Congo-Kinshasa Parliament

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Heads of the Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Congo/ République Democratique du Congo (Congo-Kinshasa)
(1971-97 Republic of Zaïre)(Female Suffrage 1960 or 1967/70) Former Belgian Colony (Belgian Congo) became independent 1960 

See also Congo-Kinshasa Ministers and Congo Heads

2000 Second Vice President of the Constituent and Legislative Assemby - Transitional Parliament
2000-03 President of the Constituent and Legislative Assemby - Transitional Parliament
2003 Acting President of the Constituent and Legislative Assemby - Transitional Parliament

2003-06 1. Vice President of the National Assembly
2006 2. Vice President of the National Assembly Philomène Omatuku Atshakawo Akatshi
Minister of Industry and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in 2006-07 and Minister of Women's Affairs in 2007-08.

2006-12 Vice-Questeur of the  l’Assemblée Nationale Christine Kalaba

2012- Questeur of the l’Assemblée Nationale Elysée Munembwe



Last update 28.08.13