Switzerland Parliament Chairs

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Parliament of Switzerland
(Female suffrage 1971)

Also see Switzerland Parliament and Switzerland Ministers

1977 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Elisabeth Blunschy

1981-82 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Heidi Lang

1991-92 President of the Ständerat/Conseil des états/Consigio degli stati Josi J. Meier

1993-94 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale
Gret Haller

1996-97 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Judith Stamm

1998-99 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Trix Heberlein

2000-01 President of the Ständerat/Conseil des états/Consigio degli stati Françoise Saudan

2001-02 President
of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Liliane Maury Pasquier

2005 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Thérèse Meyer-Kaelin

2006-07 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale
Christine Egerszegi-Obrist

2008-09 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi

2009-10 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Pascale Bruderer Wyss

2009-10 President of the Ständerat/Conseil des états/Consigio degli stati Erika Forster-Vannin

2012-13 President the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Maya Graf

2015-16 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio nazionale Christa Markwalder

Last update 20.01.17