Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Ministers of the Government in exile of Burma (Female Suffrage 1935) A former
British Protectorate became independent 1948
Also see Myanmar Ministers
established after 1988
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
Leader of eader of The League
for Democracy since 1988. In 1990 her party won 75 % of the seats in the Parliament but the military
government refused to recognize the result and she has been put under House Arrest
in Rangoon several times, 1991 received the Nobel Peace Prize
and in 2012 she was elected to the national parliament. Daughter of the freedom leader
and Premier Aung San who was murdered in 1947 and Daw Khin Kyi, 1947-61 Director
of Social Welfare, 1961-67 ambassador to India (dead 1988). Married to the British
academic Dr. Michael Aris who died of cancer in 1999. (b. 1945-)
Last update 13.05.13