Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
1920-99 |
Portfolio did long remain a male domain but during the last couple of
years more and more women has been appointed to take care of the finance
and economy, which is traditionally one of the most important ministries.
Deputy Ministers can be found in the entries about the government
members in Women
in governments by country
1929-36 People's Commissar of Finance Varvara
Nikolaevna Yakovlevaa,
Russia (USSR) |
Circa 1920-29 Deputy Peoples Commissar for Enlightenment (Education)
in USSR. In 1938 she was imprisoned in one of Stalin's purges and
was either executed or died in a Gulak Camp. She lived (1884-1944)

1930-40 People's Commissar of Fishery Economy Polina Semenovna
Zemcuzina, United Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR)
Her surname is also transcribed as Zhemchuzhina. In 1930 she was
Deputy Minister of Food Industry, Wife of Premier Minister Molotov
She lived
(1896-1967) |

1939-43 People's Commissar of State Control of the Economy Rozaliia
Samoilovna Zemliachka, United Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR) |
Also known as
Rozaliya Samoylovna Zalkind,
she was
member of the Social Democratic Party from 1898 and
member of it's Central Committee in 1903. Ative in the 1905
Moscow-revolution and in 1909 Secretary of the Party Organization in
Baku before immigrating. She returned during World War I, and during
the Civil War she was head of the political department of the 8th
and 13th armies. First Secretary of the Crimean
Party 1920-21 and one of the persons responsible for the blood bath
in the area. She held many high party posts before becoming member
of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and Vice-President
of the Council of People's Commissars and in charge of State Control
of the Economy.
She lived (1876-1947). |

1947-48 Minister without Portfolio for Household Economy
1948-49 Minister of Household Economy Karin Kock Lindberg, Sweden
She lived (1891-1976) |

1969-70 Minister of Finance Indira Gandhi, India
One of the many Portfolios’ Indira Gandhi held during her tenure as
Prime Minister 1966-77 and 1980-84 was that of Finance. She
lived (1917-84) |

1970-77 Minister of Planning, Economy and
Plan-implementation Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike, Sri Lanka
During her first two tenures as
Prime Minister 1960-66, 1970-77, she held various other
Portfolios. During the last 1994-2000 she was only chief of
government. She lived (1916-2000). |

1971-72 Second Minister of Finance (Taxation) Margit Eskman, Finland
In 1970 she was Minister in the Office of the Premier Minister
1975-79 Minister of Finance Marie-Christine Mbokou, Central African
Republic |
On October 4th-8th 1976 she led the Central African Republic
delegation to a IMF and World Bank meeting in Manila, Philippines. |

1976-77 Minister of the Treasury and National Revenue Monique Bégin,
Canada |
1975-76 Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for External
Affairs, 1977-79 and 1980-93 Minister of National Health and
Welfare. Progressive Conservative MP 1972-84. (b. 1936-) |

1976-89, 1991-96 Representative of the King in the Ministry of
Finance H.R.H. Ashi Sonam Chhoden Wangchuk, Bhutan |
Chairperson of Royal Insurance Corporation since 1975, of Druk Air
from 1980 Corporation, of National Women's Association from 1981,of
Royal Civil Service Commission and Royal Monetary Authority since
1982. 1991-94 and 1997-98 Representitive in Ministry of Agriculture. (b. 1953-). |

1976-79 Paymaster General Shirley Williams, United Kingdom |
1966-67 she was Parliamentary Secretary of Labour, 1967-68
Parliamentary Secretary of Technology, 1969-70 Minister of State of
Home Office, Shadow Home Secretary 1971-73, 1974-76 Secretary of
State of Prize and Consumer’s Affairs. 1976-79 she was also and
Secretary of State of Education. In 1976 she was candidate for the
leadership of Labour Leadership, later one of the founding members
and 1982-87 President of Social Democratic Party and afterwards a
leading member of the Liberal Democrats after the merger of SDP with
the Liberal Party, 1993 created Baroness Williams of Crosby.
(b. 1930- ). |
1978 Minister in the Ministry of Finance Marilyn Gordon, Trinidad
and Tobago |
1972-76 Parliamentary Secretary for Better Village Program, 1976-78
Parliamentary Secretary of Sports, 1978-79 Minister in the Ministry
of Industry and Trade, 1979-81 Minister of Transport, 1981 Minister
of Culture, Sport and Youth, 1981-82 Minister of Transport, 1982-85
Minister of Culture, Sport and Youth, 1985 Minister of Education,
and according to some newspaper articles, also Minister of National
Security at some point. |

1979-80 Minister of Finance Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Liberia
1972-73 and 1977-79 Secretary of State of Finance, 1980 President of
the National Bank, 1980-85 Leading Member of the Opposition, 1985-86
in Prison, 1990-94 Leading member of exile-government of Amos Sawyer
in United States of America, 1994-97 African Director of the UNDP
(United Nations Development Program). From 1997 Leader of the Unity
Party. Presidential Candidate in 1997, Candidate for the
Chairmanship of the National Transitional Government in 2003 and
finally won the presidential elections in November 2005 and took
office in January 2006. She is divorced, mother of a number of
children, and grandmother. (b. 1938-). |
1979-81 Minister in the Ministry of Finance Norma Lewis-Phillip,
Trinidad and Tobago |
1978-79 Parliamentary Secretary of Finance, 1981-82 Minister of
Local Government, 1982 Minister in the Ministry of Health and
Environment. (d. 2008). |

1979-81 Minister of Finance Gloria Amon Nikoi, Ghana
In 1969-74 she was Deputy Chief of Mission to the UN, 1979 Minister
of Foreign Affairs and 1979-81 Member of the Revolutionary Council
of The Armed Forces (Junta), from 1981 Chairperson of the Bank of
Housing and Construction. (b. 1930-). |

1979-81 Second Minister of Finance (Taxation) Pirkko Anikki
1975-76 Second Minister of Health and Social Affairs, 1977-79
Minister of Health and Social Affairs 1977-82 Minister of Nordic
Co-operation, 1981-82 Minister of Trade and Industry, From 1982-85
Deputy Speaker of the Riksdag/Edskunan, 1982-83 Chairperson of the
Foreign Affairs Committee, 1985-99 Landshövding-Maraherra (Governor)
of Ĺbo/Turku and Pori Province. (b. 1938- ). |

1980-84 Minister of Economy Colette Flesh, Luxembourg
Also Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, External Trade and the
Self Employed
and Minister of
Justice. See biography at
Vice Premiers 1920-90 (b. 1934- ). |
1980-98 Minister of Finance Yun Gi-jong, North Korea |
No other information found about her. |

1980-83 Minister of Finance Dame Margaret Guilfoyle,
Australia |
1975 Minister of Education,1975-80 Minister of Social Affairs and
from 1980 concurrently Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on
Child Care Matters (b. 1926 in Belfast, Northern Ireland)

1980-95 Minister of Finance Dame M. Eugenia Charles, Dominica |
As Prime Minister she was also Minister of External Affairs, Trade
and Industry, Defence, Minister of Information and Public Relations.
In 1992 she was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom,
the former Head of State of Dominica. Unmarried and lived

1980-84 Secretary of The Treasury Carmen Ana Culpeper, Puerto Rico
Later had posts in the financial and public sector, 2000 as head of
the Puertorican Telecommunication Company. |
1982 Minister of Economic Affairs M. Croes, Nederlandse Antillen |
1982 Minister of Health and Environment1982-84 Minister of Welfare,
Youth, Sports, Culture and Recreation |

1982-83 Minister of Economy Maria L. Ph. Liberia-Peters, Nederlandse
1984-86 and 1988-93
Premier Minister, Minister of General Affairs and the Interior,
Minister of Health and Environment. (b.1941-)

1983 Minister of Coordination Maritza Izaguirre Porras
1998-99 Minister of National Public Finance, Venezuela
Between 1982-83 Venezuelan Governor in the World Bank and later
official in the Inter-American Development Bank.
(b. 1939-) |
1983-? Minister of Economy Leticia Matay, Honduras |
1981-83 she was Subsecretary for Industry and Internal Trade in
Ministry of Economy and Trade and later she became rector of the
University of Technology. |

1984-89 Minister of Finances, Trade and Environment Jóngerđ Purkhús,
The Faero Islands
1989-91 Minister of Economy, Statistics, Transport and Justice
The territory's first female minister and later worked as Assistant Secretary of Budget in the Ministry of Economy |

Circa 1985 Minister of Finance and Credit Maria Mercedes Cuéllar de
Martinez, Colombia
1982-84 Vice-Minister of Housing and Public Works, 1984-85
Vice-Minister of Finance and Credit In 1988 she became Director of
National Planning. And in 1999 she was candidate in the primary for
the liberal party's selection of a Presidential candidate. |
1986-90 Secretary of State of Finance and Budget Clara Boscagli, San
Marino |
1974-76 Minister of State of Public Works, 1976-78 Minister of State
of the Interior, 1979-84 Secretary General of Partito Democratico
Cristiano. She lived (1930-90)

1986-87 Secretary of Economic Planning Solita Collas-Monsod,
1987-89 Cabinet Member and Director General for the National
Economic and Development Department |
1987-91 Minister of Finance Bintou Sango, Burkino Faso |
No other information found about her. |

1987-93 Secretary of Economy Anson Chan-fan On Sang, Hong Kong
(United Kingdom/China) |
1993 Secretary of The Civil Service and 1993-2001 Chief Secretary.
Premier Ministers of External Territories (b. 1940-) |

1988-90 and 1993-96 Minister of Finance and Economy Benazir
Bhutto, Pakistan |
During her tenures as
Prime Minister
she held various Portfolios. She was killed by a sucide bomb.
She lived (1953-2007) |

1988-90 Minister of Finance Shirley Kuo Wang-jung, Taiwan
1990-93 Minister of State and Chairperson of Council of Economic
1973-77 Deputy Chairperson of Economic Planning Council, 1977-79
Deputy Chairperson of the Council of Economic Planning Development,
1979-88 Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of China,
the National Bank of Taiwan 1993-98 and 1999-2000
Minister of State and 1998-99 Minister without Portfolio. Also known
as Dr. Shirley W.Y. Kuo. (b. 1930-) |

1988-89 President of The Treasury Board
Pat Carney, Canada |
Patricia Carney was Progressive
Conservative MP 1980-84, 1984 Minister of State for Finance, 1984-87 Minister of Energy, Mines and
Resources, 1986-87 Minister of International Trade, 1988 Minister of
Foreign Trade and appointed Senator in 1990. (b. 1935-). |

1989-90 Minister of Economy Kasimiera Danutė
Prunskienė, Lithuania |
1909-90 also Deputy Prime Minister, 1990-91
Prime Minister and later Minister of Agriculture. |

1989-90 Minister of Economy Prof.
Dr. Christa Luft, German Democratic Republic (DDR) |
Also Vice-Premier,
1994-2002 Deputy Parliamentary Leader of The Party of Democratic
Socialism (PDS) in the Federal Assembly (Bundestag). See also
Vice Premiers 1920-90. (b. 1937-) |
1989-90 Minister of Finance Uta Nickel, German Democratic Republic (DDR)
1988-89 she was State Secretary for Finances (b. 1941-) |

1989-90 Minister of Finance Eglée Iturbe de Blanco, Venezuela
Former Vice-Minister of Finance and International Banking official |

1989-90 Minister of State, Director General of the Economic Planning
Agency Sumiko Takahara, Japan
Ambassador to Sweden, Finland and Estonia 1995-98. She lived
(1934-2001). |

1989-96 and 2001 Minister of Administration and Budget Sandra Sumang
Pierantozzi, Palau (Balau) |
Her country's first female minister. In 2001 she became
Vice-President and was again appointed to the government. More
details at
Vice-Presidents. Secretary of State 2009-10. |

1990-93 Secretary of State of Finance Licelott Catalina Marte Hoffiz
de Barrios, Dominican Republic |
Licelott Marte de Barrios was Minister Councillor 1966-68 and
1968-71 Ambassador and Alternative Delegate of the Permanent Mission
to the United Nations and Delegate to the General Assembly and other
committees until 1978, also Plenipotentiary Delegate to the General
Assembly to the Organisation of American State, 1973-78 Subsecretary
of State for External Relations, 1975 Acting Foreign Secretary and
from 1978 Ambassador-at-Large, Leader of the Association of
1993-96 Secretary of State in the Office of the President and
President of the National Petroleum Company and from 2002 Secretary of Electoral Affairs of the Partido Reformista Social Cristiano (PRSC) and MP. |

1990-93 Minister of Finance Ruth Richardson, New Zealand |
Had been a National Party MP for a number of years. Resigned and withdrew totally from politics. |

1990-91 Minister of Finance and Economy Zélia Maria Cardoso de
Mello, Brazil |
Secretary of Financial Control in the Secretariat of the National Treasury 1986-87.
(b. 1953-) |

1990-97 Minister Economic Planning Danielle Marie-Madeleine Jorre
de St. Jorre, Seychelles |
Also Minister of Foreign Affairs and 1993-97 of Environment, 1984-90
she was Undersecretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Planning. She lived (1943-97)
1990-94 Minister of Finance Klavdiya Melnik,
Another spelling of her name is Claudia Melinc, and she later became
Director of a private bank in Moldova.

1990-93 Minister without Portfolio for the Bank System Botos Katalin,
1990 she was State Secretary of Finance |

1990-96 Minister of Finance Amina Salum Ali, Zanzibar (Tanzania)
1996-2005 Minister of the Treasury
1985-88 Deputy Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning
and 1988-90 Minister of State of Foreign Affairs for International
Cooperation. In 2000 she was a candidate for the nomination for
Presidential candidate of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party. From
2005 State Minister in the Chief Minister's Office. (b. 1956-) |

1991-94 Minister of Finance Anne Wibble, Sweden |
Her father Bertil Ohlin was leader of Folkepartiet Liberalerne
1944-67 and she was leadership candidate 1995, but lost with one
vote to Maria Leissner. When Leissner resigned in 1997 Wibble was
elected Group Leader. Later same year she resigned to become
Economic Director in the Association of Swedish Industries until her
death after a short illness. She lived (1944-2000)

1991-92 Minister of Finance Elvyra Kunevičienė, Lithuania
In 1991 Economic Advisor of the Premier Minister. (b. 1939-) |

1991-95, 1998-2001 and 2001-02 Minister of Economy and Planning
Amalie Ward, Liberia |
Minister of Commerce and Industry 1999-2001 Sometime Chair of the
Planning and Development Committee in the Episcopal Church of
Liberia. Widow and mother of 4 children.
Vice-presidential Candidate for the 2005-elections. |

1991-93 Minister of State, Chief Economic Coordinator Tansu Çiller,
Turkey |
1993-96 she was
Prime Minister and
1996-97 Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs. (b. 1946-) |
1991 Minister of Finance Marie-Michele Rey, Haiti |
1991-93 Minister in government-in-exile of Finance,
1993-95 Minister of Finance and Economy. President Jean
Bertrand Aristide was ousted by a Military Coup d’Etat in 1991 and
lead a government-in-exile till he was reinstalled in 1993 and
Foreign Minister 2009-11. |

1991 Minister of Finance Irma Raquel Zelaya Rosales, Guatemala |
Later in the 1990s she was member of the Peace Commission, Secretary
for Peace and Peace Negotiator brokering the end of the civil war |

1991-92 Minister of Budget and Science Wivina Demeester-De Meyer,
Belgium |
1985-88 Federal Secretary of State for Health and Handicapped,
1988-91 Federal Secretary of State of Finance. Flemish Deputy
Premier 1992-95, Minister of Finance, Budget, Science, Public Health
and Equality 1992-99. (b. 1943-)

1992-93 Minister of Budget and Science Mieke Officiers-Van De Wiele,
Later delegate administrator of employers' organization Vlaams
Economisch Verbond (Flemish Confederation of Industry, VEV) |

1992-94 Minister of Economy and Planning Delia Cardenas-Christie,
1991-92 Vice-Minister of Finance and Taxes, Since circa 1998 Leader of
Movimento Liberal Republicano Nacionalista. 2000 Superintendent of
Banks. |

1993-2001 Minister of Economic Affairs
Marianne Bruus Jelved, Denmark |
1982-85 Deputy Mayor of Gundsř, since 1987 MF, 1987-93 Chairperson
of the Parliamentary Group, Leader of Det
Radikale Venstre 1990-2011 and also Deputy Premier 1993-2001. See
Vice Premiers 1990-99. (b. 1943-) |

1993-95 Chairperson of the Council of Economic Advisors
1995-97 Assistant to the President for National Economic Policy
Laura d'Andrea Tyson, United States of America |
Professor in Economics and Dean of the Department of Economics at.. |
1993-94 Minister of State, Director General of Economic Planning
Agency Kubota Manae, Japan
Head of the Prime Minister's Office from 1975, and later member of
the House of Councillors, and continues to work with equality
questions. |
1993-95 Minister of Economy and Finance Onur Boman, The Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus
From 1978-93 Under-Secretary in the Ministries of Economy and
Finance and of the Prime Minister, Advisor and Under-Secretary
of the Presidency, MP 1993-99 and 1998-99 Minister of
Labour and Rehabilitation (1941- ) |

1993-94 Minister of Finance A. A. Tromp-Yarzagaray, Aruba (The Netherlands) |
Ella Tromp was Minister-Plenipotentiary in The Netherlands 1989-93
and again from 2001 and was member of the cabinet and acted as
liaison to the Dutch government and parliament until 2005. As Finance Minister
she was also responsible for Public Works and Public Health. Deputy
Minister from 2008. |

1994-2001 Minister of Finance and Planning Chandrika Bandaranaike
Kumaratunga, Sri Lanka
When she became Prime Minister in 1994, she took the portfolio of
Finance, which she retained after she was elected President a few
months later. She resigned all her cabinet posts after her party
lost the parliamentary elections in 2001. See biography at
Presidents (b. 1945-) |

1994 Minister of Economic Reform
1998-2002 Minister of Finance Brigita Schmögnerová, Slovakia
Also Vice-Premier in 1994.
1998 she was candidate in one of the many unsuccessful attempts
by the Parliament to elect a President. See
Vice Premiers 1990-99. |

1994-95 Minister of Economy and Finance Hristina
Vucheva, Bulgaria |
An official in the Ministry of Finance since 1962, she was member of
an interim government consisting of experts. Also Vice-Premier
1994-95. Later professor of
1937-) |
1994-96 Minister of Finance Ana Ordóńez de Molina, Guatemala |
Minister of
Education 2008-09. |

1994-2000 Minister of Finance Susagna Arasanz Serra, Andorra
Secretary General of the Conseil Generall 1991-94. |
1994-95 Minister for Finance Alina Mangodjo,
Chad |
Also Minister of
Computer-Industry. |

1994-96 Director of Budget and Management and Member of the Cabinet
Alice Mitchell Rivlin, United States of America |
1963-69 she was Assistant Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare, 1975-83 Director of Congressional Budget Office and 1993-94
Deputy Director of Budget of The White House. 1996-99 she
was Vice-Chairperson of the Federal Revenue Board (National Bank).
(b. 1931-)
1994-96 Secretary of State and Director of Customs Anisia Risi de
Mercedes, Dominican Republic |
She was convicted of fraud and
corruption in a major court case. |

1994-96 Cabinet Member and President of the National Monetary Board
1995-96 Minister of Economy
1999 Minister of Finance Ana Luisa Armjios, Ecuador
In 1991-93 President of Banco Central del Ecuador, The Minister of
Interior ranks below the President. 1998-99 Minister of Interior and
Minister of Police and Municipalities (10.8-feb.) (b. 1949-) |
1995 Minister of Finance Indra Sāmīte, Lativa |
Indra Samite had been Vice-Minster of Finance 1994-95. |

1995 Minister of Economy and Ownership Transformation
2002-03 Minister of Economy Liina Tönisson, Estonia |
Vice-Chairperson of the Parliamentary group of the Centre Party (Eesti
Keskerakonna) 1999-2002 and in 2002 she was also appointed Minister
of Transport and Communication. |

1995-97 Second Minister of Finance (Taxes) and Minister
in the Office of the Primer Minister and in the Ministry of Health
and Social Affairs Arja Inkeri Alho, Finland |
Mayor of Helsingfors/Helsingki 1989-95. (b. 1954-)
1996 Minister of Finance
Ruby Dediya Thoma,
Nauru |
Member of the legislature 1986-92 and
1995-97 and possibly Speaker of the Legislature sometime between 1987 and 1992.
Appointed Acting President for a period of absence of the incumbent on 28.
november 1996. (b.

1996-97 Minister of Economy and International Co-operation Dr. Nawal
‘Abd al-Moneim al-Tatawi, Egypt
The first female bank director in the Arab world |

1997-2002 and 2009-10 Minister of Finance Gabriela Núńez de Reyes, Honduras |
1995-96 Vice-Minister of Finance and later she worked in the
Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank and 2006-09
President of the Central Bank. |
1997 Minister of Economy Ndombe Sita, Zaďre |
Ndombé Sita Hélčne
was also Minister of Industry and Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises
and MP again from 2011.
The country was later renamed The Democratic Republic of Congo. |

1997-98 Chairperson of the State Committee
for Budget Yulia Voldyrovna
Tymoshenkno, Ukraine |
1998-2000 Director of United Energy System,
one of the country’s few private companies and 2000-01
Vice-Premier Minister in charge of Energy Issues. Former
Co-Leader of the Hromda party and presently leader of Batkivsjtjina
(Fatherland's Party) and Prime Minister on various occations. (b. 1961-) |

1998-2002 Minister of Economic Affairs A. Jorritsma-Lebbink, The
Netherlands |
Also Vice-Minister-President and a Leading member of VVD. See
Vice Premiers 1990-99.(b.
1953-) |

1998-99 Minister of Finance Edith Zewelani Nawakwi, Zambia
1992-93 Minister of State and 1993-97 Minister of Energy and Water
Development, 1997-98 Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
and 1999-2001 Minister of Labour and Social Security. 2001 Secretary
General and later same year Vice-President of the Forum for
Democracy and Development, FDD, 2005 Party Leader
and in 2006 her party chose heir as it's Presidential Candidate but
she became Vice-Presidential Candidate of the united opposition
instead for the October elections. In 2000 she had her
first child, a daughter, without being married. Presidential
Candidate in 2012. (b. 1958-) |

1998 and 2001-05 Secretary of Budget and Management Emilia T.
Boncodin, Philippines |
Worked in the Department of Budget and Management, 1989-91 as
Assistant Secretary and 1991-98 as Undersecretary. 1998-2001 she was
an university lecturer and private consultant. She resigned from the
cabinet after a scandal involving President Gloria Arroyo and her
husband. |
1998-2002 Minister of Economic Co-operation
2002 Minister of Economy Ermelinda Meksi, Albania |
Pofessor of Economics 1981-87, Member of the Chairmanship of the Socialist Party and MP since 1991, and Minister of State of Development and Economic Co-operation 1997-98´and
also Minister of Trade 1998-2002, Deputy Prime Minister in 2003 and 2003-05 Minister of Integration. (b. 1957-)

1998-2002 Minister of Administration and Privatization Ing. Maria
Machová, Slovakia
Economist and University Lecturer. |

1998-2001 Minister of Economic Planning Noellie Alexander,
Seychelles |
Also Minister of Environment and Information until 2001. She has
been Minister of Administration and Manpower since 1998. Ambassador
from 2006. |

1998-2000 Minister of Economic- and Property Transformation
Jorgovanka Tabaković, Serbia
leading member of the Serb Nationalist extremist party (b. 1960-)

1998-2001 Secretary of The Treasury Xenia Vélez Silva, Puerto Rico
In the private sector and member of the board of a number of public
companies. |

1998-2001 Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Lili G. Beke
Martínez, Aruba (Dutch External Territory) |
Minister of Social Affairs, Culture and Sport from 1994, Minister of Public Health 1994-98 and also Deputy Prime Minister 1998-2001. |
1998-2000 Member of the Executive Committee of the National Council
of Timorese Resistance and Director of the Department of Finance
and Resources Dr. Pascoela Barreto, East Timor |
Member of the East Timorese exile-government during the Indonesian occupation. The country became independent in 2002. |
1999-2001 Minister of Economics Maria das Neves Ceita Batista de
Sousa, Săo Tomé e Príncipe
2001-2002 Minister of Finance |
Worked as a civil servant in the Ministry of Finance and in the African Development Bank. 2002 Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Premier Minister 2002-03 and 2002-03. |

1999-2002 Minister of Development and Economic Planning Dr. Kadie
Sesay, Sierra Leone |
Former APC Minister and Leader of the People's Democratic
Party. From 2002 Minister of Industry and Trade. |

1999-2000 and 2000-04 Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Tea Petrin,
Councillor of the Government 1992-93. (b. 1944-) |

1999- Minister of Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Martha
Lomas Morales, Cuba |
(b. 1948-). |

1999-2000 Federal Minister for Relations with International
Financial Institutions Borka Vučić,
Till her appointment she was Head of Beogradska Banka and bankier of
President Slobodan Milosevic. President-by-age from 2007 and Temporary Speaker of the Serbian Assembly February-May 2007.
(born circa 1927-). |

1999 Minister of Economics and Ingrid Űdre, Latvia
2004 Designate Commissioner of Taxation and Customs, European Union |
From 1998 Co-Chairperson and 1998-99 Vice-Chairperson of the Saeima
Fracion of the New Party, before becoming leader of Leader Union of
Greens and Farmers, and it's Deputy Parliamentary Group
Chairperson 2002-04. Her nomination was withdrawn after severe
critics against her. (b. 1958-) |

President of the Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for
Infrastructure Lucienne Robillard, Canada |
1989 Minister of Culture, 1989-94 Minister of Education and Science,
1994-95 Minister of Heath of Quebec.
Liberal MP from 1993. 1995-96 Minister of Labour and Minister
responsible for the federal campaign in the Quebec Referendum,
1996-99 Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, 1996 Acting
Minister of Communication, Multiculturalism and Immigration
(May-June). From 2003
Minister of Industry and Minister responsible for the Economic
Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
(b. 1945-)

1999-12 Minister of Planning Ana Dias Lourençco, Angola |
1997-99 Vice-Minister of Planning and 2006-12 Chairperson of the
Council of Ministers of the The Southern African Development
Community (SADC)

1999-2003 Second Minister of Finance (Taxes) Suvi-Anne Siimes, Finland |
1998-99 Second Minister of Education and Culture and also Minister
responsible for Housing 1999-2003. Vice-Chairperson
1995-98 and Chairperson of The Left-Wing Alliance 1998-2002. (b.
1963-). |

1999-2007 Paymaster General Dawn Primarolo, United Kingdom
Both as Financial Secretary to the Treasury 1997-99 and Paymaster General she
was in charge of Inland Revenue, Customs and Excise, duties and taxes, for HM Treasury and for the expenditures of the Government.
Appointed Minister of State of Health
in 2007.
Labour MP in 1987.
(b. 1954-) |

1999-2002 Secretary for the Treasury Denise Yue Chung-ye, Hong Kong
(China) |
Secretary of Trade and Industry 1994-99.
(b. 1944-) |

1999-2001 Minister of Economic Affairs and Relations with the
Economic and Social Council Annie Beustes, Nouvelle Caledonie
(French External Territory)
Minister of Economy, Labour, Civil Service, External Commerce,
Costums, Monetary Questions and Credit |
2001-02 1. Vice-President and 2002-04 7. Vice-President of the
Bureau du Congčs Vice-President of the Government in 2007. (b.
1945-). |

1999-2007 Treasurer Bernice A. Turnbull, United States Virgin Islands
(US External Territory) |
The office of Treasurer is elective in the Virgin Islands. |
1999 Treasurer Dolores R. Guerrero, Guam (US External Territory) |
No other information found about her. |

1999-2001 and 2003-? Treasurer Y’Asela Pereira, Guam (US External
Territory) |
She lived

1999-2001 Director of Economic Affairs Isabel D.S.A. Lujan, Guam
(US External Territory) |
From 2001 Director of Commerce |

1999-2004 Commissioner of Budget and Financial Control Michaele
Schreyer, the European Union |
1989-90 Minister for Urban Development and Environmental Protection
in the State Government (Senate) of Berlin, 1991-95 Member of the
Presidency of the Berlin Parliament, 1998-99 Chairperson
of the Green
Caucus in the Berlin Parliament.
1951-). |
Last update