See Ministers of Defence in
Female Defence Ministers
1950-53 Minister of Justice and Police Helga Pedersen, Denmark
Personal Secretary of the Minister of Justice 1940-46, City Court
Judge in Copenhagen 1947-50 and 1953-56, MF for The Rightwing Liberals
1953-64, Judge in the Court of Appeals (Østre Landsret) 1956-64, High
Court Judge 1964-71 and Judge at the Court for Human Rights of The
Council of Europe, 1972-80 (†). 1968 she turned down the offer of post
of Foreign Minister. Inger Helga was unmarried, and lived (1911-1980)
1954-59 Minister of
People’s Supervision
Qian Ying, China 1959-60
Minister of Interior |
1951-54 Vice-Chairperson of
the People’s Control Committee of the Government Administrative
Committee. She lived (1903-73) |
1963-64 Minister of Home Affairs
Janet Jagan, Guyana |
1950-70 Secretary General, 1970-84 International Secretary and 1984-90
Executive Secretary of PPP, 1953 Deputy President of the National Assembly, 1954
imprisoned by the British authorities for her activities for independence,
1957-61 Minister of Labour, Health and Housing
1973-97 Editor-in-Chief of The Mirror, 1993 Ambassador-at-Large and Acting
Permanent Representative of the United Nations (October-December). She is the
widow of Dr. Cheddi Bharat Jagan, Chief Minister 1953-55 and 1957-61, President
1961-64 and 1991-97(†).
1996-97 Leader of the Opposition, 1997 Prime Minister and Minister of Mines,
1997-99 President. In July 1999 she suffered a mild hart attack and chose to
resign from her post 3 years ahead of time, endorsing her successor the 35 years
old Bharrat Jagdeo, Minister of Finance 1994-99. Janet
Rosenberg was born in Chicago. (b.
1965-70 Minister of Justice and Police Elisabeth Schweigaard Selmer,
Norway |
Conservative Member of the City Council of Oslo 1951-55, Judge in the High Court 1971-90.
She lived (1923-2009)
1966-70 Minister of Home Affairs Mable Moir James,
Dominica |
MP for Labour Party of Phylis Shand Alfrey. At some point she acted as
acted as Chief Minister. (b. 1917-) |
1973-75 and
1978-79 Minister of Justice and Police Nathalie
Lind, Denmark |
for the Rightwing Liberals 1964-66 and 1968-81,
Minister of Social Affairs 1968-71
1973-75 also Minister of Cultural
Affairs, Vice-Chairperson of
the Folketing (Diet) 1973 and 1975-78, Deputy President of Nordic
Council 1975-78 and 1978, Vice-Chairperson of the Parliamentary
Group of her party 1977-78. She lived
(1918-99) |
1973-79 Minister of Justice and Police
Inger Louise
Norway |
1971-72 Minister of Family and Consumers' Affairs, 1979-81 Minister of
Municipal Affairs and Labour, Labour MP 1977-83 and lived (1921-2006). |
1976-78 Secretary of Interior Clara Boscagli, San
Marino |
1974-76 Minister of State of Public Works, 1976-78 also
Minister of State of Justice, Secretary General of Partito Democratico
Cristiano and Secretary of Finance and Budget 1986-90æ.She lived (1930-90)
1980-84 Minister of Home Affairs Kebatshabile
Botswana |
MP 1976-86. She lived
(1924-2008). |
1981-85 Minister of Justice and Police Mona Scobie Røkke,
Norway |
Governor of Vestfold Fylke since 1989. (b. 1940-) |
Minister of Interior Britta Caroc Schall Holberg, Denmark |
As Minister of Interior she was also in Charge of Civil Defence and
of Health, 1986-87 Minister of Agriculture. (b. 1941-)
Minister of the Interior Kaisa Raatikainen, Finland |
Former Social Democrat MP, she lived
1985-86 Minister of Justice and Police
Wenche Frogn Sellæg, Norway |
1981-83 Minister of Environmental Protection, 1989-90 Minister of Social Affairs, Deputy Leader of Høyre 1988-90. (b. 1937-). |
1986-90 Minister of Home Affairs Rita Sinon, Seychelles |
Former secretary of the
governing SPUP-party. |
1986-89 Minister of Justice and Police
Helen Bøsterud, Norway |
1980-81 State Secretary of Social Affairs, Since 1993 Director General of the Directorate for Civil Defence and
Emergency Planning. (b. 1940-)
1987-90 Minister of the
Interior, District Administration and People's Moblisation Evelyn M.B.
Alexander-Vandenburg, Suriname |
1988-92 Minister of Home Affairs
Stella Odie-Alli, Guyana |
1986-88 Minister of State of Home Affairs
1989-94 (†)
Minister of the Interior Ien Dales, The Netherlands |
Secretary of Social Affairs And Health 1981-82, MP. for P.v.d.A
1982-87, Party Vice-Chairperson 1983-86, government appointed Mayor
of Nijmegen 1987-89. She lived together with State Secretary
of Justice, Elisabeth Schmitz (See below). Ien Dales lived
(1931-94). |
1989-90 Minister of Interior and
Civil Defence Margaret Austin, New Zealand |
Also Minister of Arts, Culture and
Science. |
1989-90 Minister of Justice and Police Else Bugge Fougner,
Norway |
Conservative. (b. 1944-) |
1990-92 Minister of Justice and Police
Education Kari Gjesteby, Norway |
1976-78 State Secretary of Church Affairs
and Education, 1979-81 State Secretary of Finance, 1981 Minister of Trade and Shipping in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1986-88 State Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Director in Norges Bank, the Central Bank 1989-90 and since 1993. (b.
1947-). |
Minister of Interior Lagle Parek, Estonia |
former dissident and political prisoner was Leader of the National
Independence Party 1988-93 and Presidential Candidate in 1992.
1992-96 Minister of Justice and Police
Grete Faremo, Norway |
1990-92 Minister of Development Aid, 1996 Minister of Petroleum and
Energy and Minister of Defence from 2009. (b. 1959- ) |
Minister of the Interior Birte Weiss, Denmark |
As Minister of Interior she was also in charge of Civil Defence.
1981-86 Deputy Chairperson of the Social Democrats,
1994-96 Minister of Church Affairs
1996-98 Minister of Health, 1998-99 Vice-Chairperson of the Folketing, 1999-2001 Minister of
Research and Information Technology
1998-99 (b.
1993 Minister of Justice and Police Pia
Gjellerup, Denmark |
1987-2007 MF, 1990-93 Chairperson of the Taxation Committee, 1991-93
and from 2001 Secretary, 1994-98 and 2002-05 Chairperson of the
Parliamentary Group of the Social Democrats, 1991-93 and 2001-02
Secretary of The Folketing, 1993-98 Deputy Chairperson of the Finance
1998-2000 Minister of Business and Industry and
2000-01 Minister of Finance. (b. 1960-) |
Minister of Public Security, Interior and Police Laura Chinchilla
Miranda, Costa Rica
2008 Acting Minister of Security |
of Security 1994-96. First Vice-President and Minister of Justice
2006-08. Resigned from government to run in the Liberal Party
Presidential Primaries and President from 2010. (b. 1959-). |
1996-97 Minister of Interior
Meral Akşener,
Turkey |
A leading member of the
Motherland Party, ANAP and Vice-President of the Grand National
Assembly from 2007. |
1996-97 Minister of Justice and Police cand.jur. Anne Holt,
Norway |
Lawyer and an popular Author of Criminal Novels, after two months
as minister she had to resign because of an serious anemia-illness. In 2000 she
married another woman. (b.
1997-98 Minister of the Interior
Yeh Chin-feng,
Taiwan |
Judge in the Taichung District Court 1969-1980 and Presiding Judge, Yunlin District Court, 1981-1985,1981-1992
Chairperson of he Presidium of
National Assembly, Judge of the Taichung Branch of Taiwan
High Court, University Lecturer 1981-85, Judge in the Supreme Court
1981-1986, 1987-1988,
Specialist of the Judicial Yuan 1987, Commissioner of the Examination Yu
1987 and 1988, 1988-1992 Deputy Director-General,
Department of Women's Affairs, Central Committee, Kuomintang and since 1988
Member of the Central Committee, Kuomintang, 1992-96 Vice-Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Committee of the Executive
Yuan, 1996-2000 Minister of State,
1996-97 Minister without Portfolio,
1998-99 Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Committee,
1999-2000 Minister of Justice (b. 1943-)
1997-99 Minister of the Interior
Francisca Lucas Pereira Gomes,
Guinea Bissau |
Francisca Pereira (or possibly
Peirreira) was the first female President of a Region before her appointment to the
1990-94 Minister of Women's Affairs,
1990-94 Member of the Council of State,
1993-94 Minister of Social Affairs,
1994-97 1. Vice-President of Assembléias Nacional
2003 Minister of State and Councillor charged with Political Affairs and
Diplomacy |
1997 Minister of Justice and
Police Gerd-Liv Valla, Norway |
Advisor of the Premier Minister 1990-92, State Secretary by the Premier
Minister 1992-94, Vice-Chairperson of the Association of Civil Servants
1994-97 and Vice-Chairperson of the Central Labour Association 1997-2001
and it's chairperson until 2007 when she was forced to resign when it
was revealed that she had harrassed employees. (b. 1960- ) |
1997-99 Minister of Justice and Police Aud Inger Aure,
Norway |
Mayor of Kristiansand 1993-97. She had to resign after a hart
attack and was succeeded by the first man on the post since 1981 and 11 successive women. (b. 1943-)
Minister of Security and Police Elizabeth Chuiz Sierra, Honduras |
The first minister in the portfolio |
1998-98 Minister of Interior, Police and Municipality Affairs Ana Luisa Armjios, Ecuador
1991-93 President of Banco Central del Ecuador,
1994-96 President of the National
Monetary Board and Cabinet Member, 1995-96 Minister of Economy and
1999 Minister of Finance.
(b. 1949-). |
1998-99 Minister of the Interior and Minister in Charge of Co-ordination
of the Civil Defence Rosa Russo
Jervelino, Italy |
Minister for without Portfolio for Special Affairs, 1989-92 for Social Affairs, 1992-94 of Education and
. She was Secretary of the Partito della
Democrazia Cristiana 1992-94 and 1994-circa 96 President of the
Partito Populare Italiana afterwards vice-President. In
1999 her party nominated her as candidate for the post of
President. (b. 1936-) |
1998-2003 Secretary of Security Regina Ip, Hong
Kong |
Director of Immigration and from 1998 Secretary of Security
in charge of Hong Kong's Defence force. |
1998-2002 Minister of Home
Affairs and Public Security
Paula A. Cox
minister of
Labour and from 2002 Minister of Education and
Development. (b. 1969-). |
1999-2001 Minister of Interior Dosta Dimovska, Macedonia |
Vice-President of
the Government 1998-2000 and 2001-02. Also
Vice-President of VMRO-DPMNE. (b. 1954-). |
1999-2001 Minister of Interior,
Public Administration and Decentralization
Vasso Papandreau, Greece |
1985 Deputy Minister of Energy and Industry, 1986-88 Alternate Minister of
Industry, 988-89 Minister of External Trade, 1989-92 EEC-Commissioner for
Labour, Social Affairs and Industry, 1994-96 Vice-President of the Council
of Europe, 1996-99 Minister of Development and
from 2001 Minister of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works.
She is among the Leaders of the Socialists, PASOK. (b. 1956-).
1999-2000 Minister of Justice and Police
Yvonne Reine Antoniette Raveles-Resida,
Suriname |
Rawales was
Under-Minister of Culture 1980,
Minister of Regional Development
Parliamentary Leader of Nationaal Democratisch Partij/2000 Faction
2000-05 and Candidate for the post of Vice-Chairperson of the
Nationale Assemblee in 2005. (b. 1941-) |
2000-05 Minister of the Interior Urmila Joella-Sewnundun,
Suriname |
2000-01 Minister of
Trade and Industry.
In consideration for the post of Minister of Justice and Police in 2005 but withdrew in the last moment for personal reasons.
Ambassador to the Netherlands from 2006. (b. 1968-). |
Secretary of State of Internal Affairs, Civil Defence and Justice
Francesca Michelotti,
San Marino
Member of the Council of the
San Marino City from 1980, Member of
the Consiglio Grande e Generale fra 1993, Member of the Council of the 12 and
other Commissions and
Secretary of State of Education,
Cultural Institutions,
Universities and Social Affairs from 2006. (b. 1952-). |
2000-01 Minister of Justice Hanne
Harlem, Norway |
Councillor of Children and Education of Oslo 1992-93, Assistant Judge and a
number of managerial positions from 2001. Sister of former Premier Minister Gro Harlem
Brundtland (b.1964-) |
2000-01 Minister of the Interior and Refugees Karen Jespersen,
Denmark |
1993-94, 1994-2000 and from 2007 Minister of Social Affairs. A former leading member of the Leftwing Socialists before she became MF for the Social Democrats 1993-2005
until she resigned and joined the rightwing
Liberals in 2007. (b.
1947-) |
2001-05 Cabinet Member and National
Security Advisor
Dr. Condoleezza Rice,
United States of America |
Director of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council 1989-93. Professor of International Affairs of Stanford University.
From 2003 also
Director of the Iraq
Stabilization Group at the White House and as such
she coordinates and oversees the
stateside element of the rebuilding projects while the direction
of U.S. efforts on the ground in Iraq
remained under the
authority of Paul Bremer as the head of the Coalition Provisional
Authority. Secretary of State from 2005. (b. 1954-) |
2001-02 Minister of Interior and Justice Vera Sofia Rubi, Honduras
She was candidate in the internal primaries in the Liberal Party for the
position of Presidential Candidate in
and 2005. |

2001-06 Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs Mia
Mottley, Barbados |
1994-2001 Minister of Education, Culture and Youth and
since 2001 Leader of the
House, from 2003 Deputy Premier and from 2006 Minister of Economic Affairs and Development. (b. 1965-).
Minister of Home Affairs
Flood-Beaubrun, St. Lucia |
Minister of Health, Human Service and Family Affairs,
1997-2004 Minister of Gender Relations,
and in 2001 she gave birth to her first child.
In January 2004 she was dismissed from the government because she protested
against a decision to allow abortion under certain circumstances,
she founded the party the Organization for National
Empowerment. Resigned from
parliament in 2006 and lot the subsequent by-election and then joined the
United Worker’s Party. Appointed Speaker of the House of Assembly in 2007. (b. 1969-)
2001-08 Minister of Justice and Police Lene Espersen,
Denmark |
since 1994, Political Spokesperson of The Conservative People's
1999-2001, Political Leader from 2008 and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economic and Business Affairs
2008-10 and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2010. (b. 1965-)
Minister of Interior
Dr. Lamperth Mónika, Hungary
chairperson of the Association of Hungarian Social Democratic Local
Polititians and Vice-President of the European Association of Social
Democratic Local Polititians. Socialist MP. (b. 1957-). |
Minister of Security
"Mother" Pratt, Bahamas
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security (In charge of the Defence
Force and Police). She was Opposition Whip Circa 1992-2000 and
from circa 2000 Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Progressive
Liberal Democratic Part.
Acting Prime Minister in May-June
during ilness of the Premier. She is aformer nurse, she is mother of 6 children (b. 1947-) |

2002-04 Minister of
Cristina Fontes Lima, Cape Vede |
Maria Cristina Lopes Almeida Fontes Lima
was Minister of Justice 2001-06,
Minister of
Local Administration
2001-02, Minister Adjunct to the
Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson 2004-06, Minister of Defence and of the
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Minister of State Reform 2006-2011.
(b. 1958-).
2002 Secretary
of State of Internal Affairs, Post and Telecommunication and Civil Defence
Emma Rossi, San Marino |
Minister of State of Health and Social Affairs, 1990-94 and 1997-2000
Political Coordinator of Partito Social Reformanista in the Consiglio
Grande e Generale, 1992-94 Minister of State of Justice, Culture and
Education, 1994-97 Minister of State of Territory, Environment and
Agriculture, 2000-02 Secretary of State of Public Instruction,
Universities, Social Affairs, Culture and Information and from 2000
Party President.
(b. 1952-).

Minister of Public Safety and Emergency
Anne McLellan,
Canada |
Liberal MP 2003-06
Minister of Energy, Mines, Forestry,
Federal Interlocutor for Métis
and Non-Status Indians,
1995-97 Minister of National Resources,
1997-2002 Minister of Justice and Attorney General,
Minister of Health, From
Prime Minister.
(b. 1950-).

Minister for Policing, Security
and Community Safety Hazel Blaers,
United Kingdom of Great Britain |
Had overall responsibility for reducing crime and the fear of crime,
police policy and police reform, community safety and anti-social behaviour,
Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships and the Street Crime Initiative.
She provided support to the Home Secretary on counter-terrorism and
resilience. She was
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of
State of Health 2001-03. Labour Chair 2006-07 and Secretary
of Communities and Local Government 2007-09. (b. 1956-)

Minister in charge of Internal Security and Local Liberties Marie-José Roig,
France |
Minister-Delegate in the Ministry of Interior. Previously
Deputy Mayor 1983-89 and Mayor of Avignon since 2001, Minister of Family and
Children in 2004.
(b. 1938-).
2004-09 Minister of Home
Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula,
South Africa |
Deputy Minister of
Home Affairs 2002-04,
Minister of
Correctional Services
2009-12 and
of Defence and Veteran Affairs
from 2012. |
2004-06 Federal Minister of Interior Liese Prokop, Austria
Government Councillor from 1981 and Vice Minister President 1992-2004 of
Niederösterreich. Also vice-President of The ÖVP (Conservatives) of the
state, and first Vice-President of the Assembly of Regions which
is part of the European Union setup 1999-2000.
President of the Assembly of European Regions. Died
of a hard attack on new years eve. She
(1941-2006). |
2004-05, 2005 Acting Minister and
Minister of Home Affairs Gail Teixera, Guyana |
Senior Minister of Health,
1998-2006 Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports.
She was Acting Foreign Minister in
1998, 2002 and 2003.
Appointed Chairperson of the Committee on Governance in the Office of the
President in 2006. |

2005-06 Minister of Security
Betty Akech,
Uganda |
Minister of Local Government,
2002-03 State
Minister for Higher Education
State Minister for Security. Ambassador to Sudan from

2005-06 Minister
of Home Affairs and Internal Security Anna Kachikho, Malawi |
2005 Deputy Minister of Education and Human
2006-07 Minister of Education,
2007-08 Minister of Labour 2008-09 Minister
of Women and Child Development and Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and
Culture from 2009. (b. 1955-).
2005 Minister of Interior Affairs Adriana del Piano Puelma, Chile |
Minister of Natural Assets 1994-99,
Leader of the Election Campaign of President Lagos in 1999, Minister
Women’s Affairs 2000-03, Subsecretary of Regional Development,
Intendent of the
Región Metropolitana de Santiago
2007-08. (b. 1947-) |
2005-12 Minister
of Home Affairs and Immigration
Rosalia Nghidinwa,
Namibia |
Deputy Minister of Labour. (b. 1952-) |

2005-08 Minister of Police Annette King, New Zealand |
1987-90 Parliamentary
Under-Secretary for Employment, Youth
Affairs, Tourism and Social Welfare,
1989-90 Minister of Employment, Immigration and Minister of Youth Affairs
and Minister Assisting the Prime
Minister to liaise between the Cabinet and Caucus,
1999-2005 Minister of Health,
1999-2002 Minister of Racing, 2002-06 Minister for Food Safety, 2005-07
Minister of State Services, including the
co-ordinating responsibility for Race Relations and Associate Minister of
Trade and Defence, 2005-06 Associate Minister of Trade, Minister of Police
from 2005, Minister of Trade and Minister of Justice and the Law Commission
2007-08, Deputy Leader of Labour from 2008
(b. 1947-).
Secretary of State of Internal Affairs and Civil Protection and Accomplishment
of the Programme Valeria Ciavatta, San Marino
Capitano Reggente and
President of
Alleanza Popolare in 2005. (b. 1959-). |

Minister of Interior Alicia Muñoz Alá, Bolivia |
Communist Senator in 2005. (b. 1951-)

Minister of Interior and Justice Olga
Gólcher, Panama |
Deputy Mayor of the City of Panamá 1987-89 and later Vice-President and
President of the Association of Lawyers,
2004-06 Vice-Minister
of Interior and Justice

2006-15 Minister of Interior Gordana Jankulovska, Macedonia |
MP for
VMRO-DPMNE. There were speculations that her party would nominate her for
the post of Parliamentary Speaker. (b. 1975-).

Minister of Interior Pilar Mazzetti Soler,
Peru |
2004 Vice-Minister of Health and 2004-06 Minister of Health
Minister of Interior
Michèle Alliot-Marie,
Secretary of State for Education, 1993-95 Minister of Youth and
From 1994 1. Vice-President of the General Council of the Department of
Atlantique, 1999-2002
President of RPR, Rally for the Republic. Minister of Defence 2002-07
and Minister of State and Minister of Justice 2009-11 and Minister
of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs 2010-11. (b. 1946-)

2007-09 Secretary of State of the Home Office
Jacqui Smith, United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland |
1999-2001 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of
State for Education and Employment for Lifelong Learning,
2001-03 Minister of State of Health,
2003-05 Minister of state for Trade and Industry and
Deputy Minister for Women, Privy Councillor,
2005-06 Minister of State of Education and Skills (Schools) (Deputy to the
Secretary of State) and
2006-07 Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury.
(b. 1962-).

2007-10 Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations Guusje ter Horst,
The Netherlands |
Municipal Councillor for PvdA before she was government appointed Mayor of
Nijmegen 2001-07. (b. 1952-).

2007-17 Minister of Interior Ana Isabel
Morales Mazún, Nicaragua |
Former Sandinist
guerrilla leader, she worked for a number of years in the Ministry and as a

2007-08 Minister of Interior
Adela Camacho de Torrebiarte, Guatemala |
Civil servant, President of the National Football Association amd FIA
Delegate 2001-03. Presidential Candidate in 2012.

2007-09 Minister of
Interior Daisy Tourné, Uruguay |
Socialist MP since 1995 and member of the leftwing alliance, in 2005 she was
designated as the future President of the Chamber of Representatives
for the legislative year of 2008-09, but
instead she joined the government. (b. 1951-).
2007- Minister of the Interior Anne Holmlund,
Conservative (Kokoomuksen, Samlingspartiet) MP from 2002, Deputy Parliamentary Leader in 2007 and member of the Speaker's Conference in the Parliament in 2007. (b. 1964-). |
Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Interior Policy Đurđa Adlešić,
Croatia |
Djurda Adelesic is former Mayor of Bjelovar, Vice-President of the
Social Liberal Party, HSLS 2000-06 and then Leader of a new party formed
as a merger between the
Social-Liberal Party and Liberal Party
- also named HSLS. Around 2000 and 2001-08 President of the
Parliamentary Committee on National Security. 2001 Deputy Foreign
Minister, 2004-08 Vice-President of the Sabor and 2005 Presidential
(b. 1960-). |
2008-10 Minister
of Interior, Police and Public Security Janina del Vecchio Ugalde, Costa Rica |
Former Chief of Cabinet for President, Ambassador to
Spain, Rome, Italy, the Vatican, and Switzerland and MP until 2008. (b.
2008-11 Federal Minister
of Interior Maria Fekter, Austria |
1990-95 Secretary of State of Economy for Construction and Tourism, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Klub of ÖVP
Secretary of the Nationalrat from
2004-07, she was
narrowly defeated by a man within the ÖVP Klub for the post of 2. President of
the Nationalrat (1. Vice-President) in 2006, one of the three Ombudsmen 2007-08
and Minister of Finance from 2011. (b. 1956-)
Minister of Interior
Katarina Kresal, Slovenia |
President of the Liberal Democrats (LDS) from 2007 and MP
from 2008. (b. 1973-).
and 2015-16
Minister of
Police Judith Collins, New Zealand |
Also Mininster of Corrections and Veterans' Affairs.
National MP from 2002. Minister of
Minister of Justice, the Accident Compensation Act (ACC) and Ethnic Affairs
from 2011.
2009-12 Minister of Home Affairs Sahara Khatun,
Bangladesh |
Former Secretary for Law
Affairs of the Awami League and Minister of Post and
Telecommunication 2012-13. |
Secretary of Homeland Security
United States of America |
Attorney-General 1998-2002 and Governor of Arizona 2003-09. (b. 1957-). |
Minister in charge of Domestic Affairs
Sumang Pierantozzi, Palau (Balau)
1989-96 Minister of
Administration and Budget as her country's first female minister, 1992 she was candidate for
Vice-President and from 1996 senator and Floor Leader. In 2001 she
again became Minister of Administration and Budget again, and was later
appointed Minister of Health.
In 2000
opponent as Vice-Presidential
candidate was her nephew, Senator Alan Seid. In 2004 she
failed to be re-elected for second term.
Minister of State
from 2009 and thereby in charge of Foreign and Domestic Affairs, International Trade and the Office
of the Public Defender |

2009-11 Minister
of Interior Linda Mūrniece,
Latvia |
Linda Murniece
was also Second in the Cabinet. She was
Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior 2002-04,
Deputy Chairperson of the New Era Party in
2004 and Parliamentary Secretary of Defence 2005-06 and Minister of Defence
in 2006. (b. 1970-)
Minister of Home Affairs and Public
Lillian Boyce, Turk
and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territory) |
Known as Lillian Robinson-Been until
2006, she was Deputy Leader of the Opposition
and Deputy Leader of Progressive
National Party in 2003, Minister for Education, Youth, Sports
and Culture 2003-07 and Minister of Health and Human Services ,
2007-09 until she was fired from the cabinet in February for
critizising the Premier, who then named her Deputy Premier in
February when he announced his resignation effictive by the end of
March. (b. 1963-). |
Minister of Home Affairs
Karen Delancy, Turk and Caicos
Islands (British Overseas Territory) |
Minister for Health,
Social Services and Gender Affairs 2003-05,
Deputy Speaker of the
House of Parliament 2007-09. Also
Minister of Home Affairs and Human Services in 2009. |
and 2015-16 Minister of Interior Karen Ellemann, Denmark |
Rightwing Liberal MP from 2007. Teacher. Also Minister
of Social Affairs 2009-10 and from 2015 and Minister of Environment and Nordic
Cooperation 2010-11. Daughter of Former Foreign Minister Uffe Ellemann-Jensen,
divorced mother of 2 children. (b. 1969-). |
2009-12 Minister of Home Affairs Dr. Nkosazana C. Dlamini-Zuma, South Africa |
1994-99 Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs 1999-2009. (b. 1949-). |
2009 Minister of Interior
Mercedes Cabanillas Bustamente de Llanos de la Mata, Peru
1987-89 and 1989-90 Minister of Education,
Candidate for the Mayorship of Lima in 1989, from 1992 Deputy Secretary and from
2000 Parliamentay Co-spokesperson of the Socialist Party. Circa 1990-99 Senator
and from 2000 member of the Congreso where she vas 2. Vice-President 2002-03 and
President 2006-07. Also
Presidential Candidate
in 1995. (b. 1947-)
2009-11 Minister of Interior Annemie
Turtelboom, Belgium
MP from 2003 and Minister of
Refugees and Migration
(b. 1967-). |
2009-11 Minister of Interior
Cécile Manorohanta, Madagascar |
Cécile Marie Ange Dominique Manorohanta was Vice-Minister
of Education and Scientific Research 2007 and Minister of Defence
2007-09. Also Vice-Premier 2009-11 and Acting Premier in 2009 and
later Premier. |
2009-12 Minister of Interior Adja Satú Camará Pinto, Guinea Bissau |
Vice-President of the
African Party for Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde Independence (PAIGC),
President of the Region of Cacheu
Governor of the Region of Gabú
1997-99 and
1. Vice-President
of the People's National Assembly
2004-09. (b.
2010-11 Coordinating Minister of Police Doris Solís, Ecuador |
2003 Minister of Tourism,
2008-09 Coordinating Minister of the National and Cultural Heritage and
2009-10 Minister-Head the Secretariat of
Peoples, Social Movements and Citizen Participation,
2011-12 Coordinating Minister of Social Development and from 2012
Minister of Economic and Social Integration |
2010-12 Minister of Interior Roxana Mendéz de Obarrio, Panama
Vice-Mayor 2009-10 and
Mayor of the District of Panama 2012-14 (b. 1958-). |
2010-16 Secretary of State for the Home Department
Theresa May, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Minister for Women and Equality. Conservative MP from 1997 and
Chairperson of the Conservative Party 2002-03 and Party Leader and Prime
Minister from 2016. (b. 1956-). |
2010-13 Co-Minister of Home Affairs Theresa Makone, Zimbabwe |
In the power-sharing government each party had
a representative in the key ministries - co-ministers.
She was Minister of Public
Works 2009-10. |
2010-11 Chairperson of the National Commission on Public Safety Tomiko Okazaki, Japan |
Also Minister of State for Consumer Affairs and Food Safety and Minister
of State for Social Affairs, and Gender Equality, Social Democratic
MP 1990-96 and Member of the House of Councillors since 1997. (b.
1944-). |
Federal Councillor of Police Simonetta
Sommaruga, Switzerland
Also Federal Councillor of Justice and Substitute Councillor of Interior.
Vice-President in 2014. |

2010-13 Minister of Security Nilda Garré, Argentina |
MP for the
Frente Justicialista de Liberación 1973-76 and afterwards active in the
fight against the dictatorship, MP again 1995-99, 2000 and 2001-05,
Secretary of Political Affairs in the Ministry of Interior 2000-01, Ambassador to Venezuela in 2005, Minister of Defence 2005-10
and appointed Ambassador to OAS in 2013. (b. 1945-).
High Representative for Security Policy Baroness Ashton
of Upholland, the European Union |
Catherine Ashton has been a
Baroness from 1999, British
Under-Secretary of State of Education and Skills 2001-04,
Parliamentary Under-Secretary
of Constitutional Affairs 2004-06 and
Parliamentary Under-Secretary
of State of Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs 2006-07,
Leader of the House of Lords and Lord President of the Council
2007-08, EU-Commissioner for Trade from 2008-10 and
Vice-President of the EU-Commission and
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
(b. 1956-). |
2011-16 Minister of
Internal Administration Marisa Morais, Cape Verde
Minister of Justice 2009-11 |
2011-16 Federal Minister of
Interior Johanna
Mikl-Leitner, Austria
MP for ÖVP 1999-2003, Councillor of Social
Affairs, Labour and Family 2003-2011 in Niederösterreich,
Vice-Chairperson of ÖVP 2008, Vice-President
of the Assembly of European Regions 2008-11 and appointed Councillor of
Finance in Niederösterreich in 2016. (b. 1964-) |
2011-14 Minister of
Interior Margrethe Vestager, Denmark |
Vice-Premier and Minister of Economic Affairs from 2011. 1993-97 Party Chairperson, Deputy Group
Chairperson 2001-07 and Group Chairperson and Party Leader of the
Social Liberals from 2007.
Minister of Education 1998-2001
and Minister of Church Affairs
Named Danish Eu-Commissioner in 2014. (b. 1968-) |
2011-13 Minister
of Justice and Emergency Preparedness
Grete Faremo, Norway |
1990-92 Minister of Development Aid,
1992-96 Minister of Justice and Police and
1996 Minister of Petroleum and
Energy and since 2009-11 Minister of Defence. (b. 1959- ) |
2011-13 Minister of Interior Anna Maria Cancellieri, Italy
Since 1994 held office as Prefect of Vicenza, Bergamo, Brescia, Catania
and Genova, and appointed Commissioner of Bologna 2010-11 and
Commissioner of Parma in 2011 after both mayors resigned after charges
of corruption. Presidential Candidate in 2013 and Minister of Justice
2013-14. (b. 1944-) |
2011-14 Minister of Interior
Joëlle Milquet, Belgium
National President of the
Centre Démocrate
1999-2011, Vice-Premier 2008-14 and Minister of Labour and Equal Opportunities 2008-11
and Vice-Premier in the French Community 2014-16. (b. 1961-). |
2011- Minister of Police and Corrections Anne Tolley,
New Zealand
National MP 1999-2002 and from 2005, and Party Whip 2006-08, Minister of Education, Tertiary Education and Minister Responsible for the
Education Review Office 2008-11 and also
Deputy Leader of the House from 2011
(b. 1953-). |
2011-12 Minister of Internal Affairs Amy Adams, New
Also Minister of Communications and Information Technology and Associate Minister for Canterbury
Earthquake Recovery from 2011, and Minister of Environment from 2012. |
2011-12 Minister of Interior Leisbeth Spies,
The Netherlands
Also Minister of Kingdom Relations. MP 2002-10,
Vice-Chairperson of the
CDA Faction in the Twede Kamer
Acting Chairperson of CDA 2010-11
and Councillor of Economy and Physical Planning in the Province of
Zuid-Holland in 2011. (b. 1966-) |
2011-13 Minister for Home Affairs Pelenike Tekinene
Isaia, Tuvalu |
Also Mininster of Rural Development.
She was elected MP in 2011 as the second female parliamentarian in the
country's history in the seat held by her husband until his death. |
2012-13 Minister of Interior Eleni
Mavrou, Cyprus |
Councillor on the
Nicosia Municipal Council 1986-1996, MP 2001-06, MEP 2006, Mayor of Nicosia
Acting Minister of Interior Eka Zguladze, Georgia |
Deputy Minister of
Interior 2006-12. (b. 1970-) |
2012-14 Minister of Home Affairs
Naledi Pandor, South Africa |
Deputy Chief whip of the National Assembly
From 1994-98,
Permanent Deputy Chairperson of the National Council of
Provinces 1998-99
and 1999-2004 it's Chairperson,
Minister of Education
2004-09 and Minister of Science and Technology 2009-12 and from
(b. 1954-) |
2012-15 Minister of
Home Affairs Porsha Stubbs-Smith, Turks and Caicos Islands (British
Overseas Territory) |
Also Minister of
Environment and Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and
Culture 2015-16. |
2012- Minister of Home Affairs
Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana,
Namibia |
Minister of Youth and Sport,
1996-2000 Minister of Land, Resettelments and Rehabilitation,
2000-10 Attorney General og
of Justice. (b. 1952-). |
2013 Minister of Interior Petya Parpanova, Bulgaria |
A police general and former high ranking civil servant in the
ministry |
2013- Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell,
A buisiness executive until her
appointment. |
2013-14 Minister
of Interior Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, Iceland |
Mayor of Reykjavík 2008-10
and Vice-Chairperson of Sjálfstæðisflokksins from 2010. (b. 1966-) |
2013- Minister for Home Affairs
Charmaine Eraidinomo Scotty, Nauru |
Charmaine Scotty is also
Minister for Education, Youth,
and Land Management. She is a former Permanent Secretary successively in the
ministries of Health, Home Affairs and Justice and independent MP as the
country's second female parliamentarian from 2013.
2013 Minister of Interior Gülsün Yücel, the Turkish
Republic of Northern Cyprus |
Also Minister of Local
Administration |
2013- Minister of
Princess Tsandzile of
Swaziland, Swaziland |
Appointed MP by her brother King Mswati III
in 2003 and Senator from 2008 and
Minister of Natural Resources and Energy
2013- Minister of Home Affairs
Hasina Wajed, Bangladesh |
Prime Minister and Minister of Defence 1996-2001 and again from
2009. Held a number of other portfolios as well. |
2013-15 Minister of Security
María Cecilia Rodríguez, Argentina |
2012-13 Subsecretary of Security |
2013-14 Minister of Justice and Police Karen Hækkerup |
Social Democrat Member of
the City Council of Copenhagen 1998-2005, from 2005, Minister of
Social Affairs and Integration 20111-13 and Minister of Food,
Agriculture and Fisheries. Married
to MP Ole Hækkerup and mother of 3 children. Her brother-in-law Nick
Hækkerup is Minister of Defence in the government. (b. 1974-) |
2014-15 Minister of Justice
and Police Mette Frederiksen, Denmark |
Social Democrat MP since
2001, Deputy Parliamentary Leader 2005-11, Minister of Employment
2011-14 and Chair of the Social Democrats from 2015.. (b. 1977-). |
2014- Minister of Interior Vesna Györkös Žnidar,
Slovenia |
Lawyer. (b. 1977-). |
High Representative for Security Policy Federica Mogherini,
European Union |
MP for PD and Italian
Foreign Minister for a few months in 2014. Also Vice-President of
the EU-Commission and in charge of Foreign Affairs. (b. 1973-). |
2014-15 Minister of Internal Administration Anabela Miranda
Pinto de Miranda Rodrigues, Portugal |
Anabela Rodrigues is a law professor. |
2014-17 Minister of Interior Ólöf Nordal, Iceland |
MP 2007-12
and Vice-Chairperson of Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn 2010-13. (b. 1966-). |
Minister of Interior,
Justice and Peace Carmen Meléndez
Rivas, Venezuela |
She is the country's first
female Admiral (Almiranta) and was Minister of Popular Power for the
Office of the Presidency (chief of staff) and Follow Up for
Presidential Governance
2012-13 and Minister of Defence 2013-14
and appointed 2. Vice-President of Politics and Sovereignty of the
State in 2017.
1961-). |
Minister of Security
Mary Karooro Okurut, Uganda |
2011-13 Minister of Information and National Guidance and
2013-15 Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development. |
Minister of Interior
Rumyana Bachvarova,
Bulgaria |
Also Deputy Prime
Minister for Coalition Policy
and State Administration from 2014. (b.
1959-). |
2015- Minister of Justice and Police Jennifer van
Dijk-Silos, Suriname |
Former chair of the independent
Election Bureau. |
2015- Minister of
Internal Affairs Rose Akol, Uganda |
MP from
2006. |
2015- Minister of Internal Administration Constança Urbano de Sousa,
Portugal |
Law Professor. |
2015- Minister of Security
Patricia Bullrich, Argentina |
2000 Secretary of Criminal Policy and Prison Affairs in the Ministry of Justice
and Human Rights, 2000-01 Minister of Labour and Employment and
2007-15 MP. |
2015-16 Minister of
Home Affairs
Amanda Missick, Turks and Caicos Islands (British
Overseas Territory) |
Also Minister of
Environment and Agriculture She was Minister of Education, Youth and
Sports in 2009, Minister of Health in 2012 and Minister of Human
Services, Gender Affairs and Social Services 2012-15 |
2016 Minister of Internal Affairs
Daisy Alik Momotaro, Marshall Islands |
Secretary of Internal Affairs
2012-16. |
2016 Minister of Internal Affairs
Amenta Matthew, Marshall Islands |
of the Marshall Islands Political Commission 1977-1979, Assistant
Clerk of Cabinet 1979-1981, Clerk of Cabinet 1981-2002, elected
Senator in 2007 and
Minister of Health and Environment
2008-12. (b.
1952-). |
Secretary of State for the Home
Department Amber Rudds |
Conservative MP from 2010, Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellor of
the Exchequer 2012-13, Assistant Government Whip 2013-14, Under Secretary of
State for Climate Change 2014-15 and
Secretary of the Home
Department 2015-16. |
Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security
Grace Chiumia, Malawi |
Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture |
Minister of
Internal Affairs
Mitcy Larue, The Seychelles |
2012-16 Minister of Health |
Minister of Police
Paula Bennett, New Zealand |
Held many different ministerial portfolios from 2008 and became
Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of the Nationals in 2016.
(b. 1969-). |
Minister of Interior
Paula Risikko,
Finland |
Vice-Chairperson of Kokoomuksen (Conservatives)
2004-14, and finished second in the elections for party chair and
Prime Minister in 2014, Minister of Health and Social Services
2014-15 Minister of
Trafic and Municipalities 2014-15 and
Vice-President of the Parliament 2015-16. (b. 1960-). |