Kyrgyzstan Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Kyrgyzstan Local Leaders

Also see Kyrgyzstan Ministers

1940-43 Vice-President of the Soviet Kulpina Konduchalova, Tian-Shan District
She later had several posts in the central government of the republic

2003-05 Governor Tokon Asanovna Shailieva, Issyk-Kul
Chairperson of Women's Democratic Party 1994-2003 and New Force Party since 2003. Before 2003 she was Head of the Pervomaisky District Administration in Bishke

Around 2004 Deputy Governor Yryskul Ishendazievna Orozakunova, Issyk-Kul

Around 2004 Deputy Governor Asylgyl Abdyrehmenov
a, Issyk-Kul

Until 2002 Deputy Governor Janyl Tumenbaeva, Jalal-Abad Province
eputy Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade 2002-05.

2010- Governor Koisun Ablabekovna Kurmanalieva, Talas



Last update 16.06.13