona. Her granddaugther, Princess Rembolamasoandro was married to
the king of Madagascar.
Until 1797 Queen
Andriantompoimrinamandimby Rambolamasoandro
The kingdom was united with
Ambohimanga (Imernia), which later became the
Kingdom of Madagascar.
Until 1609 Queen Regnant Ambary
Founder of the Sakalava kingdom and succeeded by the king Kozobe or Kazobe,
who ruled until 1639.
1639 Queen Regnant Soanaomby
She was the elder daughter of the king Kozobe or Kazobe, who had succeeded the
founder of the Sakalava Kingdom, Queen Ambary in 1609. After his death she ruled
with her son, Andriamaitso (he ruled 1639-1689).
1919-35 Reigning Queen
Tsiresy II Nenimoana of Bemazava
ucceeded her
brother,Tsiaraso I, as head of the Antankaran in Andoany at Ankify, and was
followed by her nephew Rachidy Andriamamefiarivo (1935-45)
Bemihisatra (Sakalava kingdom)
1869-1881 Queen Regnant Safy Mozongo
Youngest daughter of the King Andriantsoly of Boina and the cousin of the Queen
Tsiomeko of Boina. She was succeded by her elder daughter Binao. Bemihisatra was
one of the Sakalava kingdoms.
1881-1923 Queen Regnant Binao
Succeeded her mother, Safy Mozongo of Bemihisatra (1869-79/80). In 1883, the
French began a war of punitive expedition against the Merina, the fortresses of
Anorontsanga and Ambodiladiro were bombed and destroyed, and Majunga was taken
in turn with the help of her fighters. In 1895, the French launched yet another
war of annexations and colonial conquest against Merina again with her the
assistance and the following year General Galliéni was appointed by the French
Governor of Madagascar. She was succeeded by her brother, Amada I (1923-1963).
(d. 1923).
1970 Titular Queen Fatoma Andriamanaitri-arivo
The daughter of king Andriamamatatrarivo (1923-1968), she was succeeded by Amady Andriantsoly or Amada II who was deposed by his people in 1993. Presently Soulaimana Andriantsoly is the king of sakalava kingdom.
1777-78 Queen
Daughter of
king Andriamahatindriarivo (circa 1730-60) and succeeded
by son
Queen Tombola in 1778.
1778 Queen Tombola
Succeeded Queen
Andrianaginarivo, but abdicated
Circa 1778-1808 Queen Ravahiny
She succeeded QUeen Tombola.
1808-circa 22 Queen
She was opposed by Princess Maka Andrianaresy
in 1808. Boina became tributary to Madagascar circa 1820
Maka Andrianaresy
In opposition to
Queen Tsimalomo
1828-29 and 1832-36 Regent
Queen Oantitsy
First for King Andriantsoly (1822-32)
and then for her daughter, Queen Tsiomeko
1836-40 Queen Regant Tsiomeko
In 1839 she sought refuge in Nosy, which was part the Sakalava kingdom
of Boina, during the time of
the domination of the Merina (Madagascar). Tsiomeko then requested protection from France and
the following year, the Admiral de Hell and the Sakalava Kings signed a
protectorate. The Kingdom was incorporated into Madagascar
in 1840. She lived (circa 1828-1843).
1965- Titular
Ampanjaka Soazara
of the Sakalava bemihisatra d'Analalava
Reine Soazara was Great-granddaughter of Queen Tsiomeko (1836-40) and head of the Kamany-Dynasty
that still rules the Menabe. And she governs the Boina population at the
Northern tip of the Sakalava territory. She still retains an important place in
the tradition and respect of customs and habits. And despite modernisation and
the exodus of her subjects to the centre of the country, she maintains an
important traditional authority, all the more so because the area is isolated.
Queen Regnant
Also known as Rangita, she was succeeded by her daughter, Rafohy.
1530–40 Queen Regnant Rafohy
Daughter of
Queen Rangitamanjakatrimovavy of Rangita
After 1897
Queen Bibiasa
Apparently took over the government when King
Ampanjaka Toera was
beheaded by the French.
Circa 2004- Titular Reigning Princess Georgette Kamamy of Menabe
Possibly her title is Queen. She is head of the local tribe and presides over
the traditional ceremonies.
Tamatave or Betsimisaraka at the Île de Sainte-Marie
1750-54 Queen Regnant Bety
In the end of the 17th and the beginning 18th centuries, the Island of Saint
Marie was frequented by numerous pirates, who had good relations with the local
population. Ratsimilaho was son of the English pirate, Thomas Tew White and a
daughter of a local chief, set up his own kingdom. After a rule of 30 years he
was succeeded by his daughter, Bety or Betty, who married the French pirate
Jean Onésime Filet - known as Zanahary. In 1754 her mother, Mamadion, had the
French administrator Gosse killed and the rest of the French massacred, because
he had profaned the grave of her husband. Bety was blamed, and sent in exile at
the Ile de France (Mauritius), where she died. Her husband remained in power
until 1767. She (d. 1872).