Azerbaijan Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Azerbaijan Local Leaders

1964-8? President Sukina Abas-Kyzy Alieva, Nakichivan
Vice-President of Azerbaijan 1966-ca.90
1985-87 and 1993-97 Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Power Elmira Gizi Mammad Gasimova (Qasimova) of .....
(b. 1951-)

1995-? Deputy Chief Executive Piryeva Aslam gizi Samaya of ......
(b. 1945-)

Around 2008-? Chief of the Executive Power Valiha Boyukaga gyzy Abdullayeva, Salyan District

Around 2008-? Chief of the Executive Power Sunduz Hajimirza gyzy Babayeva, Devechi District
Also known as Sündüz Hacımirza qızı Babayeva



Last update 21.12.15