1993-95 Claudette Werleigh, Haiti
1990-91 she was Minister of Social Affairs, Executive Director of the Washington Office of Haiti 1993, 1995-96 Premier Minister. (b. 1946- ).

1993-2001 Andrea Willi, Liechtenstein
Apart from the Portfolio of External Relations was is also government Councillor of Culture, Youth, Sport Family and Equal Opportunities. Between 1987-93 she worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member of a number of international delegations, 1991 Ambassador to EFTA (European Trade Organization), 1992-93 Ambassador to United Nations in Génève. (b. 1955-).

1993 (Acting) Motarilavoa Hilda Lini, Vanuatu
From 1987 the first female MP. In 1996 she was replaced in the government by her brother ex-premier Father Walter Lini (1942-1982-90-99), she resigned from the National Party and founded her own party, the Tu Vanuatu kominiti, The Vanuatu Movement, Director of the Pacific Concerns Resource Center 2000-04, Representative of the Pacific Region at the UN Non-proliferation Review Conference in 2004 and a chief (Motarilavoa) of the Turaga nation of Pentecost Island.

1994-2008 Dame Billie Antoinette Miller, Barbados
Labour MP from 1976 and holder of various portfolios, among others as Deputy Premier 1994-2003. Later awarded with the title of Dame. (b. 1944-).

1994-98 Lena Hjelm-Wallén, Sweden
1974-76 Minister without Portfolio for Schools, 1982-85 Minister of Education and Culture, 1985-91 Minister of International Development in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1995-96 and 1998 Deputy Premier. (b. 1943-).

1994-95 Sy Kadiatou Sow, Mali
1994-95 she was also in charge of Malians Abroad and African Integration, Governor of the Capital District of Bamako 1993-94 and Minister of Town Planning and Housing 1995-2000. (b. 1955-).

1994-95 Dorothy Musuleng-Cooper, Liberia
From 1989 First vice-President of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (The guerrilla-movement of Charles Taylor, who later became President), 1993-94 First Secretary of the Council of State, later Special Advisor of the President and from 2001 Minister of Gender Development. (b. 1930-).

1994-95 Maritza Ruiz de Vielman, Guatemala
Among others Ambassador to United Kingdom 2000-03 and afterwards Advisor of the Foreign Minister. She was Vice-Presidential Candidate in 2003 and 2007. (b. 1945-).

1995-2002 Janet Bostwick, Bahamas
The first female MP 1977-2002. 1992-94 Minister of Housing and Labour, 1994-95 Minister of Justice and Immigration, 1995-2001 Attorney General. 1998 she was the first woman to act as Prime Minister during the absence from the country of both the Premier and his deputy, and later acted on various other occasions. Married to The Hon. John Bostwick the President of the Senate 1992-2002, they have 3 children. (b. 1939-).

1995-2000 Tarja Halonen, Finland
In 2000 she was elected President of the republic. See Presidents (b. 1943-).

1995-96 Susanna Agnelli, Italy
1983-93 Under-secretary of Foreign Affairs, Member of the EU-Troyka of Foreign Ministers 1995-96. Formerly Married to Count Urbano Rattazzi and mother of 6 children. She lived (1922-2009)

1996-98 María Emma Mejía Vélez de Caballero, Colombia
Ambassador to Spain 1993-95, Vice-Presidential Candidate 1998, Candidate for Mayor of Bogota in 2000, 2003 and 2007, Secretary General of Unasur 2011-12 and Ambassador to the UN 2015. (b. 1953-).

1996-97 (Acting) Irena Georgieva Bokova, Bulgaria
1995-97 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Integration, 1996-97 1. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1996 Candidate for President and 1997-2001 Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2005-09 Ambassador to France, Director General of UNESCO from 2009 and Candidate for UN Secretary General in 2016. (b. 1952-).

1996-97 Tansu Çiller, Turkey
1991-93 Minister of State, Chief Economic Coordinator 1993-96 Premier Minister. During her tenure as Foreign Minister she was also Deputy Premier. (b. 1946-).

1997-2001 Madeleine Korbel Albright, United States of America
Madeleine Albright was United Nations Representative (Ambassador) 1993-97. As Secretary of State she was the highest ranking of the secretaries and fourth in the hierarchy of the Republic, after the President, Vice-President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Born in Czechoslovakia as Maria Jana Korbelova. (b. 1937-).

1997-2001 Nadezhda Nikolova Mihailova, Bulgaria
Chief of Liberal Party Foreign Affairs Department 1990-91, 1991-93 Government Spokesperson and since 1995-2002 Deputy Chairperson of Union of Democratic Forces, Parliamentary Leader 2001-05 and Party Leader 2002-06, Vice-President of the European People's Party from 1999. Mother of two daughters. (b. 1962-).

1997-98 Shirley Yema Gbujoma, Sierra Leone
Around 1970 she was ambassador to Senegal, 1996-97 Minister of Tourism and Culture. In 1998 she was Minister-in-exile of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation. Since 1998 Minister of Social Welfare, Children’s Affairs and Gender. (b. circa 1935-).

1997-98 Zdenka Kramplova, Slovakia
1992-1994 advisor to the Prime Minister, 1994-1997 Head of the Government office, also former Ambassador to Canada. Minister of Agriculture 2007-08. (b. 1957-).

1997, 1998 (March-April), 1999, 2000 (November), 2001, 2002 (January), 2003 (June), 2004 (June/July)... 2006 (May) (Acting) H.R.H. Princess Hajah Masna binti Omer Ali of Brunei, Brunei
Since 1995 Ambassador-at-Large and Second in Command of the Foreign Ministry and Acting Foreign Minister and Head of Delegations to APEC, ASEAN, ASEM and other international summits on various occasions. She is the sister of HM Sultan Hassanal Bolkian Muizzaddin of Brunei and married to Pengiran Lela Sahibun Najabah Pengiran Haji Abdul Aziz bin Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haja Abu Bakar. Her full title is Paduka Seri Pengiran Anak Puteri or Yang Teramat Mulina Pengiran Anak Puteri. (b. 1948-).

1997-2002 Minister of Foreign Affairs Naira Melkumian, Nargonyi-Karabakh
Formerly the Province of Nagorno-Karabakh in Azerbaijan, an enclave inside Armenian Territory inhabited by Armenians. The republic declared its independence in 1992 and Naira Melkumian was very active on the international scene in behalf of the republic during her tenure in office.

1998-2002 Lila Ratsifandrihamanana, Madagascar
1997-98 Minister of Scientific Research, Ambassador to Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Cape Verde and Côte d’Ivoire 2002-06 and Permanent Observer of the African Union from 2006. Also known as Ramatoa Ratsifandrihamanana Lia (b. 1959-).Also known as Ramatoa Ratsifandrihamanana Lia (b. 1959-).

1998-2003 (†) Anna Lindh, Sweden
Deputy Mayor of Stockholm 1991-94, Minister of Environment and Planning 1994-98. President of the Council of the European Union (Coundil of Ministers) 2001. The most popular politician in the country, she was killed while shopping by a young man of Serbian origin. In an interview Prime Minister Göran Persson said that he had planned stepping down in 2005 and hand over power to her. She was married to the former Minister Bo Holmberg (1942-2010), who was Governor of Södermanland, and mother of two sons b. 1991 and 1994, and lived (1957-2003).

1998-2000 Rosario Green Macías de Heller, Mexico
María del Rosaro Gloria was Ambassador to East Germany, DDR 1989-90, Subsecretary of Foreign Affairs for Latin America, Cultural Affairs and International Co-operation, 1992-94, Deputy Secretary General of United Nations for Political Affairs 1994-98, Ambassador to Argentina from 2001, Secretary General of PRI 2005-07 and Senator since 2006 (b. 1941-)

1998-2000 Tuyaa Nyam-Osoryn, Mongolia
In 1999 she was appointed acting Premier after the former premier resigned. (b. 1958-).

1999-2004 Lydie Polfer, Luxembourg
Apart from being Foreign Minister she was also Vice-Premier Minister and Minister of External Trade and Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform. She was Mayor of Luxembourg Ville 1982-99, Member of the Bureau of Chamber des Deputées, President of the Parti Democratique 1994-2004, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 2002 and from 2004 Member of the European Parliament. (b. 1952-).

1999-2009 Nkosazana C. Dlamini-Zuma, South Africa
1994-99 Minister of Health. Offered the post of Deputy President in 2005 after her ex-husband, Jacob Zuma was fired after corruption charges. She was candidate for the post of Deputy President of ANC in 2007, Minister of Home Affairs 2009-12 and Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union from 2012 (b. 1949-).

1999-2004 Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila, El Salvador
Former Academic and administrative career. (1956-).

1999-2000 and 2001-10 Dodo Aïchatou Mindaoudou, Niger
1995-96 she was Minister of Social Development, Population and Women. 2010 the government was deposed in a military coup d'etat. (b. 1959-).

1999 Hilia Garez Gomes Lima Barber, Guinea-Bissau
Also known as Ilia or Ilia Barber, she was ambassador to Israel 1995-99 and to France, the Vatican, UNESCO etc. from 2011. (b. 1944-).

2000-04 Soledad Alvear Valenzuela, Chile
1990-94 Minister for the National Women Service, 1994-99 Minister of Justice; She was leader of the Election Campaign of President Ricardo Lagos Escobar in 1999, before becoming Chancellor or Foreign Minister. She was chosen as the Christian Democratic Party's candidate for the primary of the centre-left Concertacion coalition, but she quit the race in May 2005 to pave the way for Michelle Barchelet's nomination. Senator and President of the Democracia Cristiana 2006-09. (b. 1951-).

2000-04 Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Austria
2004-10 Commissioner of External Relations, European Union
A career diplomat, 1993 she was Minister-Counsellor and Assistant Chief of Protocol of the Foreign Ministry, 1994-1995 Assistant Secretary General of the United Nation and Chief of Protocol 1995-2000 Minister of State of Foreign Affairs. In 2000 she was Chairperson-in-Office of OSCE and Presidential Candidate 2004 and Candidate for the post of Director General of UNOESCO in 2009. (b. 1948-).

2000-02 Haja Mahawa Bangoura Camara, Guinea
In 1995 she was Ambassador to USA and later to the United Nations. Her official title was Minister to the presidency charged with Foreign Affairs and an alternative version of her name is Camara Hadja Mawa Bangoura.

2000-04 Lillian E. Patel, Malawi
1996-99 Minister of Women's and Children's' Affairs, Community Development and Social Welfare 1999-2000 Minister of Health and Population. From 2004 Minister of Labour and Vocational Training.

2000-05 Maria Elisabeth Levens, Suriname
Trained teacher and former head of various bureaus within the Ministry of Education and Community Development and Policy Advisor to the Minister of Education. Also chair or member of several commissions, from 1975 Secretary of the Progressive Women’s Union and Chairperson of the Forum of NGO’s in Suriname 1991-2000. (b. 1950-).

2001 Antonieta Rosa Gomes, Guinea Bissau
Leader of Foro Cívic da Guiné (Guinean Civil Forum) since 1995 and Presidential Candidate in 1994 and 1999. 2000-2001 Minister of Justice. 2001 also third in the cabinet.

2001-02 Tanaka Makiko, Japan
1994-95 Minister of State, Director General of Science and Technology Agency. Tanaka Makiko is has been an LDP MP since 1993 and is daughter of the late former Premier Tanaka Kakulei (b. 1944-).
2001 and 2002-06 Ilinka Mitreva, Macedonia
Social Democratic MP since 1994 and former Professor in Roman Philology. (b. 1950-). |

2001 and 2002-06 Ilinka Mitreva, Macedonia
Social Democratic MP since 1994 and former Professor in Roman Philology. (b. 1950-). |

2001-02 Arta Dade, Albania
1997-98 and again from 2002 Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport and after that Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Party and Vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament. (b. 1948-).

2001-02 Filomena Mascarenhas Tipote, Guinea Bissau
2000-01 Secretary of State, in 2001 Minister of Employment and Poverty Control, 2002-2003 Minister of Public Works, Labour and Employment and 2003-04 Minister of Defence. (b. 1969-).

2002-05 Kristiina Ojuland, Estonia
Ambassador and Representative of the Republic of Estonia to the Council of Europe 1992-94, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Vice-President of the LDR Group. Also 1999-2002 and Vice-President of the European Liberal Democratic Reform Party, 1. Parliament Vice-President 2007-09, Member of the European Parliament from 2009 and founding Chairperson of Rahva Ühtsuse Erakond - the Party of People’s Unity in 2014. (b. 1966-). |

2002-04 Yoriko Kawaguchi, Japan
Former Minister-Councillor in the Embassy in Washington, government Bureaucrat and leader of a private company prior to her appointment as Minister of Environment and Global Environmental Affairs 2000-02. (b. 1941-). |

2002-04 Ana Palacio Vallelersundi, Spain
Held various high administrative and political positions before being elected to the European Parliament in 1994 where she chaired a number of committees and was member of the Presidium of the European Convention in 2002-03. (b. 1948-).

2002 and 2003 Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, The Philippines
The Philippine President since 2001 was in charge of the Foreign Affairs Portfolio throughout July 2002 and again in December 2003. Minister of Defence 2003 and 2006-07. See more details in Presidents (b. 1947-).

2002-07 Carolina Barco Isackson, Colombia
Until 2002 Director of Planning of the City Administration of Bogotá. She is daughter of the late President Virgilio Barco Vargas. (b. circa 1950-).

2002-04 Sandra Kalniete, Latvia
1988-90 Secretary-in-Charge of the Coordinating Council and Deputy Chairperson of the Latvian Popular Front (LPF), 1990–93 Deputy Foreign Minister and Chief of Protocol, 1993-97 Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, 1997–2002 Ambassador to France and 2000-02 concurrently to UNESCO. European Commissioner without Portfolio attached to the Commissioner for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development in 2004. Presidential candidate in 2007. (b. 1952-).

2003-11 Micheline Calmy-Rey, Switzerland
Former President of the Socialist Party of Génève, she was President of the Grand Conseil of Génève 1993, Councillor of Finance 1997-2002, Vice-President of the Government 2000-01 and President of the Government 2001-02. Vice-President of the Confedeation 2006 and 2010 and President in 2007 and 2011. (b. 1945-).

2003 Nina Pacari Vega, Ecuador
The first from the native Quéchua-Indian population to become Vice-President of Congreso Nacional 1999-2000 and 2000 acting President of the congress for one day. Founder of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE). In August 2003 her party left the government. (b. 1960-).
2003 Fatoumata Djau Baldé, Guinea Bissau
Before her appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and the Communities she was Secretary of State of Tourism 2002 and then Secretary of State of Social Solidarity and Employment. In June a prominent leader of the opposition, Francisca Vaz Turpin, had been named Foreign Minister, but she refused to take up her appointment.

2003-06 Leila Rachid de Cowles, Paraguay
1996-98 Vice-Minister of External Relations, and her country's first female Ambassador, posted to Argentina 1999-2000 and to the United States 2000-03. Prior to that she served as a professor at a number of Paraguayan institutions of higher learning. (b. 1955-).

2003-06 Laila Freivalds, Sweden
Minister of Justice 1988-90 and 1994-2000, when she had to resign over a scandal concerning her flat. In 2006 when she had lied about her attempts to censor an extreme rightwing website. Her only daughter is born in 1986. Born in Estonia (b. 1942-).

2003-04 Teresa Pinto Basto Gouveia, Portugal
Teresa Gouveia was Secretary of State of Culture 1985-89 and 1991 Secretary of State of Environment and 1993-95 Minister of Environment. Member of the Parliament for the Conservative Social Democrats. She was against the appointment of Pedro Santana Lopes as successor of José Durão Barroso as Prime Minister and resigned from the government. Her full name is Maria Teresa Pinto Basto Patrício Gouveia. (b. 1946-).

2003-04 Delia Domingo Albert, Philippines
A career diplomat since 1967 among others as Ambassador to Australia, Nauru, Tuvalu and Vanuatu and the ASEAN and as Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations from 2002-03. From 2004 Presidential Advisor for Multilateral Cooperation and Development and Natural Resources. Ambassador to Germany since 2005. (b. 1942-).

2003-06 Edna Adan Ismail, Somaliland
A former World Health Organization representative in Djibouti, she founded and is the Co-Patron and Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Somaliland's first Maternity Hospital. 2002-03 Minister of Family Welfare and Social Development as the first woman minister. Somaliland is a self-declared and de-facto independent republic. (b. 1937-).

2004-05 Salomé Zurabishvili, Georgia
Decending from Georgian emigrees to France and French ambassador to Georgia 2003-04, after various diplomatic postings. Leader of the Georgia's Way party 2006-10 and became an UN official in 2013. (b. 1953-).

2004-08 Ursula Plassnik, Austria
Chief of Cabinet of Federal Chancellor Wolfang Schüssel 1997-2004 and Ambassador to Switzerland in 2004 and from 2016, Ambassador to France 20. President of the Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers or Council for General of General Affairs and External Relations) in 2006 and Conservative MP 2008-11. (b. 1956-).

2004 and 2007 (Acting) Helēna Demakova, Latvia
Helena Demakova was MP for the People's Party 1998-2002 and former Advisor to the Prime Minister. Minister of Culture from 2004 and Acting Foreign Minister on two occations until a new minister was was appointed to the post. (b. 1959-).

2005-09 Condoleezza Rice, United States of America
Director of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council 1989-93. Professor of International Affairs of Stanford University. 2001-05 Cabinet Member and National Security Advisor. (b. 1954-)

2005-08 Alcinda Abreu, Moçambique
Alcinda Antonio de Abreu was MP 1977-94, Minister of Social Action Co-ordination 1994-97 and later among others Advisor of the Prime Minister and Minister of Environment from 2008. (b. 1953-).

2005-08 Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Croatia
From 2003 Minister of European Integration and the two ministries merged in 2005. English and Spanish languages professor and former adviser in the Foreign Ministry. Presidential Candidate in 2014 and 2015 (b. 1968-).
2005-06 Sidibé Fatoumata Kaba, Guinea
Worked in the Foreign Ministry since 1980 from 2000 as Director of Political and Cultural Affairs with rank of Ambassador. 2002-05 Ambassador to Nigeria and Minister of International Cooperation 2006-08. Mother of 3 children. (b. circa 1968-).

2005-06 Sidibé Fatoumata Kaba, Guinea
Worked in the Foreign Ministry since 1980 from 2000 as Director of Political and Cultural Affairs with rank of Ambassador. 2002-05 Ambassador to Nigeria and Minister of International Cooperation 2006-08. Mother of 3 children. (b. circa 1968-).

2005-09 Rita Kieber-Beck, Liechtenstein
Vize-regierungschefin or Deputy Head of the Government, councillor of Education, Trafic, Communication and Justice 2001-05. (b. 1958-).

2005 (Acting) Ana Trišić-Babić, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Trisic-Babic was Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs until her appointment as Acting Minister for a few days when Mladen Ivanic had both resigned and been fired, but none-the-less he is still in office. The office of Deputy Minister was vacant after Lidija Topić's appointment as Ambassador to EU.

2005-09 Antoinette Batumubwira, Burundi
Also in charge of International Cooperation. Her husband, Jean-Marie Ngendahayo, was Minister of Foreign Affairs 1993-95 and of Interior in 2005. Lived in exile in Finland during the civil war. Her government's candidate for the poistion of Chairperson of the Comission of the African Union in 2007. (b. 1956-)

2005-10 Lygia Kraag-Keteldijk, Suriname
Director of Political Affairs in the Cabinet of the President 2000-05. (b. 1941-).
2006-07 Asha-Rose Migiro, Tanzania
Dr. Asha-Rose Mtengeti Migiro was Minister for Community Development, Women’s and Children’s Affairs 2000-06. Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations 2007-14 and Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs from 2014. (b. 1956-).

2006-07 Asha-Rose Migiro, Tanzania
Dr. Asha-Rose Mtengeti Migiro was Minister for Community Development, Women’s and Children’s Affairs 2000-06. Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations 2007-14 and Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs from 2014. (b. 1956-).

2006-09 Tzipi Livni, Israel
2001 Minister of Regional Cooperation, 2001-02 Minister without Portfolio in the Prime Minister's Office for Information, 2002-03 Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, 2003-06 Minister of Immigrant Absorption
2004-05 Minister of Construction and Housing, 2004-05, Minister of Justice 2005-06 and 2006-07 and also 1. Vice-Premier from 2006. MK for Likud 1999 until 2005 when she joined Kadima, a new party formed by Ariel Sharon. Party Leader 2008-12 until she was not re-elected in the party primaries and subsequently left the Knesset. Charged with the formation of a new government 23 September-26. October 2008. Acting Prime Minister on various occasions whenever the chief of government was out of the country. In 2009 her party became the largest but the right-wing had the majority in the Parliament. Chairperson of Hatnua Birshut Tzipi Livni (The Movement Headed by Tzipi Livni) from 2012. Her father was a Likud MK for many years. Mother of 2. (b. 1958-).

2006-09 Dora Bakoyannis, Greece
Chief of staff of her father, Konstantine Mitsotakis, when he became leader of the New Democracy party from 1984 and later Prime Minister. After her husband, Pavlos Bakoyannis, was assassinated in 1989, she was elected to the Parliament. Candidate for the leadership of Nea Demokratia in 1996 and 2009, Shadow Foreign- and Defence Minister 2000-02, Mayor of Athens 2002-06 and Chairperson-in-Office of OSCE in 2009. Founded the Democratic Alliance in 2011 and MP until 2012. Married to Isidoros Kouvelos from 1998. (b. 1956-).

2006 (Acting) Carin Jämtin, Sweden (27.03-24.04)
The Minister of Development Aid in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2003-06, she was given additional charge as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and named Acting Foreign Minister until the 65 year old male diplomat is able to take office, but he continued as Chairman of the UN General Assembly until September and spent much time in New York leaving her to run the ministry. ( b. 1964-).
2006-07 Mariam Aladji Boni Diallo, Benin
Mariam Aladji Boni épouse Diallo was Ambassador and General Secretary of the Ministry until her appointment. (b. 1953-).

2006-07 Margaret Beckett, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Also in Charge of Commonwealth Affairs. She was Assistant Government Whip 1975-76 and 1976-79 Junior Minister of Education, Deputy Leader of Labour 1992-94, Acting leader after the death of John Smith, and she was a candidate for both the Leadership and the Deputy Leadership of Labour, held various Posts in the Labour Shadow Cabinets 1989-97, President of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State for Trade and Industry 1997-98, President of the Council and Leader of The House of Commons, Deputy Government Spokesperson and Minister in charge of the Millennium Bug 1998-2001, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2001-06, Minister of Housing 2008-09 amd Candidate for the post of Speaker of the House of Commons in 2009. (b. 1943-).

2006-07 Anna Fotyga, Poland
Until 2004 Vice-president of Gdańsk and MEP 2004-05 and State Secretary of Foreign Affairs 2005-06 and Acting Minister a few days before her appointment, Head of the Office of the ultra-rightwing President Lech Kaczyński. Designated as Ambassador to the United Nations in 2009 (b. 1957-)

2006-09 Joyce Banda, Malawi
Minister of Women, Child Welfare and Community Service 2004-06. Vice-President 2009-12 and President from 2012. (b. 1954-).

2006-09 Kinga Göncz, Hungary
Göncz Kinga was Political State Secretary of Health, Social- and Family Affairs 2002-04,Minister without Portfolio for Equal Opportunities in 2004 and 2004-06 Minister of Family, Children and Equality. (b. 1947-).

2006-07 Valgerður Sverrísdóttir, Iceland
Valgerdur Sverrisdottir was Secretary of the Upper Chamber 1987-88, 2. Vice-Chairperson1988-89, 1. Vice-Chairperson of the Alþing, 1990-91 and 1992-95, Parliamentary Leader of the Progress Party (Framsóknaflokkns) 1995-99 and Party Vice-Chairperson from 2007 and Vice-President of the Nordic Council 1996-99 Minister of Trade and Industry 1999-2006 and Minister of Nordic Cooperation 2004-05. (b. 1953-).

2006 Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigeria
Former Vice-President of the World Bank and Corporate Secretary. Minister of Finance 2003-06 and from 2011. When she was appointed Foreign Affairs in June 2006, she continued as the Head of the Economic Reform Team, but resigned from the government after being fired from this post in August.

2006-07 María Consuelo Araújo Castro, Colombia
Worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and held other posts. She resigned after her brother, Senator Alvaro Araujo was arrested on suspicion of ties with paramilitaries involved in the country's drug trade. Her father was previously Minister of Agriculture. (b. 1971-).

2006-07 Joy Ogwu, Nigeria
Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Foreign Affairs Institute through many years. (b. 1946-).

2006-12 Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Mexico
Worked in various Mexican UN-representation in New York and Géneve from 1982 and also worked in the Ministry of External Relations. Ambassador to Germany Austria, Slovenia and Slovakia and Representative to various UN organisations in Vienna 2001-06. (b. 1958-).

2006-07 Maia Chigoyeva-Tsaboshvili, South Ossetia in Georgia
2006 she attempted to run as presidential candidate in of the "alternative government" in the self-declared republic considered to be part of Georgia by the international community, but it was refused as she lived abroad at the time. Minister of Civil Integration from 2007. (b. 1966-).

2007 María Fernanda Espinosa, Ecuador
Economist and former Regional Director of the World Organisation for Naturaleza, Ambassador to the United Nations 2008-09 and Minister-Coordinator of the National Heritage 2008-12 and Minister of Defence from 2012. (b. 1963-).

2007-08 Sahana Pradhan, Nepal
Leader of the Communist Party 1978-87, Leader of the Marxist NKP 1987-90, Leader of the United Left Front 1990-91, President of the united Marxist party UML 1991 and now member of the Executive Committee. 1990-91 Minister of Industry and Trade, 1996-97 Minister of Forests and Soil Conservation and 1997 Minister of Women and Welfare. Often mentioned as a potential presidential candidate for her party who would have won wide support in the Constituent Assembly, but her party nominated a man, who lost. Widow of Pushpa Lal Shresta, leader of the Communists 1949-78. She lived (1927-2014).

2007-09 Maria da Conceição Nobre Cabral, Guinea Bissau
Also Minister of International Cooperation and the Communities Abroad.

2007-09 Meritxell Mateu i Pi, Andorra
Ambassador to France, Council of Europe and UNESCO 1995-97, Ambassador to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg from 1997 the following year also to the Netherlands, from 1999 to Denmark and from 2001 to Slovenia, Minister of Heritage, Youth, Higher Education and Recearch 2005-07. (b. 1966-).

2007 (Acting) Adaljíza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno, Timor Leste (19.05-08.08)
Ajiza Magno has been an MP from 2002 and Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation 2005-07. (b. 1975-).

2007-09 Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, Iceland
Member of the Althing for the Women's Alliance 1991-94, Mayor of Reykjavik 1994-2003, Deputy Leader of Samfylkingin (The Social Democratic Alliance) and Party Leader 2005-09. She was diagonsed with a brain tumor in late 2008, and proposed her party collauge, Johanna Sigurdarsdottir, as Prime Minister when she was charged with the government formation in January 2009, and resigned as Party Leader in March. (b. 1954-).

2007-08 Lisa Shoman, Belize
Ambassador to the USA and the Organisation of American States from 2000 until her appointment to the Senate and Cabinet. (b. 1964-).

2007-08 and 2011-13 Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, Cyprus
Worked in the UN Mission 1980-88 before returning to the Foreign Office, Ambassador to Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway 1996-98, Ambassador to USA, Argentina, Brazil, Bahamas, Barbados, Canada, Chile, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay 1998-2003, Director of the Cyprus Question and EU-Turkey Affairs Division at the Foreign Ministry from 2003, Non-resident Ambassador to Jordan 2003-200 and Minister of Communications and Works 2010-11. (b. 1949-).

2007-10 Olubanke King-Akerele, Liberia
Also known as Olubanke Akerele, Olubanke Yetunde or Olu Bankie, she worked 20 years as Deputy Director for the United Nations Development Program for Women and then United Nations Development Program Representative in Mauritius and Seychelles prior to her appointment as Minister of Commerce and Industry in 2006. She is the granddaughter of former Liberian president Charles DB King.

2007-10 Zainab Hawa Bangura, Sierra Leone
Co-founder and Chairperson of the Movement for Progress in 2002 and Presidential Candidate the same year and Chief Civil Affairs Officer of the United Nations Mission in Liberia from 2005, Minister of Health and Sanitation from 2010-12 and appointed Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict in 2012. (b.1959-).

2007-10 Paula Gopee-Scoon, Trinidad and Tobago
MP for the governing People’s National Movement (PNM) and appointed Trade Minister in 2015.

2007-08 Sanjaasuren Oyun, Mongolia
Also known as Oyuun Sanjaasürängiïn or Sanjaasürengiyn, she has been an independent MP from 1998, Leader of the Civil Will-Republican Party from 2000, Vice-Chairperson of ARDA (Alliance for Reform and Democracy in Asia) since 2001 and Parliamentary Spokesperson of the Coalition of Reformist Parties and Leader of the Motherland-Democracy Caucus in 2004, Vice-President of The Great Khüral 2004-05. (b. 1964-)

2007-08 María Isabel Salvador Crespo, Ecuador
Minister of Tourism 2005-07. Also Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration 2007-08.

2008-09 Minister of Foreign Affairs Marisol Argueta de Barillas, El Salvador
Former Director General for Foreign Policy, Minister-Councillor in USA and Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations. (b. 1968-).

2008 Laure Olga Gondjout, Gabon
Presidential Councilllor from 1984 and later Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Ministers and Private Secretary of President Omar Bongo Ondimba. Minister-Delegate of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, the Francophonie and Regional Integration 2006-07, Minister of Communication, Post and Telecommunications, the New Technologies and Information 2007-08 and 2008-11 Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, the Francophonie and Regional Integration February-October 2008. Her father was Senator in the French Union and later President of the National Assembly of Gabon. (b. 1953-).

2008- Rosemary Kobusingye Museminari, Rwanda
2000-05 Ambassador to United Kingdom, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the Republic of Ireland and 2005-08 Minister of State of Cooperation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (b. 1962-).

2008-15 Carolyn Rodrigues, Guyana
Active in Amerindian Community Affairs for a number of years, 2001-08 Minister of Amerindian Affairs (in charge of the Native Americans in the Country). (b. 1974-).

2008 Eka Tkeshelashvili, Georgia
2004-05 Deputy Minister of Justice, 2005-06 Deputy Minister of Interior, 2006-07 Chairperson of the Tbilisi Court of Appeal, 2007-08 Minister of Justice and State Procecutor in 2008 and Deputy Prime Minister from 2010. (b. 1977-).
2008 (Acting) Helen Clark, New Zealand
MP since 1981. Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Select Committee 1984-87, Minister of Housing and Conservation 1987-89, Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour and Health 1989-90, Deputy Leader of Labour and of the Opposition 1990-93 and Leader of Labour 1993-2008 and Leader of the Opposition 1993-99. Prime Minister 1999-2008, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 2009, and Candidate for UN Secretary General in 2016. In 1981 she married Dr. Peter Davis. No children. (b. 1950-).

2008- Maxine McClean, Barbados
Appointed Senator and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office and Leader of Government Business in the Senate in January 2008. From November 2008 also Minister of Foreign Trade.

2008-12 Antonella Mularoni, San Marino
As Secretary of Foreign and Political Affairs she also functions as Leader of the Government even though the Captain Generals are both Heads of State and Government. She was Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance 1986-87, Director of the Office for relations with the associations of San Marino citizens living abroad 1987-90, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1989-90, Barrister and public notary in the Republic of San Marino 1991-2001, Member of the General Grand Council 1993-2001 and again from 2008, and Judge of the European Court of Human Rights 2001-08. (b. 1961-).

2009-13 Dipu Moni, Bangladesh |
Secretary for Women’s Affairs of the Bangladesh Awami League. Married to Tawfique Nawaz, Senior Advocates of the Supreme Court and mother of 1 son.

2009 Adiatu Djaló Nandigna, Guinea Bissau
Also known as Maria Adiatu Diallo Nandigna, she was Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport 2007-08 and has been Second in Cabinet since 2008 and Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Social Communication and Parliament from 2009 and Acting Prime Minister in 2012. Appointed Defencer Minister in 2015.

2009-13 Hilary Rodham Clinton, United States of America |
Politically Influential when her husband, Bill Clinton, was governor of Arkansas 1979-81 and 1983-1992 and President of USA 1993-2001, Senator for New York 2001-09 and Candidate in the Democratic Party Presidential Primary 2009 and Presidential Candidate in 2016. (b. 1947-).

2009 Patricia Isabel Rodas Baca, Honduras
President of the Partido Liberal 2002-09. (b. 1962-).
2009-10 Sandra Sumang Pierantozzi, Palau (Balau) |
1989-96 Minister of Administration and Budget as her country's first female minister, 1992 she was candidate for Vice-President and from 1996 senator and Floor Leader. In 2001 she again became Minister of Administration and Budget again, and was later appointed Minister of Health, 2001-05 Vice-President and 2009-10 in charge of Foreign and Domestic Affairs as Minister of State. Presidential Candidate in 2016. |

2009- Aurelia Frick, Liechtenstein
Business women, executive director and entrepreneur. Also Minister of Justice 2009-13, Minister of Culture since 2009 and Minister of Education from 2013. (b. 1975-).

2009- Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, South Africa
Before becoming Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, she was Member of the Executive Council for Housing and Local Government in the Limpopo Province.

2009-11 Sujata Koirala, Nepal
Spokesperson of the Nepalese Congress Party 2007-08, Minister Without Portfolio in 2008, she failed to get elected to the Constuent Assembly in 2008 but the following year her father, Congress President and former Prime Minsiter, Girija Prasad Koirala, named her Foreign Minister and Leader of the Congress Party in the Government and later in the year she was appointed Deputy Prime Minister.

2009-11 Etta Banda, Malawi
MP from 2009.

2009-10 Rumiana Jeleva, Bulgaria
Member of the European Parliament 2007-09, Designate EU-Commissioner of Human Rights and Development Aid 2009-10, but came under attack for her financial dealings and lack of knowledge of the area during the hearings in the EU-Parliament, causing her to resign both as candidate and from the Bulgarinan government. (b. 1969-).

2009-11 Naha Mint Mouknass, Mauritania
The second woman in the Arab world to be head of a political party UDP, Union des forces du progrès, since 2000, Minister-Advisor at the Presidency 2001-05. and became Minister of Commerce and Industry, Handicrafts and Tourism in 2014. She had her first child in 2013.

2009-11 Marie-Michele Rey, Haiti
1991 Minister of Finance, 1991-93 Minister in government-in-exile of Finance, 1993-95 Minister of Finance and Economy. President Jean Bertrand Aristide was ousted by a Military Coup d’Etat in 1991 and lead a government-in-exile till he was reinstalled in 1993.

2009- Louise Mushikiwabo, Rwanda
2008-09 Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister charged with Information.

2010-14 Baroness Ashton of Upholland, the European Union
Catherine Ashton has been a Baroness from 1999, British Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of Education and Skills 2001-04, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of Constitutional Affairs 2004-06 and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2006-07, Leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council 2007-08, EU-Commissioner for Trade from 2008-10 and Vice-President of the EU-Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy 2010-14. (b. 1956-).
2010 (Acting) Rasa Juknevičienė, Lithuania |
Deputy Chairperson of the Homeland Union since 1999, MP from 1999 and Assistant Speaker of the of Seimas 1999-2000, Defence Minister from 2008 and Acting Foreign Minister from 21. January until 11. February 2010. (b. 1958-). |

2010-11 Lene Espersen, Denmark
M 1994-2014, Political Spokesperson of The Conservative People's Party 1999-2001 and 2014, Minister of Justice 2001-08 and Political Leader from 2008 and also Deputy Prime Minister and and 2008-10 Minister of Economic Affairs and Business Affairs. (b. 1965-)

2010-11 Aminatou Djibrilla Maiga Touré, Niger
Mayor of Niamey Commune II 1996-2000, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2000-03 and Secretary-General of the Ministry's National Commission for La Francophonie 2003-05 and Ambassador to USA 2006-10.

2010- María Ángela Holguín-Cuéllar, Colombia
Angela Holguin was Chief of Cabinet, Secretary General of the Ministry of External Affairs, 1996-97, Vice-Minister of External Relations in 1998, Ambassador to Venezuela 2002-04 and Ambassador to the United Nations 2004-06. She was offered the post of Ambassador to France in 2006 but refused. President of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States from 2011.

2010-11 (Acting) Vlora Çitaku, Kosovo
MP from 2007 and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 2009-10. Minister of European Integration from 2011. (b. 1980-)

2010-11 Trinidad Jiménez García-Herrera , Spain
Former Party Official and Government Advisor, Socialist Candidate for Mayor of Madrid in 2003, 2006-09 Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs for Ibero-American Affairs, 2009-10 Minister of Health and from 2010 also Minister of Cooperation. (b. 1962-)
2010-11 Michèle Alliot-Marie, France |
1986-88 Secretary of State for Education, 1993-95 Minister of Youth and Sports. From 1994 1. Vice-President of the General Council of the Department of Pyrénées-
Atlantique, 1999-2002 President of RPR, Rally for the Republic. Minister of Interior 2007-09, Minister of State from 2009 and Minister of Justice 2009-10. From 2010 also Minister of European Affairs. (b. 1946-). |

2011-13 Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan
PPP MP from 2002, Minister of State of Economic Affairs 2004-07 Minister of State of Finance and Economic Affairs 2009-11 and Minister of State of Foreign Affairs in charge of the Ministry until she was appointed to the post after about 6 months. (1977-).

2011 (Acting) Erlinda F. Basilio, Philippines
1995-1997 Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Asia and Pacific Affairs, 1997-2003 Ambassador to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuenia and later Head of the Foreign Affairs Institute, 2006-2007 and since 2010 Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs for Policy, 2007-10 Ambassador to United Nations in Geneva and Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs 18-22.02 in 2011. (b. 1944-)

2011 Yvette Sylla, Madagascar
President of the Madagasikara Mandroso party

2011-16 Vesna Pusić, Croatia
Also Minister of European Affairs. She was chairperson of Croatian of Narodna Stranka 2000-05 and of the Narodna Stranka-Liberalni Demokrati 2005-08, Vice-President of the Sabor 2003-04 and 2016, Presidential Candidate in 2009 Deputy Prime Minister 2012-16 nd Candidate for Secretary General of the UN in 2016 . (b. 1953-)
2012-15 Nina Shtansky, Transnistria (Self declared Republic in Moldova) |
Presidential Special Representative for the Transnistria Negotiating Process in 2012 and also Deputy Prime Minister and Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary from 2012. Resigned when she married President Evgeny Shevchuk in 2015. (b. 1978-) |

2012-14 Maia Panjikidze, Georgia
Ambassador to Germany 2004-07 and the Netherlands 2007-10. Spokesperson for the Georgian Dream Party. (b. 1960-)
2012-13 Susan Waffa-Ogoo, The Gambia |
1994-95, 1996, 1997-2001 and 2004-06 Minister of Tourism, 1994-94 Minister of Information and 1996, 1997-2001 and 2004-06 Minister of Culture 2001-2004 Minister of Fisheries and Natural Resources, 2008 Ambassador to India in 2008 and 2008-12 to the United Nations. (b. 1960-) |
2012-14 Foawziya Yusuf Haji Adan, Somalia |
Presidential candidate in Somaliland in 2003 and Leader of the Peace Democracy and Prosperity political party-NDB (Ururka Nabad Dimuquraadiyada iyo Barwaaqo). Also Deputy Premier. |
2012- Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Namibia |
1989-96 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1996-2002 Head of the Department of Women in the Office of the President, 2000-05 Minister of Women's Affairs and Child Welfare, 2005-08 Minister of Information and Broadcasting, 2008-12 Minister of Environment and Tourism and Secretary General of SWAPO since 1996. Also Deputy Premier from 2015. (b. 1952-) |
2012- 14 Natália Pedro da Costa Umbelina Neto, São Tomé e Príncipe |
Natália Umbelina is also Minister of Cooperation and Communities and was previously secretary of the Regional Government of the Island of Príncipe for Social Affairs |

2013-17 Hanna Tetteh, Ghana
MP 2000-08 and from 2012, Spokesperson of the Government Transition team in 2009 and Minister of Trade and Industry 2009-13. (b. 1967-).
2013- 15 Mireya Agüero de Corrales, Honduras |
Vice-Minister of Foreign Affaris 2010-13 |
2013-14 Emma Bonino, Italy |
Secretary of the Parliament Group of Partito Radicale 1976-78, Group Vice-President 1979, Party President 1991-93 and Party Leader 1993-95, European Union Commissioner for Fisheries, Consumer Policy and the European Community Humanitarian Office 1995-99, Presidential Candidate 1999 and 2013, Leader of La Rosa nel Pugno from 2005, Minister of International Trade and Minister without Portfolio for European Affairs 2006-08 and Vice-President of the Senate 2008-13. (b. 1948-) |
2013-14 Eda Rivas Franchini, Peru |
Vice-Minister 2011-12 and Minister 2012-13 of Justice and Human Rights. |
2013- Amina Mohamed, Kenya |
Ambassador to United Nations in Geneva 2000-06, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs 2008-11, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme 2011-13. |
2013-16 Natalia Gherman, Moldova |
Also Deputy Premier and Minister of European Integration a portfolio she held as Vice-Minister 2009-13, Ambassador to Austria, OSCE and other International Organisations in Vienna 2002-06 and to Sweden, Norway and Finland 2006-09, Acting Prime Minister 2015 and Candidate for UN Secretary General in 2016. She is daughter of former President Mircea Snegur
2013-14 Léonie Banga-Bothy, The Central African Republic |
Me. Banga-Bothy née Mbazoa is Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, the Francophonie and Centralafricans Abroad. |
2013- Julie Bishop, Australia |
Minister for Ageing 2003-06. Minister for Education, Science and Training, and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for Women’s Issues 2006-07, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party from 2007 and Deputy Leader of the Opposition 2007-13. Lives with Peter Nattrass, former Mayor of Brisbane. (b. 1956-). |
2013-14 (Acting) Viola Onwuliri, Nigeria |
As First Minister of State for Foreign Affairs since 2011, she was apppointed Acting Minister after the former minister was removed from office. Appointed Minister of State of Education in 2014. Professor and Deputy Gubernational Candidate in the Imo State (b. 1957-). |
2013 (Acting) Mariyam Shakeela, Maldive Islands |
Minister of Environment and Energy 2011-13, Minister of Health and Gender 2013. |
2013-16 Dunya Maumoon, Maldive Islands |
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 2007-08 and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 2011-13. She is daughter of Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who was president 1978-2008 and appointed by her uncle, Abdulla Yameen. |
2014 Federica Mogherini, Italy
2014- European Union |
MP for the Democratic Party 2008-14. C.hairperson of the Council of General Affairs in 2014 and Vice-President of the EU Commission and High Representative for External Affairs and Security Policy from 2014. (b. 1973-). |
2014-15 Arisoa Lala Razafitrimo, Madagascar |
Also known as Harisola Razafiltrimo she is former advisor of the President of the African Union and Director of Foreign Affairs 2013-14. |
2014- Sushma Swaraj, India |
Former minister in Haryana 1987-88, Member of the Panel of Vice-Chairmen of the Rajya Sabha 1991-98, General Secretary and Spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP circa 1995-98, Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting 1996, 1998 and 2001-03, Chief Minister of Delhi in 1998, and Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs 2003-04, Deputy Leader of BJP in the Rajya Sabha and Spokesperson of the BJP Parliamentary Wing 2004-09 and Leader of the Opposition 2009-14. (b. 1952-). |
2014- Isabel Saint Malo de Alvarado, Panama |
Also Vice-President of the republic. Former Assistant Ambassador to the UN and official in the foreign ministry until 1994, the worked for the United Nations Development Program until she moved to the private sector in 2008. |
2014- Margot Wallström, Sweden |
Former MP and held ministerial posts since 1988 and was
European Commissioner 1999-2009 and later worked for the UN. (b. 1954-). |
2014- Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi, Indonesia |
Retno LP Marsudi or Retno Marsudi is former Ambassador to the Netherlands and to Norway and Iceland. |
2014-15 Tamar Beruchashvili, Georgia |
1998 Deputy Minister and 1998-2000 Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, 2000-03 and 2013-14Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2003-04 Deputy State Minister at the State Chancellery, 2004-13 State Minister of Integration with European and Euro-Atlantic Structures and 2013 Deputy State Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration (b. 1961-). |
2014 (Acting) Anne Sulling, Estonia |
Advisor of the Prime Minister 2009-14 and member of the Reform Party, Minister responsible for foreign trade and entrepreneurship in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Acting Foreign Affairs Minister in 2014. (b. 1976-). |
2014-15 Keit Pentus-Rosimannusm, Estonia |
Vice-Chairperson of the Reform Party and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Faction 2007-09, 1. Vice-President of the Parliament 2009-11 and Environment Minister from 2011. (b. 1976-). |
2014-16 Clarice Modeste-Curwen, Grenada |
1998-2003 Minister of Environment and Health, 2003-07 Minister of Communication, Works and Transport, 2007-08 and from 2016 Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Culture and the Performing Arts and 2013-14 Minister of Health and Social Security. (b. 1945-). |
2014- Francine Baron, Dominica |
Also Minister of CARICOM Affairs, she was Attorney General 2007-12 and Ambassador to United Kingdom 2012-14. |
2014- Delcy Eloina Rodríguez Gómez, Venezuela |
Delcy Rodríguez was Minister of Presidential Affairs in 2006,
Vice-Minister for Europe 2006-10 and Minister of Communication and Information 2012-13 and 2014, before she was named Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Appointed 6th Vice-President of the Council of Ministers for the Sovreignty Politics, Security and Peace 2015-17. (b. 1970-) |
2014- Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi, Botswana |
2002-03 Minister of Commerce, Industry, Wildlife and Tourism, 2003-04 Minister of Conservation, Wildlife and Tourism, 2004-09 Minister of Communications, Science and Technology and 2009-14 Minister of Education and Skill Development |
2014 Ekaterina Yurevna Gubareva, Donetsk (Self-proclaimed Republic in Ukraine) |
Acting Leader of the New Russia Party in 2014 and Deputy Foreign Minister from 2014. (b. 1983-) |
2015-17 Neneh Macdouall-Gaye, The Gambia |
Journalist and former Deputy Director of the National Television Corporation, Secretary of State of Industry and Employment in 2005 and Secretary of State of Communication, Information and Technology 2005-08, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to The United Nations in 2008 and to USA, Candada and Mexico in 2009. (b. 1957-). |
2015 Fatma Vall Mint Soueinae, Mauritania |
2014-15 Minister of Culture, 2014 Minister of Youth and Sport, 2014-15 Mnister of Handicrafts and was appointed Minister of Cattle and Livestock later in 2015. |
2015- Béatrice Atallah, Madagascar |
Former President of the Electoral Commission |
2015-16 Aïchatou Kané Boulama, Niger |
Also Minister of Cooperation, African Integration and Nigeriens Abroad. She was Secretary of State of Finance for Planning 1993-95, Director of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister until 2015 and appointd Minister of Planning in 2016. (b. 1955-). |
2015- Ana María Liliana Sánchez Vargas de Ríos, Peru |
Other versions of her name is Ana María Sánchez Vargas de Ríos and Ana María Sánchez. Appointed Ambassador to France in 2015. |
2015- 16 Marina Kaljurand, Estonia |
Ambassador to Israel 2004-06, to Russia 2006-08, Kazakhstan 2007-11, USA and Mexico 2011-14 and Canada 2011-13. Presidential Candidate in 2016. (b. 1962-). |
2015-16 Emine Çolak, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
Lawyer, Member of Lefkoşa Turkish Municipal Council 1994-2002. (b. 1958-). |
2015-17 Niermala Badrising, Suriname |
Former Ambassador to OAS and Chair of the Permanent Council in 2015. |
2015-17 Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas, Mexico |
PRI MP 2006-12, Member of the Presidential Transition Team and Coordinator of Human Rights in 2012 and Secretary of Tourism 2012-15. (b. 1972-). |
2015- Susana Malcorra, Argentina |
Undersecretary of the United Nations 2008-2012, United Nations Chef de Cabinet to the Executive Office 2012-15 and Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) from 2009, Candidate for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations. (b. 1954-). |
2016- Makalé Camara, Guinea |
Aso known as Makalacutee Kamara. Secretary of State for Women and Children 1992-94, Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Forests 1994-96, Ambassador to Senegal, Gambia, Capo Verde and Mauritania 2002-07, Ambassador to France, Spain, Monaco, Portugal and UNESCO 2007-11 and held various other administrative and political posts. (b. 1953-) |

2016- Marjon V. Kamara, Liberia
Worked at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for 20 years latest as Director for Africa based in Geneva 2005-09 and UN Ambassador 2009-16.
2016- Kamina Johnson Smith, Jamaica |
Also Minister of Trade and Leader of Government Business in the Senate. Senator from 2011 |
2016- Aung San Suu Ky, Myanmar |
The de facto Head of Government is also State Councilor and Minister of the President's Office. (b. 1945-).
2016-17 Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir, Iceland |
Lilja Dögg Alfredsdottir is an economist and previously worked for the Icelandic Central Bank (1973-)
2016- 'Mamphono Khaketla, Leshoto |
2002-04 Minister of Communications, Science and Technology, 2004-07 Minister of Natural Resources, 2007-12 Minister of Education and Training and 2015-16 Finance Minister. |
2016- (Acting) Natalia Yurevna Nikonorova, Dontesk (Self-Delcared Republic in Ukraine) |
Fomer Assistant to the Public Procecuter of Ukraine.
2017- Chrystia Freeland, Canada |
Liberal MP and Minister of International Trade 2015-17. (b. 1968-).
2017- Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, Ghana |
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 2005-09.
2017- Yildiz Pollack-Beighle, Suriname |
Former official at CARICOM
Last update 23.03.17
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