Belarus Party Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Belarus Party leaders

Also see Belarus Ministers

1994-2003 President of the Belarusian Women's Political Party (Nadzeya) Valentina Timofeyevna Polevikova
The name of the party means hope. She is also the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union Federation of Belarus, as well as the Head of its Informational-Analytical Center.

1994- Senior Vice-President of Nadzeya Regina A. Davidovich

1994- Senior Vice-President of Nadzeya Lyudmila F. Grushetskaya

2003-06 President of Nadzeya Valentina Matusevich
2006- Vicepresident

2006- President of the Belarusian Nadzeya Yelena Yeskova


Last update 28.09.06