Venezuela Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Venezuela Local Leaders

Also see Venezuela Ministers

1524-circa 84 Governor Aldona(s) Manrique, Islas de Margaritas
Took ower the post after father's death.

1975-77 Governor Dori Parra de Orellana, Lara

Former councilwoman and parliamentarian. She lived (1925-2007)

1979-84 Governor Dora Maldonaldo de Falcon, Trujillo

1983-93 Governor Lucia de Miraglis, Portugesa

1983-93 Governor Luzia Teresa de Chaón, Tachira

1993-96 Governor Lolita Aniyar de Castro, Zulia
A former Member of Chamber of Deputies, she was according to her own biography the first woman to be elected to the post of governor. She is now Minister-Councillor to UNESCO. 

1996-? Governor Marthe Johnson, Limón

1999-2000 Governor Irene Lailin Sáez Conde, Nuevo Esparta (Islas de Margaritas etc)
She was Mayor in a part of Chacao Edo Miranda 1986-88 and  Presidential Candidate 1991. She was also famous for having been Miss Universe in 1981.

1999 President of Asambeia Legislativa Betty de Arevalo, Nuevo Esparta

2000-08 and 2012- Governor Yelitze Santaella, Delta Amacuro

2000-12 Governor Antonia Muños, Portugesa

2008 President of Regional Legislative Council
Ligia Montoya, Táchira
Third female president of the CLR, Consejo Legislativo Regional. One of the former Presidents are
Carmen de Valera.

2008- Governor Stella Marina Lugo Betancourt de Montilla, Falcón

2008- Governor Lizeta Hernández Abchi, Delta Amacuro
Regional Councillor of Health and Social Development 2005-08. (b. 1967-).

2009-14 Head Jacqueline Faría Pineda, Distrito Capital (Caracas)
Minister of Environment and the Natural Resources 2005-07
and Communication and Information 2014-15.

2012-16 Governor Erika Farías, Cojedes
Former Minister.

Until 2016 Vice-Minister of Communities and Social Movements Margaud Godoy
Governor Cojedes from 2016.

2017- Acting Governor Caryl Bertho, Aragua
Secretary of Interior and Administration in the state 2013-17.

2017- Acting Governor Zenaida Gallardo, Barinas
Former Secretary General of the state government.


Last update 17.12.12