Switzerland Heads of State

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Heads of State Switzerland/Swiss Confederation/ Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft/Confédération Suisse/ Confederazione Suizzera/ Confederaziun Helvetica (Female Suffrage 1971)

See also Substates
and Switzerland Ministers

1989 Vice-President of the Confederation Elisabeth Kopp

1998 Vice-President of the Confederation Ruth Dreifuss
1998 President of the Confederation

2003 Vice-President of the Confederation Ruth Metzler-Arnold
(2004 Designate Confederal President)

2006 Vice-President of the Confederation
Micheline Calmy-Rey (I)
2007 President of the Confederation (I)

2009 Vice-President of the Confederation
Doris Leuthard (I)
2010 President of the Confederation

2010 Vice-President of the Confederation Micheline Calmy-Rey (II)
2011 President of the Confederation (II)

2011 Vice-President of the Confederation Eveline Widmer-Sclumpf
2012 President of the Confederation

2014 Vice-President of the Confederation Simonetta Sommaruga
2015 President of the Conferation

2016 Vice-President of the Confederation Doris Leuthard (II)
7 President of the Confederation (II)



Last update 20.01.17