Guide to Women in Leadership
Head of State of
(Female Suffrage 1966) 1888-1920 a German Colony, 1920 British Mandate-Territory under the
League of Nations, from 1947 administered by
Australia for the United Nations till its independence in 1968 as one of the World’s
smallest nations with its 8 square miles and 8.000 inhabitants
There are 14 tribes in Nauru.
Around 1888-1915 Chieftainess
Eigamoiya of the Eamwit tribe (Nauru)
She was head of one of the most
powerful of the at that time 14 tribes in the Island. She was married to King
Aweida, who was hief of the tribe at Boe. She stopped the Nauruan civil war in 1888 just before the
German warship Eber, Arrived. She stood magnificently in front of both sides,
waving a piece of pabric, and immeediately all firing of bullits from both sides
ceased. She lived (1860-1915).
1996 Acting President
Ruby Dediya
Member of the legislature 1986-92
and 1995-97 and possibly Speaker of the Legislature sometime between 1987 and
1992 and Minister of Finance in 1996, appointed Acting President for a period of
absence of the incumbent. (b.
Last update 19.09.13