The former USSR, Yugoslavia and the
present day's Russia comprises of autonomous republics lead by a
President. The following is a list of the women who has occupied this
office in the three countries
Chairperson of the Executive Committee Zoya Ananevna Andreyeva, Cuvas
/ Chuvash (Russia/USSR) 1938-55 Chairperson
of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
Deputy Chairperson of the
Executive Committee of the Parish Council Toysinskogo in Chuvash
1925-27, Head of Commerce and the supply of the People's
Commissariat Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection of the USSR 1934,
People's Commissar of Social Welfare 1936-37. She lived
(1899-1982) |
1937 Acting Chairperson of the
Executive Committee Maryam
Tugambayeva, Kyrgyzstan (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR)
Mar'âm Tugambaeva or Mar'jam Tugambaeva
was Vice-Chairperson 1932-37, and acted jointly with Mikhail Ivanovich Us. Also known as Mariya Tuganbayeva,
she lived (1907-86)
1938 Acting Chairperson of the Executive Committee Kalima Amankulova, Kyrgyzstan (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR)
Калыйма Аманкулова
was (b. 1915) |
1938 Chairperson of the Verkhovny Sovet Nadezhda Grigoryevna Grekova, Belarus
Another version of her name is Nadeda Grekova. As Chair of the
Supreme Soviet she was in office as
"Head of the Republic" 25.07-27.07 and was Chair of the Supreme
Soviet until 1947, Member of
the Central Audit Commission of the All-Union Communist Party
1939-52, 1943-46 Deputy chairman of the Council of People's
Commissars of the of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic and
1. Deputy Minister of Food Industry of the Russian Socialist
Federative Soviet Republic 1949-52. She lived (1910-2001). |
Chairperson of the Executive Committee Sofiya Petrovna Sidorova, Yakutia/Sakha (Russia/USSR)
Born in a fisher village
in the north of the republic. She raised the issue deportations to
the area with the Secretary of the Communist Party Malenkov and
developed the mining industry. She lived (1904-51).
1941-47 Chairperson of the Presidium of
the Supreme Soviet Gunsyn Ayusheyevna Tsydenova, Buryat-Mongol
Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR)
1924-28 Mariya Mikhailovna
Sakhyanova (1896-1981) was First Secretary of the Communist Party of the
Republic. The Republic later became member of the Russian
Federation. She lived (1909-1994) |
1944-45 Acting Chairperson of the Executive Council N. I. Sacheva, Crimean Socialist Republic (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR)
After the Second World War the republic was incorporated into Ukraine. |
1949-50 Chairperson of the Executive Committee Anna Mikhaylovna Yelkina, Komi (Russia)
1950-56 Chairperson of the
Presidium of the Supreme Council of Komi
Another transcription of
her name is Anna El'kina. Chairperson of
the Executive Committee of the Trinity-Pechora District Council in
Komi 1936-37, 1st secretary of the Komsomol Syktyvda District
1939-41, 1st Secretary Syktyvda District Committee of the CPSU
1942-45, and s he lived (1909-92) |
1954-63 Chairperson of the Executive Committee Mariya Dmitriyevna Nartakhova, Yakutia (Russia)
Minister of Social
Affairs 1947-54. She lived (1906-87). |
1959-70 Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet Yadar Sadykovna Nariddinova, Uzbekistan
Ядгар Садыковна НАСРИДДИНОВА
Deputy Premier
1952-59, Minister of Construction Industry in Uzbekistan,
1959-70 Vice-Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet and 1970-74
President of the Federation Council of the Supreme Soviet of the
USSR. From 1974 Deputy Minister of Building Material in
She lived (1920-2006). |
1960-61 Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Verkhovny Sovet
Kapitalina Nikolaevna Kryukova, Kazakstan (Autonomous Soviet Republic
in the USSR) |
КРЮКОВА was trough many years Vice-Chairperson of the Presidium of the local Supreme
Soviet and acting as it's chair, during a vacancy at the post, which
were equivalent to that of Heads of State of the Soviet Republics,
though power were vested in the First Secretary of the Communist Party. |
Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Bai Kara Shozhulbeevna Dolchanmaa,
(Russia) |
Chair of Bayan-Kola
sumonnogo Council (Tuva People's Republic of Korea) 1931-32 and
Chair of the Party committee at the Regional Committee of the
Communist Party of the Tuva Autonomous Region. She lived (1916-2002) |
Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Rosa Abdul-Basyrovna El'darova,
Dagestan (Russia) |
Also known as Roza Abdulbasyrovna Eldarova,
she was Chairperson of the Council of Ministers 1957-62. (b. 1923-) |
or 1965-72 Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Davydova Yaskina, Mordvinia (Russia) |
(b. 1919-). |
1963-75 Chairperson of the Executive Committee
Soltanovna Khetagurova, North-Ossetina (Russia)
Тамара Хетагурова
was Deputy Foreign Minister 1949-54, Finance Minister 1954-58 and
Deputy Prime Minister 1958-63 (b. 1913-?). |
President of the Narodna
Skubscina and "Head of State" Vida Tomsic,
President of the Narodna Skubscina
1945-46 she was Minister for Social Politics and
Member of the Executive Counci
(b.1913-) |
1963-80 Aleksandra Yakovlevna Ovchinnikova,
Yakutia (Russia) |
Also Vice-Chairperson of
the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Autonomous Republic. She
lived (1914-2008) |
1964-90 Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet
Sukina Abas-Kyzy Aliyeva, Nakichevan (Azerbaijan/USSR) |
Сукина Абас-кызы Алиева
or Əliyeva Səkinə was chairperson of the Council of Ministers 1988-89. |
1967-68 and 1971 Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Verkhovny Sovet
Klochkova, Belarus (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the
First Secretary of the Postavy District Party
Committee 1970-78, First Deputy Chairperson the Belarusian Cooperative
Union 1978-80 and Vice-chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
of the BSSR 1974, and også deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Acting on two occasions when the post of Chairperson of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus was vacant - the post was equivalent to that of a President of the state - though power were vested in the First
Secretary of the Communist Party. (In this text it is stated that she
was Chairperson in 1974.
She lived
(1911-76) |
1976-77 Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Verkhovny Sovet
Zinaida Mikhaylovna Bychkovskaya, Belarus (Autonomous Soviet
Republic in the USSR) |
A former
worker in a spinning factory, she was Vice-President circa
1975-78, she was in charge on two occasions when the post of Chairperson of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus was vacant - the post was equivalent to that of a President of the state - there was also a Chairperson of
the parliament.
She lived
(1907-84). |
Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Meta Jangolenko-Vannas, Estonia (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
Also known as Meta Vannas, Meta Yangolenko-Vannas and in Russian
Transcribtion as: Мета Виллемовна ЯНГОЛЕНКО-ВАННАС.
1967-69 Minister of Public Service, 1969-85 Deputy Chairperson of the
Presidium of the Supreme Council. The post was the post was equivalent to
that of a President of the state.
She lived (1924-2002). |
Chairperson of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Yevdokiya Nikolayevna Gorohova, Yakut (Russia/USSR) |
First Secretary of the
Communist Party of Allaihovskogo 1960-77 and Vice-President of the
Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation from 1979. (b. 1924-) |
1981-86 Chairperson of the Executive Committee Tamara Shalvovna
Kabulova, South Ossetia (Georgia) |
Тамара Кабулова was Deputy Chief of Government
(b. 1938-) |
Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Verkhovny Sovet
Nizoramo Zaripova, Tadzikistan (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
Низорамо ЗАРИПОВА, was
Vice-President of the Supreme Soviet 1966-89,
and acting on two
occasions when the post of Chairperson of the presidium of the Supreme
Soviet of The Tadzik AS.S. was vacant - the post was equivalent
to that of a President of the state. (b. 1923-). |
President of the Presidency Ema Derossi-Bjelajac,
Croatia (Yugoslavia) |
Member of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party 1964-1969, the Executive Committee
and Central Committee of the League of Communists in 1969-1974. MP
and Vice-President of the Parliament 1978-82 and Member of the
Presidency of Croatia 1982-86. (b. 1926-) |

1984-90 Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Verkhovna Rada
Semenovna Seveenko, Ukraine (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
Валентина Семенівна Шевченк's
surname is transcribed as Semynovna Shevchenko, and as chair of the
Supreme Council, her position was
equivalent to that of a Head of State though power were vested in the 1.
Secretary of the Communist Party. (b. 1935-). |
1985-89 Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet
Lyuliya Nikolayevna Grigoryeva, Yakutia (Russia/USSR) |
First Secretary of the Moma District Party committee 1983-85 and
Minister of Social Affairs 1989-92. (b. 1941-). |
1988-09 Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
Roza Atamuradovna
Bazarova, Turkmenistan (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
Роза Атамурадовна was
Deputy Premier Minister in 1975 and 1975-88 Member of the Presidium
of Supreme Soviet. (b. 1933-) |
1988-89 Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
Vera Vasilyevna Sidorova, Kazakstan (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
Вера Васильевна СИДОРОВА functioned as head of the state on two occasions when the post of chairman of the
presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Kazakstan was vacant - the post was
equivalent to that of a President of the state. |
1996-98 President Biljana Plavsic, Republic of Srbska, (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Member of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1994-96
Vice-President of Srbska. (b. 1930-)
President Borjana Kristo,
Federation of Bosnia (Bosnia-Hercegovina |
2003-07 Minister of Justice of the Bosniak-Croat
Federation an entity in The Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The former Vice-President of the Parliament,
Spomenka Micic, was elected one of the 2 Vice-Presidents of
Federation. (b. 1949-) |
Last update