2010-2016 |
This is a list of the women who stood as candidates for the post of
Those who won can be seen
at Female Presidents
Also candidates in upcoming elections are listed
and 2014
Yuliya Tymoshenko, Ukraine
Her name is also transcribed as Yulia Voldyrovna
Timoshenkno. She is former Co-Leader of the Hromda
party, Director of United Energy System 1998-2000,
Leader of Batkivsjtjina (Fatherland's Party) 2000/01-05
and of the Bloc Tymoshenko from 2005,
Prime Minister in 2005 and since 2007.
Finished second in the first round in January and
narrowly lost the second round in February.
In prison
2010-14 and candidate for a second time. (b. 1961-). |
2010 Inna
Bohoslovska, Ukraine |
Leader of the Viche Ukrainy in 2003-07. MP
since 2007 as member of Party of Regions. (b. 1960-). |
2010 Nataliya Mykhaylievna Vitrenko, Ukraine |
Leader of the Communists. Also a candidate in 1999. |
2010 Liudmyla Pavlivna Suprun,
Ukraine |
MP of the People's Democratic Party 1998-2006. Leader of the
People's Democratic Party since 2007. (b. 1965). The candidatures of
Olena Bessarab and Viktoriya Polischuk were rejected |
2010 Mayra González León, Costa Rica |
Candidate of the Renovación Costarricense.
Laura Chinchilla Miranda
won the elections. |
2010 Jacqueline Lohoučs-Oblé, Côte
d'Ivoire |
Minister of Justice and Keaper of the Seals 1990-94.
Member of the General
Committee of the Rassemblement des républicains, RDR. According to
rumours she was the preferred candidate in 2005 for the post of Prime
Minister of
Simone Ehivet, the
Parliamentary Leader of the Front Populaire Ivoirien and wife of
President Laurent Gbagbo.
2010 Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, Togo |
Minister of Welfare, Human Rights and National Solidarity in
1991-92. (b. 1958-). |
Fatima Abd
el-Mahoud, Sudan |
1972 Deputy Minister of Social
Welfare, Youth and Sport,
1974-75 Minister of State of Social
Welfare,1974-79 Minister of Social Welfare, MP 1973-2005 and Deputy
Parliamentary Speaker 1983-85, President of the Socialist Union Party
from 2007, apparently also Governor of the State of al-Gezira sometime
after 2000. |
Barbara Rosenkranz, Austria |
Member of
the local Assembly and former MP, she has been
of the rightwing FPÖ in Niederösterreich
since 2003, Federal Vice-Chairperson from 2005,
Councillor of Animal Protection and Housing in
Niederösterreich from 2008 and mother of 10. (b.
1958-). |
2010 Alice Nzomukunda,
As Deputy Chief of
State and Government, she was responsible for Economic and Social Issues.
Secretary General of the Transitional National Assembly 2004-05 and
Spokesperson of RAFEBU (Ralliement des associations des Femmes
Burundaises) and the League of the Women of CNDD-FDD,
2. State Vice-President
and 1. Vice-President of
the National Assembly 2007-08, Leader of the Democratic Alliance for
Renewal (ADR) from 2009 and Presidential Candidate in 2010, but withdrew
together with all the opposition candidates before the elections. (b.
1966-). |
Pascaline Kampayano, Burundi |
Former MP. The opposition claimed those elections were rigged and
pulled out of the presidential ballot, so only te incumbent President
was a candidate. |
2010 Zaharia Said Ahmed,
The Comoros
Islands |
Physical education teacher. She received less than 1% of the vote.
Luc Jochimsen, Germany |
Lukrezia Luise Jochimsen is a former journalist
she has been MP for Die Linke since 2002. (b. 1936-) |
2010 Kaba Hadja Saran Daraba, Guinea |
1996-99 and 2000-01 Minister of Social Affairs and Promotion of Women
and the Child. 2006 Minister of Commerce, Industry and Small and
Medium Sized Entreprises. |
Krisztina Morvai, Hungary |
Member of the European Parliament for the right
wing Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom (Movement for a Better Hungary)
from 2009. (b. 1963-). |
Dr. Alvera Mukabaramba,
Rwanda |
A candidate in 2003 but withdrew
before the elections. Later elected to the Senate.
Against expectations the opposition leader,
Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza -
President of the Republican Rally for Democracy in
Rwanda (RDR) since 2000 and Leader of the United
Democratic Front-INKINGI (coalition of the RDR,
l’Alliance Démocratique Rwandaise and Forces de
Résistance pour la Démocratie) since 2006 - did not
run for president. |
and 2014 Marina Silva, Brazil |
Osmarina Marina da Silva Vaz de Lima was Senator
from 1994 and Minister of Environment 2003-08.
Finished third with 19% in the first round.
Following the refusal of the Electoral Court
in October 2013 to register her political movement,
Rede Sustentabilidade (The Sustainability Network),
she became running-mate of the
Socialist presidential canidate, but when he was killed in a plane
crash, she became the party's candidate herself,
and at one stage she was the favourite to win, but
finished third with 21 % of the votes.
Josette Bijou, Haďti |
2004-06 Minister of Public Health and
Population. A third woman, Claire Lydie Parent, Mayor of Petion Ville
was not approved as candidate |
2011 Mariama Bayard-Gamatié, Niger |
Also known as Bayard Mariama Gamatié, she was
Minister of Communication and Culture and Government Spokesperson
in 1997-98. |
2011 Beti Olive Kamya
Namisango, Uganda |
Candidate of the
Uganda Federal Alliance Party |
2011 Suzana Novoberdaliu, Kosovo |
Atifete Jahjaga was elected president by the parliament |
Mercedes Aráoz Fernández, Perú |
2006-09 Minister of
External Trade and Tourism and 2009 Minister of Production and
2009-10 Minister of Finance |
2011 Juliana Reymer, Peru |
Candidate for Partido Fuerza
Nacional |
Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat, Haiti |
Leader of
Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes, RDNP
2007. She came in first in the first round, but lost the second round
with about 31 % of the vote. Her party, on the other hand, lost it’s
only seat in the Parliament.
(b. 1940-). |
2011 and 2016 Keiko Fujimori Higuchi, Peru |
Congress Member from 2006 she
founded the party Fuerza 2011 in 2010. She is
daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori and
former Congress Member Susana Higuchi. Mother of 2.
She came in second in the first round and lost the
second round on 5 June 2011.
(b. 1975-) |
and 2016
Maria das Neves Ceita Batista de Sousa, Republic of Săo Tomé e
Príncipe |
Maria das Neves worked as a civil servant in the Ministry of Finance
and in the African Development Bank. 1999-2001 Minister of
Economics, Agriculture, Fisheries, Commerce and Tourism, 2001-02
Minister of Finance and 2002 Minister of Industry, Commerce and
Tourism. Prime Minister 2002-03 and 2003-04. (b. 1958-). |
Elsa Maria Neto D’Alva Texeira de Barros Pinto,
Săo Tomé e Príncipe |
Elsa Texeira Pinto was Secretary of State of Reform of the State
and Public Administration 2002-03 and 2003-04, Minister of Justice
2005-05 and again in 2010 and
Minister of Defence 2008-10 |

Adela Camacho de Torrebiarte, Guatemala |
Civil servant, President of the National Football
Association amd FIA Delegate 2001-03,
Minister of Interior 2007-08
de Arzú, Guatemala |
Candidate for partido Unionista (b. 1953-) |
and 2016
Edith Nawakwi, Zambia
1992-93 Minister of State and 1993-97 Minister of Energy and Water
Development, 1997-98 Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries,
1998-99 Minister of Finance and
1999-2001 Minister of Labour and Social
Security. 2001 Secretary General and later same year Vice-President
of the Forum for Democracy and Development, FDD, 2005 Party Leader
and in 2006 her party chose heir as it's Presidential Candidate but
she became Vice-Presidential Candidate of the united opposition
instead for the October elections.
In 2000 she had her first child, a daughter, without being married.
(b. 1958-) |
Meglena Kuneva,
Bulgaria |
2001-02 Deputy Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Chief EU-Negotiator, 2002-06 Minister of European
Affairs, 2007-10 European Commissioner for Consumer Protection and
Party Leader from 2011. (b.
2011 Alcira Argumedo, Argentina |
A scholar, she was Secretary of
Culture in the Buenos Aires Province 1973-74 and
Leftwing MP from 2009. Cristina Fernández was
reelected. |
Edith Kabbang Walla, Cameroon |
known as Kah Walla, she resigned as a local councillor when she
announced her
candidature. |
2011 Mary Davis,
Ireland |
Managing Director of Special Olympics
Europe/Eurasia and Member of the Council of State from 2004. |
Alla Dzhioyeva, South
Ossetia (Breakaway Republic in Georgia) |
2002-08 Minister of
Education. An opposition presidential candidate, she won
the second round, according to
the Election Commission by a clear margin, but the Supreme Court of
the breakaway republic annulled the result. |
2011/2012 Michele Bachmann, USA |
Member of Congress and candidate in the Republican Party primaries, but
withdrew after the first primary in January 2012.(b. 1956-) |

and 2016
Dr. Tsai Ying-wen, Taiwan |
1999-2000 Senior Advisor of the National
Security Council.
Chairperson of Mainland Affairs Council
and 2004-06
Member of the Legislative Yuan,
Vice Premier and Minister of Consumer
Protection 2007-07 and
of the
Democratic Progressive Party 2008-12
and from 2014.
In 2016 she was eleced President.
(b. 1956-).
2012 Sari Essayah, Finland |
Deputy Group Chairperson of the Christian Democrats
Group Chairperson 2004-07 and Party Secretary from 2007.Daughter
of a Moroccan father and Finish mother and mother of two children. (b.
1967-). |
2012 Eva Biaudet,
Finland |
1993-95 and Parliamentary Leader of the Swedish People's Partyt 1995-99
and 1999-2000
and 2002-03 Second Minister of Social Affairs and Health in charge of
Care and Welfare (Basic Services) from 2010 Ombudsman for Minorities.
(b. 1961-).
2012 Amsatou Sow
Senegal |
Professor of Law, lawyer, Human rights activst. |
2012 Beate Klarsfeld, Germany
Together with her husband Serge
Klarsfeld she is known nown for engaging in Holocaust documentation
and anti-Nazi activism. Nominated by the Left Party, Die Linke as
(b. 1939-).
The presidential election in 2017 was the first time in decades with
no female candidates.
Premier Angela Merkel planned to nominate the Green Politician
Marianne Birthler with the support of her own conservative party,
but she said no to becoming candidate. Instead a man was elected. |
2012 and 2017
Le Pen,
France |
Party Vice-President 2003-07 and
National President from 2011, when she was elected leader in succession
to her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen.
(b. 1969-). |
2012 Eva Joly,
France |
Magistrate at the the High Court of Paris as an investigating judge from
1990 specialising in corruption and former advisor of the Norwegian and
Icelandic Governments, Member of the European Parliament for the Green
Party since 2009 and chairperson of the Development Committee. Born as
Gro Eva Farseth in Norway (1943-). |
2012 and 2017 Nathalie
Arthaud, France |
National Spokesperson of Workers' Struggle, Lutte ouvričre since 2008.
(b. 1970-)
Former Minister,
Christine Boutin,
writer of cameroon origin,
Calixthe Beyala,
the trans
activist Brigitte Goldberg and royalist Sandrine Pico-Déprez
also announced their candidacies in 2012, but did not
run in the end.. |
Bothaina Kamel,
Egypt |
Television anchor, activist, and politician,
she withdrew before the official nomination process.
Anas Al Wugud Aliwa was also mentioned as a possible
(b. 1962-) |
2012 Ţóra
Arnórsdóttir, Iceland |
Thora Arnosdottir
is journalist and a popular television presenter. Finished second in
the elections with 33%. (b. 1975-) |
2012 Herdís
Ţorgeirsdóttir, Iceland |
Herdis Thorgeirsdottier is
a Law Professor (b. 1954-) |
Andrea J. Ólafsdóttir, Iceland |
chairwoman of HH, an
association protecting the interests of homeowners. (b. 1973-) |
Josefina Vázquez Mota, Mexico |
2000-06 Secretary of Humanitarian Affairs, 2006-09
Secretary of Public Education,
Former MP and again from 2009, Coordinador
Parlamentario del Partido Acción Nacional en la
Cámara de Diputados de México, which has been the
governing party since 2000. She finished third. (b.
2012 and 2013 María Bolívar, Venezuela |
Secretary General of Partido Democrático Unidos por la Paz. Later
in 2012 she was Candidate for Governor of Zulia, |
2012 and 2013 Reina Sequera, Venezuela |
Candidate for Poder Laboral |
Luisete de Jesus Macedo de Sousa Araújo, Angola |
Registered her candidacy in 2007
for the elections that was postponed until September
2012. The constitution in the meantime was changed
so that the leader of the main party in the
parliament automatically becomes state president. |
2012 and 2016 Jill Stein, United States of America |
She won the
nomination as the Green Party presidential candidate against among
others the actor Roseanne Barr. Candidate for Governor of
Massachusetts in the 2002 and 2010 and for Secretary of the
Commonwealth in 2006.
In 2012, her running mate
was Cheri Honkala.
(b. 1950-). |
2012 and 2016 Roseanne Barr, United States of America |
Actor and commedian she
lost the nomination for candidate of the Green Party and is instead
candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party with activist Cindy
Sheehan as her running mate. |
2012 Park Geun-hye, South Korea |
MP 1998-2012, Chairperson
of the Grand National Party 2004-06, Candidate in the party
primaries for presidential candidate in 2008, Leader of Saenuri
(Renamed GNP) 2011-12. She won the lections and will take office
in February 2013. (b. 1952-) |
2012 Lee Jung-hee, South Korea |
Circa 2008-11
Leader of the Democratic Labour
and 2011-12
Leader of the Unified Progressive Party
former member of the National Assembly. The 3rd female
candidate, Sim Sang-jeong , withdrew before the elections. |
Jana Bobošíková, The
Czech Republic |
Member of the European
Parliament 2004-09 and TV-journalist. (b.1964-) |
Táňa Fischerová,
The Czech Republic |
Former Green MP. (b.
1947-) |
2013 Zuzana Roithová, The Czech Republic |
Minister of Health in
1998, Deputy Chairperson of the Christian-Democrat KDU-ČSL 2001-03,
Senator and Member of the European Parliament from 2004. (b. 1954-) |
2013 Martha
Kenya |
2003-05 Minister of Water Resources, 2005-09 Minister of Justice and
Constitutional Affairs, 2006-08 Deputy Leader of Government Business in
Parliament and 2008-09 Minister of Justice, National Cohesion and
Constitutional Affairs and National chairperson of the NARC-Kenya
political party from 2008. (b . 1957-). |
2013 Praxoula
Antoniadou, Cyprus |
President of the United
Democrats from 2008, Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism
2011-12. She has currently resumed office as managing director of
ChangeWays Consultancy Ltd, |
2013 Makaria-Andri
Stylianou, Cyprus |
Independent candidate |
2013 Anna Finocchiaro,
Italy |
She got
27 votes in the first
and 5 in the second round
of voting in the Parliament, Emma Bonino was a candidate as well in
2013 15 years after her first nomination in 1999.
Deputy Parliamentary Leader of Partito dei Sinistra, PdS, Party of
the Left (Ex-communists)
Minister without Portfolio of
Equality 1996-98,
President of the Senate Group of Partito Democratico-L'Ulivo 2006-13 and
Candidate for the post of President of the Region of Sicilia in 2008.
(b. 1955-) |
2013 Annamaria Cancellieri,
Italy |
She got
2 votes in the first round, 9 in the third
and 78 in the fourth - still inconclusive - round of voting.
Since 1994 she
held office
as Prefect of Vicenza, Bergamo, Brescia, Catania and Genova, and appointed
Commissioner of Bologna 2010-11 and Commissioner of Parma in 2011 after both
mayors resigned after charges of corruption.
Minister of Interior 2011-13 and of Justice from 2013. (b. 1944-) |
2013 Alessandra Mussolini,
Italy |
She got
10 votes in the second round
and 5 in the third.
National Secretary of
Libertŕ di Azione
sociale -
Lista Mussolini
2003-09 ,
merged with the
National Alliance and she continued as MP. (b. 1962-) |
2013 Rosy Bindi,
Italy |
She got 6 votes in the
second round of voting. Formerly among the leaders of
Christian Democrats, 1993 Co-promoter and Leader of Partito Populare Italiano
and 2007 she came in second in the leadership elections for the new centre-left
Democratic Party,
Minister of
Health 1996-2000,
Minister without Portfolio for
Family Affairs
Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies 2008-13
President of Partito Democratico
Rosy is short for Roserio.
(b. 1951- ) |
Paola Severino,
Italy |
got 5 votes in the second round of voting by the parliament.
Vice-President of the Military of Magistrature 1997-2002 and later
Vice-Rector of the Libera Universitŕ Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in
Rome and
Minister of Justice from
2011. (b. 1948-) |
2013 Ilaria
Borletti Buitoni, Italy |
She got 2 votes in the
thrid round of voting. Business woman, Member of the Grand Council
of the National Bank of Italy 2012-13 and MP from 2013. (b. 1955-) |
Lilian Soto,
Paraguay |
Candidate for the
of the feminist left Kuńa Pyrenda,
with Maguiorina Balbuena as her running mate. |
Natsag Udval,
Mongolia |
2000-04 and Minister
of Heath since 2012. Also General Secretary of MPRP.
Finished last of the three candidates with about 8 % of the votes. |
2013 Aďchata Cissé
Haďdara, Mali |
she was
the candidate for
the Alliance Chato 2013.
Sidibé Aminata Diallo was the second female candidate. She was also
presidential candidate in 2007 and 2011. |
Alix Boyd-Knights,
Dominica |
The government nominated
her, the Speaker of the House of Representatives since 2000 as
president, but she withdrew after protests from the opposition. |
2003 Jennifer
Wallace Lafond,
Dominica |
The government's second
nominee for president, she was accepted by the opposition but
withdrew because of dual citizenship |
2003 Dorothy
Leevy, Dominica |
former principal of the Convent High School,
she is one of the most respected personalities in Dominica, and she
was nominated by the opposition after the two other candidates
withdrew, but the government elected a man as president in a vote in
parliament boycutted by the opposition. |
Nino Burjanadze,
Acting President 2003-04 and 2007-08,
President of
Burjanadze-Democrats 2003-08 and of
Democratic Movement - United Georgia since 2008 and
Presidential Candidate in 2013. (b.
1964-). |
Lalao Harivelo Ravalomanana Rakotonirainy,
Madagascar |
Her husband, Marc
Ravalomananawas ousted as president in a military coup in 2009. The
election commission barred her and two other top contenders from
running. |
Saraha Georget Rabeharisoa, Madagascar |
President of Parti Vert Hasin’i Madagasikara from 2009 and
Vice-President of the African Green Parties from 2010, the same year
she became Senator. (b. 1970-) |
2013 Brigitte
Ihantanirina Rabemanantsoa Rasamoelina, Madagascar |
Candidate for the
Ampela Manao Politika Party. Member of the Trasitional Council. |
2013 Malala
Savaron, Madagascar |
Candidate for the post of
Mayor of the capital Antananarivo. |
2013 Dr. Roseline
Emma Rasolovoahangy, Madagascar |
She advocates protecting Madagascar's forests and wildlife
against deforestation |
2013 Ndakana
Joelah Antony, Madagascar |
Evangelical preacher. |
2013 Sabine
Harivola Ramamonjy, Madagascar |
Independent candidate. |
2013 Roxana Miranda, Chile |
The leader of ANDHA Chile
(a group representing mortgage borrowers) was proclaimed on 21
January 2013 as the Equality Party's candidate |
2013 Xiomara
Castro de Zelaya, Honduras |
Candidate for the Libre Party. Her husband
Manuel Zelaya, was ousted as president in a coup d'etat in 2009.
She finished second with around 29 % of the vote. The winner got 35
(b. 1959-) |
Evelyn Matthei Fornet, Chile |
MP 1990-98, Senator 1998-2011 and Minister of Labour 2011-13, she was
picked as candidate by her party's political commission on 20 July
2013, replacing Pablo Longueira who had quit the race three days
earlier. She was formally proclaimed as
candidate by both UDI and National Renewal on 10 August 2013.
She finished second in the first round and lost the second round
against Michelle Bachelet.
(b. 1953-) |
and 2015 Regina
Konzi-Mongo, Central
African Republic |
Catherine Samba-Panza
was elected Interim President in 2014. |
Helena Mezenská, Slovakia |
MP for the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities.
Lubica Blaskova was a candidate until she withdrew from the race. |
Kristina Brazauskienė, Lithuania |
President of
the party
Fighters for
married to former president Brazauskas and
was officially registered as presidential candidate in
2014, but did not manage to collect the 20.000 signatures required. |
Mamphela Rampheles,
South Africa |
Leader of the Party Agang from 2013. Former Director in the World
Bank. (b. 1966-) |
Olha Bogomolets,
Ukranie |
Running as an idependent
supported by the Socialist Party.
Natalia Korolevska, who was an independent
candidate withdrew from race on 1 May. |
Marta Lucía Ramírez Blanco de Rincón, Colombia
1991-98 Vice-Minister and 1998-2001 Minister of External Trade.
Ambassador to France 2001-02
and Minister of Defence 2002-03. |
Clara López Oregon,
Colombia |
Her running mate was Aída
candidate in 2010. President of the Polo Democrático
Alternativo from 2012. (b. 1951-) |
2014 Joyce Banda, Malwai |
Former Minister,
and President 2012-14. Finished third in the elections in 2014. (b. 1950-) |
2014 Dalia
Itzik, Israel |
Former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem,
Minister, Speaker of the Knesset,
Acting President and
Chairperson of the Kadima Knesset Group.
(b. 1952-). |
Dalia Dorner, Israel |
Former Supreme Court
Judge. (b. 1934-). |
2014 Luciana Krebs
Genro, Brazil |
Candidate for Partido
Socialismo e Liberdade (b.1971-) |
Željka Cvijanović,
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
The Prime Minister of
Republic Srpska
since 2013,
she got 48.1 and the winner got 48.3 percent of the vote
for the Serb seat in the federal joint presidency. (b. 1967-). |
2014 Monica Macovei, Romania |
Former Minister of Justice
and MEP. |
2014 Elena Udrea,
Romania |
Former Minister of
Regional Development and tourism and leader of the People's Movement
Party from 2014. In 2015 she was detained on
charges of corruption. (b. 1973-) |
Lalla Mariem Mint Moulaye Idris,
Mauritania |
head of the Mauritanian News Agency
2014 Constanza
Moreira, Uruguay |
the Movement of
Popular Participation, Broad Front
in 2009. (b. 1960-) |
2015 Christine Kaseba, Zambia |
MD, gynecologist,
obstretician and widow of President Michael Sata, who died in office
in 2014. |
Luciana Castellina
Italy |
Leftwing MP 1976-83 and
MEP 1979-99. (b. 1929-) |
2015 Sibel Siber, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
MP from 2009 in the
self-declared state that comprises the northeastern part of the
island of Cyprus. Recognised only by Turkey. Speaker of the Assembly
from 2013, the
Cumhuriyet Meclis and
Presidential Candidate in 2015. |
Magdalena Ogórek, Poland |
A historian and the host
of an international newscast on TVN24 Biznes i Świat, she is the
candidate of the Democratic Left Alliance, she finished third in the
two first rounds of voting in the parliament. Emma Bonino finished
4th. |
Anna Grodzka, Poland |
The first transgender
member of the Polish parliament, she was the candidate of the Greens
but was rejected for not collecting 10.000 signatures. Wanda Nowicka
and Iwona Piątek were also rejected.
2015 Zury Ríos-Montt
de Weller,
Guatemala |
Also known as Zurt Ríos Sosa,
she was
MP 1996-2012 and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
Vice-President of the International Parliamentary Union
and presently Secretary General of Visión con Valores.
Her father, Efraín Ríos Montt, was Military Dictator 1982-83 and
President 2000-04.
(b. 1968-). |
.jpg) |
2015 Tatsiana Mikalayewna Karatkevich, Belarus |
Candidate for People´s
Referendum. Finished second with about 4 percent of the vote. (b.
1977-) |
2015 Zhanna Romanovskaya, Belarus |
Indepent candidate.
2015 Sandra Torres Casanova, Guatemala |
Finished second in the first round in September and
lost the second. Divorced Alvaro Colom Caballeros, who was
President 2008-11, and attempted to run as
presidential candidate 2011 but was barred by the Constitutional
Court, Secretary General Unidad Nacional de la Esperanza 2012-15. (b.
1955-). |
Judie Joe C. Marie Roy, Haiti |
candidate in 2006.
around 2003 she has been leader of Parti Regroupement Patriotique pour
le Renouveau National (REPAREN). The elections was postponed several
times but was held on 7. February. She was the only woman among more
than 30 candidates. |
Marie Josefa Gauthier, Haiti |
For the Alliance Democraticque pour la Reconcilation.
Minister of Social Affairs and Labour in 2012. |
and 2016
Marie Antoniette Gautier, Haiti |
Plan d'Action Citoyenne |
and 206
Maryse Narcisse, Haiti |
Fanmi Lavalas |
Danielle Saint-Lot, Haiti |
For Defile Pati Politik Fanm AK Fanm.
Minister of Commerce 2004-06. |
and 2016
Edmonde Supplice Beauzile, Haiti |
Former senator and Leader of
Parti Fusion des Sociaux-Democrates Haitiens
from 2011. |
2015 Margarita
Stolbizer, Argentina |
National MP from 2007 and became President of Partido
Generación para un Encuentro Nacional in 2014. |

2015 Hung
Hsiu-chu, Taiwan |
Former Deputy Chairperson and Deputy Secretary-General of Kuomintang,
she became Vice-President of the Legislative Yuan in 2012 and was
and named Presidential Candidate in 2015, but the party later
deselected her because of low ratings in the opinion polls. The new male
candidate lost the elections in 2016, which was won by the
other female candidate, Dr. Tsai Ying-wen. (b.
2016 Marisa Isabel dos Santos Matias, Portugal |
MEP for the European United Left–Nordic Green
Left, supported by the Left Bloc.
Finished 3rd with 10 % of the votes. |
2016 Maria de Belém, Portugal |
Former Minister, President of the Socialist
Party 2011-14 and acting Party Leader in 2014.
She finished 4rd with 4 % of the votes. (b. 1949-).
Carly Fiorina,
Former head
of Hewlett-Packard, she was running for the
nomination as Republican Presidential Candidate from
2015 to 2016. Later in 2016, the
pre-candidate Ted Cruz, named her as his Vice-Presidential
Candidate. (b. 1954-)
2016 Faith Kyalya,
Uganda |
She is former presidential advisor and daughter of a former member of
Parliament Irene Florence Wekiya.
Moinaecha Youssouf Djalali, The
Islands |
I ndependent candidate.
Munari, République du Congo (Congo-Brazaville) |
1992-97 Minister and Director General of the
President’s Office,
2002 elected
Mayor of Mouyondzi,
Second Secretary of the National Assembly and
2009-15 Minister of Trade and Supplies. (b.
Gilda Rosemonde Moutsara-Gambou, République du Congo (Congo-Brazaville) |
2016 Verónika Mendoza
Frisch, Peru |
MP 2011-16. Finished 3rd in the
1st round. (b. 1980-)
Irmgard Griss, Austria |
Former President of the Supreme Court, she
was an independent candidate
and finished 3rd
Grace Poe, The Philippines |
Mary Grace Sonora Poe-Llamanzares was elected Senator in 2013.
She was in the lead in the opinion polls until about a month before
the elections, but finished third.
(b. 1968-)
Independent candidate Apolonia Comia-Soguilo
withdrew before the elections. |
Minou Tavárez Mirabal, Dominican Republic |
for Alliance for Democracy.
Soraya Aquino, Dominican Republic |
for the Christian Socialist Party
Halla Tómasdóttir, Iceland |
woman, she finished second with 27,9 %, the male
winner got about 10 % more
Elísabet Jökulsdóttir, Iceland |
Author and journalist
Mailis Reps,
Estonia |
She was a candidate in the first three rounds of
voting in the Parliament and in the first Electoral
2002-03 and 2005-07 Minister of Education and
(b. 1975-).
2016 Marina Kaljurand, Estonia |
Government party candidate and considered
a favorite to win, she finished fourth in the
first round of voting in the Electoral College.
Ambassador to Israel 2004-06, to Russia
2006-08, Kazakhstan 2007-11, USA and Mexico 2011-14 and Canada
and Foreign Minister
2015-16. (b. 1962-).
When the
election revertedto the parliament for a fifth round of voting,
Kersti Kaljulaid was the only candidate and she was elected
president in the first round. |
SandraPierantozzi, Palau (Balau)
1989-96 Minister of
Administration and Budget as her country's first female minister, 1992 she was candidate for
Vice-President and from 1996 senator and Floor Leader. In 2001 she
again became Minister of Administration and Budget again, and was later
appointed Minister of Health, 2001-05
and 2009-10 in charge of
Foreign and Domestic Affairs
Minister of State.
Ana Guțu,
Moldova |
Candidate for the party,
The right.
Silvia Radu,
Moldova |
Independent candidate.
Maia Laguta,
Moldova |
Independent candidate.
Geta Saviţcaia
Vitalia Pavlicenco
were among a number of candidates which withdrew a few days before
the first round of the elections.
Tatyana Doncheva Toteva, Bulgaria |
Former MP for the "Movement 21". |
Hilary Rodham Clinton, United States of America |
Also ran for the nomination as Democratic Presidential
Candidate in
When her husband, Bill
Clinton, was governor of Arkansas 1979-81 and 1983-1992 and when he
was President of USA 1993-2001,
she held many influential posts. Senator for New York 2001-09
Secretary of State 2009-13.
In the 2016-elections, she won around 48 % of the
vote and 2,9 million more votes than her male opponent whow on the presidency with around 46 % and a
majority in the Electoral Colledge. (b. 1947-). |
Alyson Kennedy, United States of America |
Candidate for the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and was the party's
candidate for vice president in 2008. |
2016 Tsetska Tsacheva, Bulgaria |
Vice-President of the World Bank, MP from 2009 and
President of the National Assembly
2009-13 and
from 2014.
Government candidate, she finished second in the first round of the
presidential elections and got 35 % in the second. |
Maia Sandu,
Moldova |
Minister of Education from 2003,
she finished second in the first round of the presidential elections
and got around 44 % in the second.
Marie Antoniette Gautier, Haiti |
Also candidate in 2015 in the
elections that were called off. For
Plan d'Action Citoyenne |
Maryse Narcisse, Haiti |
Also candidate in 2015 for
Fanmi Lavalas |