Madagascar Head

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Head of State of Madagascar/Madagasikare
(Female Suffrage 1946/59) A French Protectorate 1895 and a colony 1897, 1958 an autonomous republic within the French community, 1960 Independent, 1958-75 known as the Malasy Republic 

Also see Madagascar Substates  and Madagascar Ministers  

1828-61 Queen Ranavalona I Rabodoandrianampoinimerina (Ramavo)
Known as Ranavalo-Manyka I or Ranavalona I. She was married when she was almost a child to Radama, king of the "hovas" and was accused of poisening her husband in agreement with the protestant English missionaries who were her friends. Radama left no descendants so English missionaries made their way to help her to gain the throne. After she became Queen, Ranavalona soon had most of her family relatives assassinated, she expelled foreigners and extended her rule all over the
Island, with her 20.000 men Army. In 1829 French Government of Louis Philippe asked French to leave the Tidtinque post. France and England whose consuls' were largely berthrayed under Ranavalona I rule tried to depose her but with no success. In 1845 Captain Romain-Desfosses then again tried for revenge but all he could do was bombarding Tamatave. Ranavalona I largely took revenge on Europeans left in the Island because of these actions against her. She died hated home and outside. She had her lover Rainitaiarivoy (b.1828-d.1896) named Prime Minister. She was mother of King Radama II, and lived (1790/1800-1861).

1863-68 Rasoherina (Rabodozanakandriana)
Known as Rasoaherina or Rabuda, she was married to King Radama II (1861-63) and when he died in 1863 she became Queen of Madagascar. She married again to minister Rainitaiarivoy, who took control of politics and was named her Prime Minister. In 1865 Rasoaherina signed a Commercial Treaty with the British that ensured the
influence of English. She lived (1829-68).

1863-83 Queen Ranavalona II (Ramoma)
Under the name of Ranavalo Manyaka II or Ranavalona II, she succeeded Queen Rasoaherina, before becoming Queen she was known as Ramoma. She married to Rainitaiarivoy who she named her Prime Minister. After being crowned she allowed Christianism in her States, and a little bit later she even got baptized in 1869. She abolished slavery. Under her rule British were really influential and even more from 1870 and on. In 1883 French commodore Pierre was sent to Madagascar because of a commercial matter and took Majunga post and bombarded Tamatave.

1883-97 Queen Ranavalona III (Razafindrahety) (13.7-28.2)
1897-1917 Queen-in-Exile
Her name was Ranavalo Manyaka III or Ranavalona III and before she succeeded to the throne it was Razafindraheti. Her husband was prince Ratrima. When she became Queen in 1883 as she was widow she married to Rainitairarivoy, he got the real power in the country. In her Coronation address Ranavalona III stated that she had inherited the rule of the whole Island not of a part of in and she said that the sea was the only boundaries to her States. She died in exile in Algeria and lived (1861-1917)

1917-? Head of the Royal House Princess Ranavalona IV
May possibly have been Head of the Royal House after the death of Queen Ranavalona III. She was daughter of the Queen's older sister, Princess Rasendranoro (1853-1901) who accompanied her into exile together with her daughter Princess Razafinandriamanitra, "Enfant du Bon Dieu", also known as Crown Princess Marie Louise, who lived (1897-1948). Some sources describe her as daughter of Henri Razafinkarefo, who was probably Rasendranoro's son and married to Jennie Marie Waller, daughter of the American consul



Last update 07.05.05