02.12.1988-06.08.1990 Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan
19.10.1993-05.11.1996 |
Co-Chairperson 1984-94 and Leader of Pakistan People's Party 1994-2007, in house arrest 1977-84 and in exile 1984-86. She also held the Portfolios of Defence, Atomic Energy, Finance, Economy, Information and Establishment. Both in 1990 and 1996 she was removed from office by the President on charges of corruption and later convinced. Returned to Pakistan in 2007 after 10 years in exile in United Kingdom and Dubai to contest elections in January 2008, which she was widely expected to win, but was killed by a suicide bomb in December 2007, her son and widower took over as party-leaders and in 2008 Asif Ali Zardari was elected president. She was daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the former President and Prime Minister, who was executed after the coup d’etat in 1979. Her three children were born in 1988, 1989 and 1993. She lived (1953-2007). |

17.03.1990-10.01.1991 Kasimiera Prunskienė, Lithuania
Deputy Premier and Minister of Economy 1989-90 and one of the leaders of the struggle for independence. She became leader of the government after the declaration of independence at 11.3.90, which was internationally recognized at 6.9.91. In 1991 Chairperson of Democratic Party, and from 1995-2001 Chairperson of Women’s Party, 1996-2000 Group Chairperson of the independent MP’s, and Chairperson of the Peasants and New Democratic Parties Union 2001-04. Presidential Candidate in 2002 and 2004 and Minister of Agriculture 2004-08. (b. 1945-).
20.03.1991-30.03.1996 Begum Khaleda Zia, Bangladesh
01.09.2001-29.10.2006 |
Vice-Chairperson of The Nationalist Party 1982-84 and Leader since 1984. Her husband, President Zia-ur-Rahman, was Premier Minister 1976-77 and President 1977-81 until he was assassinated. Khaleda was detained seven times during nine years of autocratic rule. In the face of mass upsurge spearheaded by the seven-party alliance, led by Khaleda, and the eight-party combine, led by Sheik Hasina Wajed, Ershad resigned in 1990 and handed over power to neutral caretaker government, bringing an end to his nine-year autocratic rule. During her first tenure as Premier she was also Minister of Defence, Establishment, Cabinet Diversion and Planning, Information Energy and Resources. 1996-2001 Leader of the Opposition. Resigned in October 2006 to prepare for the elections later in the year, which was postponed because of unrests. Her sons, Tareque Rahman and Arafat Rahman Koko were arrested on corruption charges in March and April 2007, and In September the same year she was herself charged with corruption and the military supported care-taker government tried to pressure her into exile. The charges against her was dropped in 2008. (b. 1945- ) |

15.05.1991-02.04.1992 Edith Cresson, France
Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, External 1981-83, Trade 1983-84, Industry 1984-86, European Affairs 1988-90. She was European Union Commissioner for Science, Research, Education and Youth 1995-99. In march 1999 she brought along the downfall of the EU-Commission as she refused the step down after a rapport had demonstrated that she was responsible of nepotism and mismanagement. (b. 1934-).

08.07.1992-26.10.1993 Hanna Suchocka, Poland |
As Minister President she was also Vice-President of the National Security Council. Member of Solidarity in 1980 and member of the Sejm 1982-85 and again 1989-2002 for various parties. 1991-97 member of Committee for Foreign Affairs and the Constitutional Committee. Vice-President of the Council of Europe 1991-92. In 1994 she was co-founder of the new Freedom Union (UW, liberal and social democratic) and member of it's leadership. The following year she was candidate in the party's primary for Presidential candidate, 1997-2000 Minister of Justice and Procurator-General. 1999 official Polish candidate for the office of the secretary general of the Council of Europe. Since 2002 Ambassador to the Vatican. Unmarried. (b. 1946-).

10.07.1993-11.02.1994 Sylvie Kinigi, Burundi |
By the time of her appointment as Premier she was Head of the Economic Planning Office in the President’s Office. During the Civil War the President was killed and as the highest ranking remaining official, she became Acting President (27.10.93-5.2.94). After her resignation she left politics and joined the Burundi’s Commercial Bank. (b. 1952-).

25.06.1993-07.03.1996 Tansu Çiller, Turkey
Assistant Professor 1974-83 and 1983-90 Professor of Economics at Bosphorus University. Minister of State and Chief Economic Coordinator 1991-93, Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs 1996-97. She was Deputy Chairperson 1990-93 and 1993-2002 Chairperson of DYP, The True Path Party. On 1.6.97 Premier Minister Erbakan, leader of the Islamic Party resigned in order with the purpose of her taking over as Premier, but President Demirel chose Meshut Yilmaz, who managed to form a government among others because of defections from her party. Mother of two children. (b. 1946-).

25.06.1993-04.11.1993 A. Kim Campbell, Canada
Executive Director, Office of British Columbia Premier 1985-86, Progressive Conservative MP 1988-93, Minister of State (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) 1989-90, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General 1990-93 and Minister of Defence and Minister of Veteran Affairs in 1993. As Prime Minister, 1993, she was also Minister responsible for Federal-Provincial Relations. She was leader of the Progressive Conservative party, 13.06.1993-13.12.1993, resigning after the party lost all but two seats in the House of Commons in the 1993 election in spite of gaining about 16% of the vote. She became a lecturer at Harvard University and has been Consul General of Canada in Los Angeles since 1996. Married with a stepdaughter. (b. 1947-).

18.07.1993-07.05.1994 (†) Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Rwanda
Minister of Education from 1992 till her appointment as Premier. On the 06.05 1994 the Hutu President Habyarimana was killed together with his Burundian colleague, Cyprien Ntaryamira, when their plane was rocketed on its way to Kigali airport. Agathe, a Hutu, was killed by the Tutsi Presidential guard together with her family and 10 Belgian soldiers, the day before she was supposed to step down as Premier Minister. The two killings sparked off the civil war and genocide of approximately 1 million Hutus and Tutsies. Mother of about 6 children. She lived (1953-94).

16.10.1994-25.01.1995 (Interim) Reneta Ivanova Indzhova, Bulgaria
Also know as Reneta Injova she was leader of an interim government consisting of technocrats. Her Deputy Premier, Minister of Economy and Finance was Hristina Vucheva. In 1995 she was mayoral candidate in Sofia, 2001 Presidential Candidate and the same year she became Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance. (b. 1953-).

19.8.1994-14.11.1994 Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, Sri Lanka
Chief Minister of the Western Province before becoming Prime Minister. After a few months she became President, and later appointed her mother, Sirivamo Bandaranaike, to her third term as Prime Minister. She was President 1994-2005. (1945-).

07.11.1995-27.02.1996 Claudette Werleigh, Haïti |
An economist, she became Minister of Social Affairs 1990-91, Minister of Foreign Affairs 1993-95 and was Executive Director of the Washington Office of Haiti 1993. Later an UN official. (b. 1946- ),
23.06.1996-15.7.2001 Sheikh Hasina Wajed, Bangladesh
06.01.2009- |
Her father, Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (1920-72-75), and most of her family was killed during a military coup in 1975 when she and her sister were abroard. Returned to Bangladesh in 1981, President of the Awami Leauge from 1981, Opposition Leader 1986-87 and 1991-96 and 2001-06. In 1983, she formed the 15-party alliance to launch a movement to oust General Ershad from power and was in and out of prison throughout the 1980s and was under house arrest a few times. Her party, along with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, led by Begum Khaleda Zia, was instrumental in the movement against the military rule. 2007 she was arrested on corruption and murder charges, but was allowed to go to USA for medical treatment in 2007 though the military supported care-taker government tried to pressure her into exile. Returned in November 2008 to lead her party in the election campaign, which her party won overwealmingly. Married to the nuclear scientist Dr M. A. Wazed Miah and mother a son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, and a daughter, Saima Wazed Putul, who both lives in the USA. (b. 1947- ). |

17.03.1997-22.12.1997 Janet Jagan, Guyana
As Premier Minister she also held the title of 1. Vice-President and she was Minister of Mines. Her political career started in 1950 and she held many positions. In 1997 her husband, Dr. Cheddi Bharat Jagan, died, and she was chosen to replace the Premier who succeeded Mr. Jagan as President. Janet was chosen as her party's candidate in the following Presidential elections, which she won. Afterwards she re-appointed the former President to the post of Prime Minister after being sworn in as President. She was born as Janet Rosenberg in Chicago and mother of two children, and lived (1920-2009).

08.12.1997-10.12.1999 Jenny Shipley, New Zealand
Minister of Women's Affairs 1990-98, Social Affairs 1990-93, Minister of Health 1993-96, Transport, State Services and State-Owned Enterprises, Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance 1996-97. As Premier she was also Minister in charge of the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service. She ousted then Prime Minister Jim Bolger as leader of the National Party and after his resignation she became leader of the government. 1999-2001 she was Leader of the Opposition. Mother of two children. (b. 1952-).

31.08.1998-23.09.1998 (Acting) Anne Enger Lahnstein, Norway
Acting Premier during Kjell Magne Bondevik's sick leave because of stress and psychological problems. She was Deputy Leader 1983-91, Parliamentary Leader, 1989-91 and Leader of The Centre Party 1991-99. 1. Deputy to the Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of the centre-right-government 1997-99, Vice Chairperson of the Defence Committee of Stortinget 1999-2001 and Governor of Østfold since 2003. (b. 1950-).

03.05.1999-10/18.05.1999 (Acting) Irena Degutiené, Lithuania
27.10.1999-03.11.1999 (Acting)
Medical Doctor, 1994-97 Vice-Minister of Health and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs 1997-2000, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas 2008-09 and from 2012 and Speaker 2009-12. (b. 1949-).

22.07.1999-30.07.1999 (Acting) Tuyaa Nyam-Osoryn, Mongolia
A former journalist and director in the Foreign Ministry, she was Minister of Foreign Affairs 1998-2000 and appointed acting Premier after her predecessor's resignation. (b. 1958-).
10.12.1999-19.11.2008 Helen Clark, New Zealand
MP since 1981. Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Select Committee 1984-87, Minister of Housing and Conservation 1987-89, Deputy Premier and Minister of Labour and Health 1989-90, Deputy Leader of Labour and of the Opposition 1990-93 and Leader of Labour 1993-2008 and Leader of the Opposition 1993-99. As Prime Minister she also held the Portfolio of Arts and Culture and Security Intelligence Service and Ministerial Services and Acting Foreign Minister in 2008. Head of the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP from 2009. In 1981 she married Dr. Peter Davis. No children and Candidate for UN Secretary General in 2016. (b. 1950-).

03.03.2001-04.11.2002 Mame Madior Boye, Sénégal
Former assistant to the Attorney General of the Republic, judge and first vice President of the Regional High Court in Dakar and former President of the Court of Appeal in Dakar. Councillor to the Supreme Court of Appeal and Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals in 2000-2001. In 2002 she took over as Minister of Defence after the former incumbent resigned after almost 1.000 persons died in a ferry-disaster. (b.1940-).

11.07.2002-31.07.2002 (Acting) Chang Sang, South Korea
Appointed Acting Prime Minister upon her designation, which was vetoed by the parliament at the 30.7 and about one month later the parliament also rejected President Kim Dae Jung's nominee as her successor. She holds a doctorate in philosophy from Princeton Theological College in the United States. She has been President of Ewha Women's University since 1996. (b. 1939-).

03.10.2002-16.07.2003 Maria das Neves Ceita Batista de Sousa, Republic of São Tomé e Príncipe
Maria das Neves worked as a civil servant in the Ministry of Finance and in the African Development Bank. 1999-2001 Minister of Economics, Agriculture, Fisheries, Commerce and Tourism, 2001-02 Minister of Finance and 2002 Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. On 16th of July 2003 she was detained during a military coup d'etat but on the 23rd the government was reinstated. The following year she was dismissed after aaccusations of corruption. Vice-President of the National Assembly since 2010 and Presidential Candidate in 2011. (b. 1958-).

17.04.2003-24.06.2003 Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Finland
1991-94 and 1999-2000 Deputy Parliamentary Leader and since 2000 leader of Suomen Keskusta/Centern i Finland, 1994-95 Minister of Justice. In 2003 Speaker of the Parliament. On 18.06 she tendered in her resignation application after it was revealed that she had used confidential material to aid her election campaign and then lying about how she had got the documents. (b. 1955-).

28.06.2003-15.12.2003 Dr. Beatriz Merino Lucero, Peru
Senator 1990-92, Member of the Congress 1995-2000, Vice-Presidential Candidate 2000 and Superintendent of the National Tax Administration before becoming a very popular President of the Council of Ministers, until she was sacked by the extremely unpopular President. (b. 1949-).

17.02.2004-16.01.2010 Luísa Días Diogo, Moçambique
Head of Department in the Ministry of Finance 1986-89, National Budget Director 1982-89 in Ministry of Planning and Finance, worked in World Bank 1993-94. 1994-2000 Vice-Minister and Minister of Planning and Finance 2000-05. Mother of three children. (b. 1958-).
12.05.2004-02.06.2004 (Acting)
18.11.2004-17.12.2004 (Acting) Radmila Sekerinska, Macedonia
As Vice-President of the Government and Minister without Portfolio for Euro-Atlantic Integration 2002-06, she acted as Head of Government from the former Prime Minister Crvenkovski's Presidential inauguration until election of Kostov as new Prime Minister. She already presided over government sessions and signed documents since Crvenkovski became candidate for President, as he 'renounced' his Premiership during the campaign, but he never officially stepped down. In November she was again appointed Acting Premier after her predecessor resigned, but lost the party internal election for the post of Prime Minister and Leader of the Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia (SDSM). Party Vice-President 1999-2006 and Leader 2006-08. (b. 1972-).

24.01.2005-08.09.2005 Yuliya Tymoshenko, Ukraine
Her name is also transcribed as Yulia Voldyrovna Timoshenkno. She is former Co-Leader of the Hromda party, Director of United Energy System 1998-2000, In 2001 she was charged with corruption but later acquitted. Leader of the Fatherland's Party 2000/01-05 and of the Bloc Tymoshenko from 2005. In June 2006 a Coalition deal was signed designating her as Prime Minister, but one of the parties broke out. Narrowly defeated in the 2010-presidential elections and afterwards her coalition in parliament broke up and she was defeated by a motion of no confidence. The following year she was sentenced to seven years in prison in what is widely seen as a political trial, but fried after the uprising in February 2014. (b. 1961-). |

07.06.2005-21.05.2006 Maria do Carmo Trovoada Pires de Carvalho Silveira, São Tomé e Princípe
Normally known as Maria do Carmo Silveira, she was governor of the National Bank 2002-05 and member of the Political Bureau of the Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tomé-Social Democratic Party, MLSTP-PSD. Also Minister of Finance from 2005. (b. 1961-).

03.05.2005-22.06.2005 (Acting) Cynthia A. Pratt, The Bahamas
Appointed Acting Prime Minister when the incumbent suffered a minor stroke and stepped aside from his duties, but she has acted on a number of occasions before, when he was abroad. She is also known as "Mother" Pratt. As Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Security 2002-07 she was in charge of the Defence Force and Police. She was Opposition Whip Circa 1992-2000 and from circa 2000 Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Progressive Liberal Democratic Part. A former nurse, she is mother of 6 children (b. 1945-).

22.11.2005- Angela Merkel, Germany
1990 Deputy Spokesperson of the Government of the DDR, 1990-98 Deputy Chairperson of CDU, 1991-94 Federal Minister Women and Youth and 1994-98 Federal Minister of Environment, Protection of Nature and Reactor Safety, 1993-2000 Chairperson of CDU in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 1998-2000 Federal Secretary General and since 2000 Federal Chairperson of CDU and 2002-05 also Parliamentary Leader, Chairperson of the European Council and President of the Group of Eight, G-8 in 2007. Née Kasner and married secondly to Joachim Sauer, no children. (b. 1954-).
30.03.2006-11.09.2007 Portia Simpson-Miller, Jamaica
05.01.2012- 03.03.2016 |
Since 1976 MP, 1976-82 Parliamentary Secretary of the Prime Minister, Deputy President of People's National Party 1978-2006 and President from 2006. Minister of Labour, Social Welfare and Sports 1989-2000, Candidate for the party leadership and Premiership in 1992, Minister of Tourism, Entertainment, Sports and Women’s Affairs 2000-02 and Minister of Local Government, Community Development and Sport 2002-06. Acting Prime Minister on various occasions whenever the chief of government was out of the country. 2006-2007 and from 2012 also Minister of Defence and a number of other portfolios. Opposition Leader 2007-11. (b. 1946-). |

19.04.2006-07.03.2007 Han Myung-sook, South Korea
During the years of the military dictatorship, she started her career as a social activist in the South Korea Christian Academy and was a political prisoner 1979-81. Master in Christian Theology and Women's Studies and B.A. in French. MP from 2000. Minister of Gender Equality 2001-03 and Minister of Environment 2003-04 She resigned to run as candidate in the Uri-party internal primaries but soon after the party merged with other parties into the United New Democratic Party and Chairperson of the Supreme Council of the Democratic United Party from 2012. (1944-).
31.03.2008-14.09.2009 Zinaida Grecianîi, Moldova
Vice-Minister 2000-01 and First Vice-Minister of Finance 2001-02, Minister of Finance 2002-05 and 1. Vice Prime Minister and Coordinator of the activity of executive institution in charge with economic-financial sector from 2005. Following the parliamentary elections in March she was put forward on two rounds of voting for the post of President in May and June but got 60 votes, one short of the required majority. The Communists lost the subsequent elections and she resigned to take up her position as an MP. (b. 1956-). |
31.07.2008-11.11.2009 Michèle Pierre-Louis, Haiti |
The third nominee by president Preval since March, has been Executive Director of the Foundation of Knowledge and Liberty since 1995. On 31.07 the Senate confirmed her nomination and she was appointed to the post by the President and on 05.09 the two chambers had approved her programme of government and list of ministers and she finally took over the government. (b. 1947-). |

03.12.2008-05.12.2012 Antonella Mularoni, San Marino
As Secretary of Foreign and Political Affairs she also functions as Leader of the Government even though the Captain Generals are both Heads of State and Government. She was Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance 1986-87, Director of the Office for relations with the associations of San Marino citizens living abroad 1987-90, Deputy Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, 1989-90, Barrister and public notary in the Republic of San Marino 1991-2001, Member of the General Grand Council 1993-2001 and again from 2008, and Judge of the European Court of Human Rights 2001-08. (b. 1961-).
01.02.2009-23.05.2013 Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, Iceland |
Johanna Sigurdardsottir was Deputy Chairperson of the Social Democrats 1984-93, Chairperson 1994-99 of the National Revival Party until she rejoined the Social Democrats and became it's leader in 2009, Vice-President of the Lower Chamber 1979 and 1983-84 and Vice-Chairperson of the the Alþing 2003-07, Minister of Social Affairs And Health 1987-91 and Minister of Social Affairs 1991-94 and 2007-09. First married to Þorvaldur Steinar Jóhannesson with whom she has got sons, and is now married to the author Jónína Leósdóttir, who is mother of 1 son. (b. 1942-) |

06.07.2009-23.12.2011 Jadranka Kosor, Croatia |
Vice-President of the Sabor 1995-2000 and 2011, Deputy Chairperson of HDZ 1995-97, Party Leader 2009-12 and Leader of the Opposition 2011-12. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of War Weterans from 2003, Minister for Family and Inter-Generation Solidarity 2003-08 and responsible for Foreign Policy and Human Rights. Presidential Candidate 2005. (b. 1953-).
21.10.2009-13.11.2009 (Acting)
18.12.2009-20.12.2009 Cécile Manorohanta, Madagascar |
Cécile Marie Ange Dominique Manorohanta was Vice-Minister of Education and Scientific Research 2007, Minister of Defence 2007-09 and Vice-Premier and Minister of Interior in 2009. As part of the power struggle she was in charge of the government from October to November as the appointed Premier could not be sworn in and when he was abroard in December, she again acted as his stand-in until he was dismissed and she appointed as his successor, but herself replaced after 2 days. |
26.05.2010-09.09.2015 Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Trinidad and Tobago |
Attorney General (second in Cabinet) 1995-06 and 2001, Minister of Legal Affairs 1996-99 and 2001 and Minister of Education 1999-2001. First appointed acting premier on the absence of the Premier in September 2000. Leader of The United National Congesss and Oppostion Leader 2006-07, 2010 and 2015, and Political Leader from 2010. (b. 1952-) |

22.06.2010-22.06.2011 Mari Kiviniemi, Finland
MP from 1991, Deputy Parliamentary Leader of the Center Party in 2003, Party Vice-Chairperson 2003-08 and Party Chairperson 2010-12, Political Advisor of the Prime Minister 2004-07, Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Aid and Minister at the Prime Minister's Office 2005-06 and Minister of Public Administration and Local Government 2007-10. Mother of 2 children. (b. 1968-)

19.03.2011-28.07.2011 Rosario del Pilar Fernández Figueroa, Peru
Minister of Justice 2007-09 and again from 2010. Her official title is Presidenta del Consejo de Ministros del Perú
24.06.2010-27.12.2013 Julia Gillard, Australia |
MP from 1998, Manager of Opposition Business in the House of Representatives 2003-06 and Deputy Leader of Labor 2006-10, Deputy Leader of the Opposition 2006-07 and Leader of Labour 2010-13, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and Social Inclusion from 2007-10. Her parents immigrated to Australia from Wales. She lives with her partner and has no children. (b. 1961-). |
08.07.2010-04.04.2012 Iveta Radičová, Slovakia |
Iveta Radicova is Professor of Sociology and Political Sciences at the Comenius University in Bratislava, from 2005 Director of the Institute of Sociology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2005-06 Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, MP from 2006 and Deputy Leader of the Democratic and Christian Union–Democratic Party 2006-10 and Party Leader 2010-12. Presidential Candidate for all the opposition parties in 2009 and finished second in the second round of voting, and in 2010 the opposition 4-party coalition won the elections, but lost 2 years later after the coalition broke down. Minister of Defence from 2010 (b. 1956-). |
04.04.2011-22.03.2012 Cissé Mariam Kaïdama Sidibé, Mali |
Mariam Sidibé was Minister of Planning and International Cooperation 1991-92 and Minister of Agriculture and Environment in 1992, Executive Secretary of the intergovernmental Interstate Committee on the Fight Against Desertification in the Sahel 1993-2000, Special Counselor to the President 2001-02, Minister of Rural Development in 2002 and President of the administrative council of Mali's government Tobacco corporation 2003-11. Deposed in a military coup together with the president. (b. 1948-). |
08.08.2011-07.05.2015 Yingluck Shinawatra, Thailand |
A former buisness woman and main candidate for the Pheu Thai Party which won about 50% of the votes in the parliamentary elections. Defence Minister 2013-14. She is a member of a walthy family, her father, uncle and other family members were MPs her brother and brother-in-law were Prime Ministers and her sister Mayor of Chiang Mai and very influential in the party. In 2013 she won a parliamentary election, but the Constitutional Court annuled the result and later ruled that she had to resign, as the third Prime-Minister from the party forced to resign by the court. She is married to businessman Anusorn Amornchat and mother of a son. (b. 1967-). |
03.10.2011-28.06.2015 Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Denmark |
Social Democrat Member of the European Parliament 1999-2004 and Member of the Parliament, Party Chairperson 2005-15, Chairperson of the European Council, the rotating presidency of the European Union, and 1. Deputy Chairperson of the Danish Parliament 2015-16 and named CEO of Save the Children International in 2016. Married to Stephen Kinnock and mother of two daughters. (b. 1966-) |

10.02.2012-12.04.1212 (Acting) Adiatu Djaló Nandigna, Guinea Bissau
Also known as Maria Adiatu Diallo Nandigna, she was Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport 2007-08 and has been Second in Cabinet since 2008 and Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Social Communication and Parliament from 2009. Deposed in a military coup together with the Interim President between the first and second round in the Presidential Elections. Appointed Defence Minister in 2015.
20.03.2013-18.09.2014 Alenka Bratušek, Slovenia |
Alenka Bratusek has been MP from 2011 and Acting Leader of the Positive Slovenia party 2013-14. She is former Head of the Directorate for the State Budget at the Ministry of Finance. Designate Vice-President of the EU-Commission for Energy Union in 2014, but was rejected by the European-Parliament. (b. 1970-) |
13.06.2013-02.09.2013 Sibel Siber, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus |
MP from 2009 in the self-declared state that comprises the northeastern part of the island of Cyprus. Recognised only by Turkey. She received the hightest number of votes in 2013 General Election and became Speaker of the Assembly, the Cumhuriyet Meclisi. Presidential Candidate in 2015. |
10.07.2013-02.12.2015 Tatyana Turanskaya, Transnistria |
Earlier in 2013 she was appointed Deputy Prime Minister with responsiblity for Regional Administration in the the self-declared and de facto independent Republic of Transnistria within the territory of Moldova. (b. 1972-) |
03.09.2013-04.07.2014 Aminata Touré, Sénégal |
Chair of the Electoral Campaign of Landing Savané in 1993, worked in various international organisaitons among others as head of the Human Rights Department of the UN Population Fond and Director of the Cabinet of President Macky Sall 2010-12 and Minister of Juctice and Third in the Cabinet 2012-13. (b. 1962-) |
20.10.2013- Erna Solberg, Norway |
Deputy Leader of Høyre 2002-04 and Party Leader from 2004, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development 2001-05, Deputy to the Prime Minister 2004-05. Married to Sindre Finnes and mother of 2. (b. 1961-) |
22.01.14-11.02.2016 Laimdota Straujuma, Latvia |
1999-2000 Deputy State Secretary of Agriculture, 2000-06 State Secretary of Agriculture, 2007-10 State Secretary of Regional Development, 2010-11 Deputy State Secretary Regional Development and 2011-14 Minister of Agriculture. Joined the Unity Party after she was nominated as chief of the government by the party chair and President of the Parliament Solvita Āboltiņa. (b. 1951-) |
22.07.2014-02.04.2015 Ana Rosario Jara Velásquez, Peru |
2011-14 Minister of Women's Promotion and Social Development, 2014 Minister of Labour and Promotion of Employment and MP 2011. (b. 1968-) |
22.09.2014- Ewa Kopacz, Poland |
Member of the Sejm 2001-2005 and from 2011 for Platforma Obywatelsk, Minister of Health 2007-11 and Marshall of the Sejm from 2011. Widow of Marek Kopacz and mother of 1 daughter. (b. 1956-) |
20.12.2014-16.01.2015 (Acting) Florence Duperval Guillaume, Haiti |
Minister of Public Health and Population 2011-12 and from 2014 |
21.03.2015- Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, Namibia |
Director-General of the National Planning Commission 1997-2003 and Minister of Finance 2003-15. Married to Onesmus Amadhila. (b. 1967-). |
22.06.2015-30.07.2015 (Acting) Natalia Gherman, Moldova |
Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration 2013-16, she took over as Premier after the resignation of her predecessor. Deputy Foreign Minister 2009-13, Ambassador to Austria, OSCE and other International Organisations in Vienna 2002-06 and to Sweden, Norway and Finland 2006-09. She is daughter of former President Mircea Snegur
27.08.2015-21.09.2015 (Interim) Vasiliki Thanou, Greece |
Vassiliki Thanou-Christophilou is the senior judge as President of the Court of Cassation in 2015. She was President of the Court of First Instance 1992-2015, President of the Appeals Court 2005-15, judge in the Court of Cassation from 2008, Vice President of the Court 201-15. Married and mother of 3 children. (b. 1950-). |
13.10.2015-30.11.2015 (Acting) Maya Ivanovna Parnas, Transnistria (Self declared Republic in Moldova)
02.12.2015-23.12.2015 (Acting) |
She was appointed Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development and Finance in 2012. First time she was acting for Tatjana Turanskaja and second time during a vacancy on the post. |
16.11.2015- Beata Szydło, Poland |
Beata Szydlo was elected Mayor of Gmina Brzeszcz in 2004 and MP in 2005 as well as Vice-President of the Law and Justice party. Married to Edward Szydło and mother of 2 sons. (b. 1963-). |
13.07.2016- Theresa May, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Conservative MP from 1997, Chairperson of the Conservative Party 2002-03, Home Secretary 2010-16, Minister for Women and Equality 2010-12 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 2016. Married to Philip May with no children. (b. 1956-). |
Last update 04.10.17