Guide to Women in Leadership
Haïti Parties
Also see Haiti Ministers
1990 President of the Party for the Integral
Advance of the Haïtien People Marie-Colette Jacques
Presidential Candidate in 1990.
1991-? Chairman of Haitian Christian Democratic Party Marie-France Claude
1994-95 Leader of an Opposition Movement Maude Thymothée
Secretary of State of Social Affairs 1992-94 and "Minister of Social Affairs" in the government of the "provisoric President"
Emile Jonaissant in 1994. The Government was unconstitutional and never recogniced. She later launched
an opposition-movement and planned to run for Senate and later for
President but was killed in 1995 – some sources say by supporters of President
Circa 2003-Leader of Parti Regroupement
Patriotique pour le Renouveau National (REPAREN) Judie Joe C. Marie Roy
Presidential Candidate in 2005/06.
Last update 11.01.09