Poland Parties

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Poland Parties

Also see Poland Ministers

1882 Co-founder of (I) Proletariat Aleksandra Jentysówna
1883 member of Central Committee
She was a socialist activist and a teacher. 1883-85 she was imprisoned in Warszawa. Then she on exile in Russia. She was a member of Socialist-Revolutionist Party and lived 

1882 Co-founder of (II) Proletariat Stanislava Abramowska
She was a member of her party's leadership.
She was a socialist activist and married to Edward Abramowska. Since 1891 she was a member of Worker's Union. She lived (1867–92).

1882-86 member of Central Committee of (I) Proletariat Zofia Plaskowicka-Dzianowska
She was a socialist activist. Since 1886 she was in exile in Siberia
, and lived (1855–?).

1882 (I) Proletariat Delegate in Galicja (Poland) 
Co-founder of SDKPiL The Social-Democratic Party of Poland and Lithuania Cezaryna Wanda Wojnarowska
She was a socialist activist and journalist.
She lived (1861–1911).

1884-85 Leader of (I) Prolitariat Maria Bohuszewiczówa
She was arrested in 1885 and died in a Russian prison in Krasnojarsk in 1887.

1887-92 member of Central Committee (in exile) of (II) Proletariat 
1892 Co-founder of PPS and ZZSP - Foreign Association of Polish Socialists Maria Jankowska-Mendelson
She was married to Stanisław Mendelson and a socialist activist and journalist, and lived

1900-1906 Member of  Council of PPS (Polish Socialist's Party) in Prussian annexation Estera Golde Stróżecka
1905-06 member of  Central Worker's  Committee in PPS
She was a socialist and communist activist and medicine doctor. She was  wife of Jan Stróżecki. 1893-1906 she was a member of PPS, 1906-18 she was in PPS-Left ,1919-38 member of KPP (Polish Communist`s Party). 1924-28  member of Women's Department in Central Committee of KPP. She lived (

1906 Co-founder of PPS-Left Maria Koszutska
1918 Co-founder of KPP (Polish Communist's Party) 
1918–22, 1923–25 and 1926–29
member of Central Committee and Political Bureau of KPP
Since 1921 she lived in Germany and USSR. She lived

1918-31 Member of Executive Council of PSL (Polish People's Partiality) ”Liberation” 
member of  Supreme Council SL Irena Kosmowska
She had been imprisoned in Moscow for independence activism  1915-18 and 1918 State Secretary of Social Affairs. She was vice-chairperson of polish parliamentary group  to the Inter-Parliamentary Union. 1942-45 imprisoned in Warsaw and in Berlin. She lived

1911-19 Member of Executive Council of PPSD (Polish Social – Democratic Party) 
1914–19 Chairwoman of Women's Department in PPSD
Dorota Kluszynska
Chairwoman of Central Women's Department in PPS from 1919.

She was socialist activist and journalist and member of various leftwing parties.
1925–35 senator and 1947-53 deputy in Sejm. She lived (1874–1952).

1919–28 Member of  Supreme Council of PPS Zofia Praussowa
Member of the Central Executive Committee in PPS
She was socialist activist and mathematician.
Since 1899 in PPS, since  1906 in PPS-Frakcja Rewolucyjna (Revolutionary Faction), 1919–28 in PPS, since 1928 again in former PPS -Frakcja Rewolucyjna (Revolutionary Faction). She was killed in concentration camp in Auschwitz, and lived (1876–1945).

1944-48 Deputy Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Union of Polish Patriots (Communist) Julia Brystygierova

1945–47 Member of National Executive Committee of PSL Anna Chorazyna
1946–47 Member of
Supreme Council of PSL
1989–90 Chairwoman of
Supreme Council of PSL

People's movement activist. In 1941 Co-founder of Ludowy Związek Kobiet (People's Association of Women). 1945–47 in PSL, 1950–51imprisoned by communists, 1964–89 she lived in Belgium, since 1966 member of leadership of PSL-in-Exile. (b. 1914).

1945–46 member of Supreme Council of PSL  Maria Szczawinska
People's movement activist. During II World War she was member of the Central Management of Rustic Battalions in Poland
, and lived (1901–85).

1945–48 Member of Supreme Council of PPS Eugenia Pragierowa
1948–54 Member of Central Committee of PZPR

She was socialist activist and lawyer.  1910–14 in PPS-Left, since 1919 in PPS ;1946–49 Vice-minister of
Labour and Social Policy 1945-47 deputy in Country's National Council (temporary polish parliament), 1947–56 deputy in the Sejm. She lived (1888–1964).

25.02-01.07.1945 Vice-Chairperson of the Supreme Council of the Polish Socialist's Party (PPS) Halina Kuczkowska
03.1945-01.1949 Prostate Secretary of Education. She was member of Polish Socialist Party and then
Polish United Worker's Party (PZPR). (1901-1975)

11.1945-17.09.1946 Vice-Chairperson of  the Central Committee of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Emilia Hiżowa

22.10.1949-17.05.1954 Vice-Chairperson of  the Central Committee of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Eugenia Krassowska-Jadłowska
and 09.07.1965-25.02.1969 Vice-Chairperson of  the Central Committee of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne
Prostate Secretary of Education 1946-50, Prostate Secretary of High Schools and Science, Prostate Secretary of Higher Education 1951-65, Member of the Party Presidium 1947-1956 and 1958-1973, 1965-72 Member of Council of State. She lived

25.02.1950-07.07.1951 Vice-Chairperson of the Paramount (Supreme) Council of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Maria Jaszczukowa
Member of the Party Presidium 1946-1947. (1915-)

1956 and 1965-69 Vice-Chairperson of  Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Eugenia Krassowska-Jadłowska
State Secretary of Education 1946-50, State Secretary of Higher Education 1950-65, Member of the Party Presidium 1961-65 and 1969-89, 1965-73 Member of Council of State. She lived (1910–86).

09.02.1961-09.07.1965 Secretary of the Central Committee of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Zofia Stypułkowska
Member of the Party Presidium 1956-1961. (1918-)

1972 Deputy Group Chairperson of Polish United Worker's Party Irena Srorzynska

07.05.1976-17.03.1981 Secretary of the Central Committee of the Stronnictwo Demokratyczne (the Democratic Party) Krystyna Marszałek-Młyńczyk
02.04.1980-23.03.1983 Member of the Council of State
08.1986-07.1990 Prostate Secretary of Culture. (1930-)

1978-90 Chairperson-in-exile of PPS the Polish Socialist's Party Lidia Ciołkosz
1990-94 Honorary Chairperson of  PPS

She was a socialist activist , historian and journalist. She was a polish Jewish and married to Adam Ciołkosz, polish socialist activist and Chairperson of PPS (in England) 1947-57. Since 1939 she was in exile in France and afterwards in England. Since 1940 she was a member of Foreign Committee in PPS; 1942-45  she was a member of  National Council (this advisory body acted as temporary polish parliament in exile), and also a political advisor of premier and President-in-exile Kazimierz Sabbat. She lived (1902-2002).

15.XII.1980-07.05.1981 Vice-President of the Presidium of the Supreme Committee of the United People’s Party (Zjednoczone Stronnictwo Ludowe) Danuta Dunowska

19.07.1981-02.07.1986 Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Polish United Worker's Party (PZPR) Zofia Grzyb

03.07.1986-21.12.1988 Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Polish United Worker's Party (PZPR) Zofia Stępień

03.07.1986-21.12.1988 Deputy Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Polish United Worker's Party (PZPR) Gabriela Rembisz
Member of the Politburo

1986 Deputy Group Chairperson of Polish United Worker's Party Jadwiga Biedzycka
She was vice-President of the Sejm 1985-88.

21.12.1988-29.I.1990 Member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Polish United Worker's Party (PZPR) Iwona Lubowska

1990-92 Chairperson of the Sejm-Club of Democratic Union Wiesława Ziółkowska
1990-92 Chairperson of Wielkopolska (Poland Maior) Unia Socjaldemokratyczna (Socialdemocratic Union)
1992–97 Vice-Chairperson of Unia Pracy (Labour Union)
Deputy in Sejm 1989-97. Since 1997 she is the member of Country's Council of Monetary Politics. (b. 1950-)

1990-2001 Chairperson of Ruch Stu Franciszka Cegielska
Leader of the rightwing party “ Hundred’s Movement. She was President of the Sejmik of the Voivodship of Pomerania 1990-99, 1998-2001 Minister of Health and Social Security  and Mayor of Gdynia 1999-2001. Born in France, and lived (1946-2001)

1990-97 Secretary General of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Jolanta Gontarczyk
1997-2001 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet
Since 2001 she is senator.

1990-94 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Teresa Janiszewska

1990-94 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Anna Szymańska-Kwiatkowska

1990-94 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Maria Zawitkowska

1991 Co-founder of Unia Demokratyczna (Democratic Union) 
1991-94 Chairperson of  Social-Liberal Faction in Unia Demokratyczna
Zofia Kuratowska
Professor of medicine, 1989-97 senator and 1993-97 Vice-Marshall of senate, Member of National Council of Unia Wolności (Freedom Union) 1994–97, 1997-99 Ambassador to South Africa. She lived (1931–99).

1991-99 Vice-Chairperson of the Socialdemocracy of Polish Republik (Sdrp) Izabella Sierakowska
She is a teacher.1980-90 member of PZPR (Polish United Worker's Party). Since 1989 she is deputy in Sejm. (b.1946).

1992-98 Vice-Chairperson of the Senate-Club of Christian Democrats Alicija Grsetkowiak
Marshall of the Senate 1998-2001.

1992- Vice-President of the Economic Party of the Republic of Poland Danuta Piontek

1994-97 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Halina Krywal

1995-97 Secretary General of Unia Wolności (Freedom Union) Grażyna Staniszewska 1989-2001 deputy in Sejm and since 2001 senator.

1997-2001 Vice-Chairperson of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Renata Berent-Mieszczanowicz

1997-2001 Secretary General of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet Grażyna Karpowicz

1997- Vice-Chairperson of the Zieloni Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej (the Greens of the Republic of Poland)  Irena Kempa
right-wing party

1997- Vice-Chairperson  of the Zieloni Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Magda Zboromirska

1997- Vice-Chairperson  of the Zieloni Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Jolanta Olszewska  

1997-2001 Secretary of the Parliamentary Group of „Unia Wolności” (Union of Freedom) Barbara Imiołczyk
Vice-Mayor 1990-94 (b. 1951-)

Secretary General of the Zieloni Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Irena Grzybek

1998-2004 Vice-Chairperson of Unia Pracy (Labour Union) Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka
2004-05 Chairperson of Unia Pracy
2005  Chairperson of Unia Lewicy
State Secretary by the Prime Minister and Commissioner of Equal Status of Men and Women 2002-04, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Policy since 2004. In 2005 she left Unia Pracy to to Co-Found the Union of the Left (Unia Lewicy). She was killed when the plane carrying the President of Poland crashed in Russia on 10. April with a high number of diginitaries. She lived (1950-2010).

1999-2005 Vice-Chairperson of SLD Krystyna Lybacka

Circa  2000- Chairperson of Krajowa Partia Emerytów i Rencistów Elżbieta Postulka
RP is a right wing pensioners' party.

2001- Vice-Chairperson of Unia Pracy (Labour Union) Katarzyna Matuszewska

2001-05 Vice-Chairperson of Unia Wolności (Freedom Union) Anna Popowicz
In 2005 Unia Wolności was transformed into the Partia Demokratyczna-Demokraci.pl (Democratic Party-Democrats.pl).

2001-Chairwoman of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet (Democratic Women's Union) Lucyna Orłowska 
She was candidate to sejm in 2001

2000-ca.2002 Vice-Chairperson of the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (Polish Socialist's Party) Maria Walczyńska-Rechmal
Former deputy in Sejm. dismissed from PPS

Around 2001- Chairperson of Centrolewica Ewa Spychalska
Former trade union activist and ambassador in Belarus.

Secretary General of the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna Krystyna Cała-Kulpińska

2001 – Gecretary General of the General Management of the Ruch Odbudowy Polski (the Movement of the Poland's Reconstruction) Eugenia Multańska

2001-Deputy Sejm-Chairperson of SLD (The Alliance of the Democratic Left Wing) Ewa Janik

2001- Deputy Sejm-Chairperson of Liga Polskich Rodzin (The League  of Polish Families) Anna Sobecka
Liga Polskich Rodzin is extreme rightwing party. Anna Sobecka is Deputy in Sejm since 1997. (b. 1951-)

2002– Vice-chairperson of Samoobrona RP"Genowefa Wiśniowska.
Secretary General 1992-2001. Since 2001 she is deputy in Sejm and the second Deputy Sejm-Chairperson of Samoobrona. Vice-Marshall of the Sejm from 2006. (b.1949-)

2002  Secretary General  of Samoobrona RP Renata Beger
Since 2001 deputy in Sejm and secretary general (whip) of the parliamentary group.

2001- Secretary General of Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet Anna Stencel

2002– Vice-chairperson of “Samoobrona (self-defence) RP ( Republic of Poland)” Genowefa Wiśniowska.
Secretary General 1992-2001.
Since 2001 she is deputy in Sejm.( b.1949)

2002–03 Vice-chairperson of Samoobrona RP Teresa Marmucka-Lalka

2002-07 Secretary General  of Samoobrona RP Renata Beger
Since 2001 deputy in Sejm.

2002 First Vice-Chairperson of Unia Polityki Realnej (Union of Practical Politics) Elżbieta Marusik
Unia Polityki Realnej is right-wing and liberal (in economy) party. She was responsible for political affairs

2003- Chairperson of Initiative for Poland Aldona Kamela-Sowińska. 
The former minister of Treasury is the founder of the party.

2003-08 Co-Chairperson of The Greens 2004 (Zieloni 2004) Magda Moisiewicz

2003-05 Vice-chairperson of Citizens Platform Zyta Gilowska

2003-04 Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Aleksandra Jakubowska
Deputy Secretary General of SLD 1999-2001, 1995-1997 Under-Secretary of State in the Office of the Council of Ministers  and Government Press Spokesperson. 2001-03 Secretary of State in the Ministry of Culture. From 2003 Chief of the Political Cabinet of Prime Minister and Secretary of State in the Chancellery of Prime Minister.

2004-05 Leader of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Democrats Jolanta Banach 
State Secretary by the Prime Minister and Commissioner of Equal Status of Men and Women 1995-97 , and since 2001-04 State Secretary of Labour and Social Policy. The Social Demcorats broke away from the Social Democratic Left in protest against the policies of the Prime minister.

2004-05 Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej)  Katarzyna Maria Piekarska
Prostate Secretary of Home Affairs 1997.

2004- Vice-chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Social Democrats Mirosława Kątna
In 2001-2004 she was Deputy in Sejm from the Democratic Left Alliance.

2004- Chairperson of the Democratic Party of Left (Demokratyczna Partia Lewicy) Elżbieta Wasiak

2004- Vice-Chairperson of the Democratic Party of Left Halina Gral-Skalska

2004- Vice-Chairperson of the Polish National Party Iwona Zielinko

2005- Vice-Chairperson of the Union of Left (Unia Lewicy) Katarzyna Kądziela

2005- Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Joanna Senyszyn
Since 2001 Deputy in Sejm.

2003-05 Vice-chairperson of Civic Platform Zyta Gilowska
Finance Minister in 2006.

2004-05 and 2008- Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Katarzyna Maria Piekarska
Prostate Secretary of Home Affairs 1997.

2005-08 Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Joanna Senyszyn
Since 2001 Deputy in Sejm.

2005- Vice-president of the Polish Peasants' Party Jolanta Fedak
She was Vice-voivode of Lubelski 2001-03 and Vice-chairperson of the Sejmik (Assembly) 1998-2001.

2006- Vice-chairperson of Civic Platform Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz
Former President of the National Bank, Presidential candidate in 1995. MP since 2005.

2006- Deputy Leader of the Reason of Polish Left Wiesława Teresa Jakubowska

2007 Leader of the Women’s Party Manuela Gretkowska
Feminist novelist. (b. 1964-).
2007- Leader of the Women’s Party Anna Kornacka

2007- Deputy Leader of the Women’s Party Justyna Wasita

2008-10 Deputy Leader of the Law and Justice Party Aleksandra Natalli-Świat
She was killed when the plane carrying the President of Poland crashed in Russia on 10. April with a high number of diginitaries. She lived (1959-2010)

2008- Co-Chairperson of The Greens 2004 (Zieloni 2004) Agnieszka Grzybe

2008-10 Vice-Chairperson of Democratic Left Alliance (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) Jolanta Szymanek-Deresz
Under-Secretary of State in the Presidency 2000 and 2000-06 Chief of the Chancellery of the President.
She was killed when the plane carrying the President of Poland crashed in Russia on 10. April with a high number of diginitaries. She lived (1954-2010)

2008-10 Vice-Chairperson of Unia Polityki Realnej (Union of Practical Politics) Magdalena Kocik
2010- Chairwoman of the Unia Polityki Realnej (Union of Practical Politics)

2009- Leader of the Democratic Party Brygida Kuźniak

2010 Chairperson of the Law and Justice (PiS) Parliamentary Club Grażyna Gęsicka
Former Regional Development Minister. She was killed when the plane carrying the President of Poland crashed in Russia on 10. April with a high number of diginitaries. She lived (1950-2010)

2010- Deputy Leader of the Law and Justice Party Beata Szydło

Last update