Columbia Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Colombia Local Leaders

Also see Colombia Ministers

1954-1956 Governor Josefina Valencia de Hubach, Cauca
Minister of Education in 1956

1966-70 Governor Alina Muños de Zambrano, Cava

1974-77 og 1992-94 Governor Pilar Villegas de Hoyos, Caldas

1974-75 Governor Fidelina Villamizar de Pérez, Norte de Santander
According to a source 6 of 22 governors were women in 1974.

1974-75 Governor María Carmenza Arenas Abello , Norte de Santander

1976 Governor Lucelly García de Montoya, Quindio
In 1994 she was killed in a High-way robbery on her way to Honduras, where she was posted as Ambassador

1978 Governor Olma Inés Beltrán de Mejía, Quindio

1981 Acting Governor Carmen García Vargas, Cesar

1982-84 Governor Doris Eder de Zambrano, Valle de Cauca
Minister of Education

1980-81 Governor Amparo Lucía Vega Montoya, Fenalco Risaralda 
Vice-Minister of Development 1982-83

1982-84 Intendent Luz Marina González Valcárcel, Casanare

1982-83 Governor Margarita Silva de Uribe, Norte de Santander

1986-87 Governor Maria Inés Castro de Ariza, Cesar

1988 Intendent Alicia Ramírez de Traslaviña, Casanare

1989-90 Governor Paulina Mejía de Castro, Cesar 1988-89 Governor Victoria Eugenia Osorio de Mejia, Caldas
Mayor of Manizales 1990-92 and later Delegate of the Governorship of Calas in B

1989-90 Governor Helena Herrán de Montoya, Antioqia

1990 and 1995-97 Governor Belén Sánchez Cáceres, Quindio

1994-2005 Governor Cecilia Mery Mulcué, The Paez Reservation in Mosoco in the Province of Tierradentro

1995-97 Governor Dr. Leonor Serrano de Camargo, Cundinamarca

1995-97 Governor Cristina Mitchel Hunter, San Andres

1995-96 Acting Governor Maria Amparo Ossa Suárez, Caquetá

1996-97 Acting Governor Lucrecia Murcia Losada, Caquetá

Before 1996 Governor Olga Duque de Ospina, Huila
Minister of Education 1996-97, Presidential Candidate 2002. (b. circa 1935-).

2000-03 Governor Elsa Gladis Cifuentes Aranzázu, Risaralda
Until 2000 Presidential Councillor of Women's Affairs

2000 Governor Luz Amalia Amado Montoya, Norte de Santander

2000-03 Governor Dra. Nancy de Guadalupe Hernández Suáres, Vaupés

Before 2001 Three times acting Governor Aracely Morales López, Cartagena
Minister of Culture

Circa 2001-03 Governor Esperanza Andrade de Osso, Guainía

2003-05 Governor Susanie Davis Bryan, San Andres and Providencia

2004-12 Governor Amparo Arbeláez Escalante, Quindío

2005-12 Governor
Gloria Orobio Rodríguez, Amazonas

2005-? Governor Isabelina Tenorio, The Paez Reservation in Mosoco in the Province of Tierradentro

2005-? Governor María Nelly Fiscué, The Reservation of Toez

2005-? Governor Gloria Atillo, The Reservation of Togaima

2005-? Governor Lusinda Aquite, The Reservation of Turminá

2005-? Governor Rosario Salazar, The Reservation of Inzá

2005?- Governor Imelda Vitopía, The Reservation of Coetando

Circa 2006-? Governor Doris Puchana, The Awa Reservation

2007 Acting Governor Sandra Rubiano Leyton, Magdalena

2007-12 Governor Clara Inés Collazos Martínez, Cesar

2007-08 Governor-elect Marta del Socorro Sáenz Correa, Córdoba
2008-12 Governor Marta del Socorro Sáenz Correa, Córdoba
Administrator, civil servant and local politician. At first she was barred by a court to take over, but she won the appeal and took office in February 2008. (b. 1959-).

2008 Governor Liliana Bittar Castilla, Córdoba
Former civil servant, she was appointed to replace the governor-elect Martha Saenz Correa, who was barred from taking over the post by a court order, but had to resign when Saenz Correa won an appeal. (b. 1974-).

2008 and 2009-12 Acting Governor Olga Patricia Vega Cedeño, Caquetá

2010-12 and 2013-14 Governor Julieta Gómez de Cortés, Casanare

2010-12 Acting Governor Oveida Parra Novoa, Guaviare
Appointed when her predecessor was suspended because he was being investigated for corruption

2011-12 Governor Martha Inés Gonfrier Sarmiento, Casanare

2011 Acting Mayor of Bogota María Fernanda Campo Saavedra
Vice-Minister of External Relations 1998-2002 , President of Bogota Camber of Commerce 1999-2010 and Minister of Education from 2010.

2011-13 Governor Cielo González Villa, Huila

2012 Acting Governor Adriana Carabalí, Valle del Cauca
She worked in the local administration
for many years.

2012-15 Governor Sandra Paola Hurtado Palacio, Quindio

2012-15 Governor Aury Socorro Guerrero Bowie, San Andrés

2014-15 Governor Martha Liliana Agudelo Valenci, Caquetá

2016- Governor Oneida Rayeth Pinto Pérez, La Guajira
Mayor of Albania 2007-11

2016- Governor Rosa Cotes de Zuñiga, Magdalena
Her husband, Francisco Zuñiga, was mayor of the provincial capital.

2016- Governor Marcela Amaya García, Meta
Member of the Congress 2008-14.

2016- Governor Sorrel Parisa Aroca Rodríguez, Putumayo
Member of the Local Legislature and former Vice-President.

2016- Governor Dilian Francisca Toro Torres, Valle del Cauca
Former Senator and Senate President 2006-07.

Updates 26.01.17