Austria Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Austria Local Leaders

Also see Austria Ministers

Landeshauptmann (Premier)

1996-2005 Frau Landeshauptmann Waltraud Klasnic, Steiermark
She was Deputy Premier 1993-96 and Chairperson of the conservative Austrian People's Party in the Province. She lost the local election.

2004-13 Landeshaputfrau Gabi Burgstaller, Salzburg
Landeshaputmann-Sellvertreterin 2002-04. Chairperson for the local SPÖ 2004-13.

Landeshauptmann-stellvertreterin (Deputy Minister President)

1969-84 Gertrude Fröhlich-Sandner, Wien
Councillor of Culture, Schools and Sports in Vienna 1965-84 and Federal Minister of Family and Youth Affairs and of Consumer Protection 1984-1987, and lived (1926-2008).

1987-94 Ingrid Smejkal, Wien
Landtagspräsidentin 1994-96 after having been Deputy Mayor and Deputy Premier of Vienna.

1992-2004 Liese Prokop, Niederösterreich
Councillor of
Labour, Social Affairs and Culture in Lower Austria 1982-2004. President of the European Union Assembly for Local Authorities 2000-04
Federal Minister of Interior 2004-06 until she died of a hard attack on new years eve. She lived (1941-2006).

1993-96 Waltraud Klasnik, Steiermark
Member of the Government of Styria 1988-2005 as among others Councillor for Economy. She was Premier 1996-2005.

1994-2007 Margarete Laska, Wien
Deputy Mayor and Deputy Premier in charge of Education, Youth, Social Affairs, Information and Sport in Vienna.

2001-08 Heidemaria Onodi, Niederösterreich
Second President of the Landtag 1998-2001 of Lower Austria. Chairperson of the state SPÖ 2001-08 until she resigned because of a big election defeat for her party.

2002-04 Gabi Burgstaller, Salzburg
2004-13 Landeshauptfrau
She was in Charge of Municipalities, Health, Youth, Women, Consumer's Protection, Until 2002 Parliamentary Leader of SPÖ. (b. 1963-)

2005-08 and 2013- Gabriele Schaunig-Kandut, Kärnten
She was Landrätin for Social Affairs 1999-2008 and  2. Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin and Landrätin for Finance and Municipalities from 2013, Chairperson of the local SPÖ 2005-08.

2006-08 Elisabeth Zanon, Tirol
Councillor of Health, Labour, Housing, Youth, Civil Service and Immigrants 1994-2008 as the first female member of the  government of the province. (b. 1955-).

2007-15 Renate Brauner, Wien
Deputy Mayor and Deputy Premier and Councillor of Finance and Economy in Vienna from 2007 and held various posts in the City and Provincial Government since 1996. (b. 1956-).

2010- Maria Vassilako, Wien
Deputy Mayor and Deputy Premier  and Councillor of Urban Planning, Traffic, Energy, and Climate Protection from 2010. She has been Leader of the local Green Party since 2005 and was Deputy Federal Spokesperson 2008-16.

2013- Beate Prettner, Kärnten
Landrätin for Environment, Energy and Women 2010-13 and 1. Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin, Landrätin of Health, Hospitals, Social Affairs, Seniors, Women and Youth

2013- Karin Renner, Niederösterreich
Second Deputy Premier and Landrätin for Consumer Protection, Municipal Finances etc.

2013- Astrid Rössler, Salzburg
Leader of the Green Party and Landrätin for Environment, Entreprises, Planning and Bulding Regulations.

2013- Ingrid Felipe, Tirol
Landrätin of Environment, European Trafic Politics and Coordination of Sustainablility. Deputy Federal Spokesperson of the Green Party from 2016.

2016- Johanna Mikl-Leitner
First Deputy Premier and Landrätin of Finance. She was Federal Minister of Interior 2011-16 and held a number of other posts. (b. 1964-)



1973-77 Maria Hlawka, Wien
Chairperson of the City Assembly (Gemeinderates) and 1967-73 Vice-Chairperson of the Landtag (Assembly) of Vienna. She lived (1914-2005).

1977-83 Johanna Preinsdorfer, Oberösterreich
Landtagspräsidentin  of Upper Austria. (b. 1929-).

1989-90 Karin Achatz, Kärnten
Landtagspräsidentin of

1990-94 Susanne Kövari, Kärnten
Landtagspräsidentin of

1991-2009 Angela Ortner, Oberösterreich
Since 1997
Gerda Weichsler has been 2. President and from 2003 Doris Eisenriegler is 3. President of the Landtag of Upper Austria.

1994-96 Ingrid Smejkal, Wien
1984–1994 and Deputy Mayor and Deputy Premier of Vienna 1987–1994. (b. 1941-)

1996-2001 Maria Hampel-Fuchs, Wien
Landtagspräsidentin of the Assembly of the City and State of Vienna

2009-13 Gudrun Mosler-Törnström, Salzburg
Vice-President of the Landtag 2004-06 and Deputy Parliamentary Leader of SPÖ 2006-09. (b. 1955-).

2009-12 Bernadette Mennel, Vorarlberg
Vice-President of the Landtag 2004-09. Councillor of Education from 2012. (b. 1959-)

2012-14 Gabriele Nußbaumer, Vorarlberg
Vice-President 2004-12 and from 2014.

2013- Brigitte Pallauf, Salzburg

2015- Bettina Vollath, Steiermark
Her Austrian title is Erste Präsidentin


Last update 05.05.16