Venezuela Parliament

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Parliament of Venezuela
(female suffrage 1946)

Also see Venezuela Ministers

1994-95 President of the Cámara de Diputados Carmen Lauria

1997-98 1. Vice-President of the Senado Dra. Haydée Castillo de López Acosta

1997-98 Secretary of the Senate Maria Dolores Eleizalde

1997-98 1. Vice-President of the Congreso Ixora Rojas Paz
1998-1999 President the Cámara de Diputados
Her name is also spelled Izora Rojas.

1999-2000 1. Vice-President of La Asamblee Constituyente
Blancanieves Portocarrero
2000   1. Vice-President of La Congresillo
2000   1. Vice-President of La Comision Legislativa Nacional

2002-03 2. Vice-President of the Asamblea Nacional Noeli Pocaterra de Oberto

2002-03 Subesecrtary of the Asamblea Nacional Zulma Luisa Torres Quintero de Melo

2002-04 Vice-President of the Asamblea Nacional Noelí Pocaterra de Oberto
Active in Indiginas politics in Venezuela and abroad.

2006-10 1. Vice-Pesident of the Asamblea Nacional Desirée Santos Amaral
2006 Acting President (09.08-15.08)
Since January 2006 all 1
67 MPs are member of the Bloc for Change politicians, supporters of  President Hugo Chavez. Acting President after her predecessor became Foreign Minister

Pesident of the Asamblea Nacional Cilia Flores
MP from 2000, 2003-04 Parliamentary Coordinator of the Group of Opinión del MVR and 1. Vicepresident of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) from 2009.

2010-11 2. Vice-President of the Asamblea Nacional Marelis Josefina Pérez Marcano

2011- 2. Vice-President of the Asamblea Nacional Blanca Eekhout Gómez

 Last update 14.05.14