This is a list of female Presidents of Parliaments. Included are territories
with self-rule and nominal autonomous regions in the former USSR and
Czechoslovakia and in Yugoslavia, which are now independent.
Also see
Female Heads of Assembly prior to the 20th Century
Female Heads of Parliamentary Bodies

1920 Chairperson of the Constituting Session of the Constituent Seimas
Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Lithuania (15.5.20) |
Chaired the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly pending
the election of a President the same day. 5 of the 149 members of the
Assembly were women.
Candidate in 1926.
She was writer and journalist and lived
(1861-1943). |

1927-28 and 1932 Chairperson of the Bundesrat Olga Ruder-Zeynek,
Austria |
Bundesrat, Federal Council, is the representation of the States if
Austria. Ruder-Zeynek was a journalist, Member of the National
Assembly 1920-27, Landtag of Steiermark and of the Bundesrat 1927-33
and member of the leadership of the Christian Social Party She lived
1938 Acting Chairperson of the
Executive Committee Kalima Amankulova, Kyrgyzstan (Autonomous
Soviet Republic in the USSR)
Калима Аманкулова, Калыйма Аманкулова or Kalyjma Amankulova.
(b. 1915-) |

Chairperson of the Presidium of the Hüral Khertek Anchimaa-Toka, People's Republic of
Tannu Tuva |
As Chairperson of the Presidium of
the Parliament, the Little Hüral,
Khertek Amyrbitovna was
the Head of the
state which became
Independent in 1921, a People's Republic in 1926, was incoroprated
into the Soviet Union in 1944. She had held
various jobs in local administration and the party administration,
Chairperson of the
Women Department of the Central Committee of
the Tuvinian People's Revolutionary
1938-1940. Married to the First Secretary of the TPRP, Salchak
Kalbakkhorekovich Toka in 1940, Deputy Chairperson of Oblast
Executive Committee
1944-1961 and
Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of Tuva
1961-1972. She lived (1912-2008). |
1945 President of Cámara de Representantes Maria Libertad Gomez
Puerto Rico (US External Territory)
Vice-President of the Chamber of Representatives 1952-56
and Vice-President of the
Constituent Assembly
1952-53. She
lived (1898-1961). |

1950-51 and 1952-53 Chairperson of the Landsting Ingeborg Hansen,
Denmark |
For a
number of years Chair of the Finance Committee, 1945-50 Secretary of
Landstinget before becoming the last Chairperson of the Upper House
before the Danish Parliament became an uniCámaral Legislature. She lived
President of the World Health Assembly
Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Active in the Freedeom
movement and a close aide of Mahatma Gandhi, she was Indian Minister of Health
1947-57 and Minister of Communication 1951 and 1952 Communication (from circa 1955 Forth in cabinet)
Member of Rayja Sabha, the Upper House
World Health Assembly is the supreme decision-making body for WHO. She
was a
Princess of Kapurthala and lived (1889-1964). |

Chairperson of the Bundesrat Dr. Johanna Bayer, Austria |
Member of the Bundesrat 1953-57 and of the Nationalrat 1957-73. She
lived (1915-2000). |

1953-54 President of the General Assembly of the United Nations Vijaya
Laksmi Pandit (India) |
Minister of Local Self Government and Health of Indian State of
Uttar Pradesh 1937-39 and 1946-47, Ambassador to USSR 1947-49, to USA
and Mexico 1949-51. Head of the Delegation to United Nation 1946-68 and
Ambassador to United Kingdom and Ireland 1955-61 and to Spain 1958-61.
Governor of Maharastra 1962-64 and MP 1964-68. Sister of J. Nehru,
India's first post-independence premier. She lived (1900-90). |
President of the Senate Fatima Ibrahim Didi,
The Maldive Islands |
Member of the Senate of the First Republic 1953-54. She was
offered the throne in 1953 but withdrew her candidature when opposed by
the clerics headed by 'Abdu'llah Jalal ud-din. Born as Princess Fatima
Tuttu Goma, she was daughter Princess Gulistan of the Maldives and her
cousin Al-Amir Ibrahim Fa'amuladeri Kilegefa'anu, who later became
Ekgamuge Ibrahim 'Ali Didi (d. 1975), who was member of the Regency
1943-1953 and Prime Minister 1953-1957, and married to H.E. Ahmad Zaki
(1931-96), who held many government and ambassadorial posts, including
that of Prime Minister 1972-1975 and Permanent Representative at the UN
1979-1983 and 1993-1996. One of her two sons was Defence Minister. She
lived (1918-2008). |
1958 Acting Chairperson of the Národná rada
Irena Ďurišová, Slovakia (Czechoslovakia) |
Durisova was Vice-President of the National Council
Member of the Presidium
1960-64 and 1969-81 and Vice-Chairperson of the
Federal National Assembly of Czechoslovakia 1959-60. She lived (1918-99). |

1961-62 and 1974-75 President of the Lower House of the Alþing
Ragnhilður Helgadóttir, Iceland
1975 President of the Nordic Council |
2. Vice-chairperson of the United Althing 1959, 2. Vice-chairperson
of the Lower House 1959-60 and 1962-63. 1983-85 Minister of Education
and 1985-87 Minister of Health, Social Affairs and Communication.
She lived
(1930-2016). |

1962-63 Provisional President of Narodna Skubscina
Vida Tomšič, Slovenia
1967-69 President of the Vecé Gradjana (Chamber of Citizens) of the
Savezna Skupština, Yugoslavia
1974-78 President of the Narodna Skubscina, Slovenia |
1945-46 Minister for Social Politics and in the 1950's Member of the
Executive Council. As President of the People’s Assembly she was also
"Head of State. Vida Tomsic was widow of the Slovenian communist
politician Tone Tomsic (1910-42), who was killed by the Germans. She
lived (1913-98). |
1963-67 President of the Országgyülés Vass Metzker Erzsébet, Hungary |
known as Istvánné Vass or Erzsébet Metzker, she was Vice-President of
the National Assembly 1955-63 and 1967-76, and Member of the Council of
State 1971-76. She lived (1915-80). |

1963-67 President of the Chamber of Social Affairs and Health of the Savezna
Skupština Olga Vrabič, Yugoslavia
Before becoming member of the Federal Assembly, Olga Vrabic was member
of the Republic's Council of Slovenia (Minister without Portfolio)
1955-58 and later President of the Municipal Assembly of Celje and a
judge in the Constitutional Court. She lived (1916-2001). |

1964-65 Chairperson of the Beneluxparlement Mr. J.M. Stoffels-Van
Haaften (Netherlands) |
was member of the Second Chamber 1955-67 and it's vice-chairperson
1959-63 and 66-67, Member of the Dutch Delegation to the UN General
Assembly, 1959-58, Member of the Council of Europe and the West European
Union 1957-67, Member of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Benelux
1959-67. She
lived (1917-92). |

1968, 1969 and 1974 Chairperson of the Bundesrat
Helene Tschitschko,
Austria |
Member of the Bundesrat 1964-75, and lived (1908-92). |

President of the Cámara de Senadores Maria Lavalle Urbina, Mexico
1976-80/2 Subsecretary of Education. And later involved in humanitarian
policies and active in a number of UN organizations.
She lived (1908-96). |
1965-79 President of the Legislature Marguerite Story, Cook Island (Free Association with New Zealand)
Margaret or Marguerite Nory Eikura Kitimira
Story was elected to the Legislature in 1965, but resigned to make way
for her brother, Albert Henry, who became Prime Minister and appointed
her Speaker of the Legislature. He was stripped of his knighthood in
1978 after being convicted for electoral fraud. She was granted an Order
of the British Empire in 1984. She was mother of 8 children.
She lived
(1922-2009). |

1967-71 President of the Sabor Milka Planinc, Croatia (At the time part
of Yugoslavia) |
Between 1963-67 Minister of Education, 1971-82 Leader of the Communist
Party in Croatia, 1982-86 Premier of Yugoslavia.
She lived
President of the Snemovna Lidů Soňa
Czechoslovakia |
President of the People's Chamber
Sona Pennigerova
was concurrently 1. Vice-President
of the Federal Assembly, she
was an
MP 1960-76
and member of
various Committees. In 1969 she became member of the Central Committee
of the Communist Party.
(b. 1928-). |
Acting Chairperson of Rajya Sabha Violet Alva, India |
Deputy Chairperson 1962-69 and acted as Chairperson when the
Chairperson, the Union Vice-President V.V. Giri, was acting as the
country’s President. She had been member of Bombay Legislative Council
1947-52. In 1953-54 and 1962-69 she was Vice-Chairperson and 1969 Member
of the Panel of Chairmen of Rayjiah Shaba. 1957-62 also Minister of
State for Home Affairs. In 1969 she resigned from parliament because
Indira Gandhi backed someone else as Vice-President of the Nation. She
died one week later.
A protestant she was married to
the catholic Joachim Alva, also MP, mother of 3 children and lived (1908-69). |

1969-70 President of the General Assembly of the United Nations Angie
Elizabeth Brook-Randolph (Liberia) |
Assistant Secretary of State of Liberia 1956-73, Delegate to the UN
from 1955, 1956 Vice-Chairperson and 1961 chairperson of the Committee
of Trust and Non-self Government Territories, 1961 Vice-President of the
Committee on Information on Non-Self-government Territories, 1962
Chairperson on the Commission for Ruanda-Urundi, 1965 Vice-President and
1966 President of the Trusteeship Council. Liberian Ambassador to the
United Nations 1975-77 and Judge in the Supreme Court from 1977.
She lived (1928-2007). |
1970-74 President of the Federal Chamber of the Supreme Soviet
Sadykovna Nariddinova, united Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR) |
1952-59 Deputy Premier, Minister of Construction Industry in Uzbekistan,
1959-70 Vice-Chairperson of the Supreme Soviet
and 1959-70
Head of
She lived (1920-2006). |
Chairperson of the
Augstākā Padome
Valentina Klibiķe, Latvia |
known as Klibike
or Kliblika, she was member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
1985-90 and 1990-91 Vice-Chairperson of the Council of Nationalities of

1972-74 Speaker of the Senate Muriel McQueen Ferguson, Canada |
Senator 1953-75. She lived (1899-1997). |

1972-76 President of the Bundestag Annemarie Renger, Federal Republic of
Germany |
1969-72 Parliamentary Secretary General of Socialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands, SDP (Social Democrats). She was Vice-President of the
Federal Assembly 1976-90. 1979 she was the Social Democratic
Presidential Candidate.
She lived (1919-2008). |

1973-74 President of the Senate Maria Estela Martínez de Perón,
Argentina |
vice-President of the Republic Isabel Peron was also President of the
Senate. She succeeded her husband as President 1974-76.
Chairperson of Partido Justicial, The Peronist party 1974-85, in Prison
1976-78, exile in Spain 1981-93 (b. 1931-). |

1973-77 President of the Lagting Torild Skard, Norway
for the Socialist Left Party (SV) in 1973-77 and Chair of the Upper
House, 1984-86 Director in
UNESCO, 1986-91 Director General in the Norwegian Ministry for
Development Cooperation/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1991-94 Assistant
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1994-98 Regional
Director of UNICEF (West- and Central Africa) and 1998-2003 Senior
Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
(b. 1936-) |

1973-83 (†) Speaker of the Senate Dr. Dame Doris Louise Johnson, Bahamas
1968-69 Minister without Portfolio and Leader of the Government in the
Senate 1968-69, Minister of Transport 1969-72 and in 1979 Acting
Governor General.
She lived (1921-83). |

1974-79 Speaker of the Senate/Sénat Renaude Lapointe, Canada
was journalist, and editor, Delegate to UN 1970-72 and Senator 1971-87,
Speaker Pro-Tempore 1982-83, and lived (1912-2002). |

1975-80 President of the Asembleia Nacional Carmen Pereira, Cap Verde
1984-89 President of the Asembeia Nacional Popular of Guinea-Bissau |
1973-84 Deputy President of Assembléia Nacional Popular and 1975-80
President of the Parliament of Cap Verde (which was in union with Guinea
Bissau at the time), 1978-84 Vice President of the Asembeia Nacional
Popular of Guinea-Bissau, 1981-83 Minister of Health and Social Affairs
and in may 1984 Acting Head of state, 1989-94 member the Council of
State, 1990-91 Minister of State (Deputy Premier) for Social Affairs.
She lived
(1937-2016). |

President of the Cámara de Dipodados Hilda Josefina A. Anderson Nevárez
de Rojas, Mexico |
Secretary of the Chamber in 1965 and 1980 Secretary of Tourism.
Later Secretary of Women's Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and
involved in international affairs. August 2000 Vice-President of
Constituting Session of the Cámara de Diputados. (b. 1949-). |
1976-78 Provisoric Chairperson of the
Rénmín Dàibiăo
Song Qingling, China
1980 Chairperson of the 3rd Session of the
Rénmín Dàibiăo
Dàhuì |
1927 Member of Executive Council of Nationalist Government, 1929-49
Leader of Opposition against Brother-in-Law President Chiang Kai-chek,
1949-54 Deputy Premier, 1954-76 Vice-Chairperson of The Peoples'
Republic (Deputy Head of State) and 1954-59 Vice-Chairperson of the 1.
National People's Congress and later it's Provisoric Chair and Acting
Head of State, 1980-81 Honorary President of China. She lived (1893-1981).

President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio
nazionale Elisabeth Blunschy, Switzerland
of the first female MPs after Swiss women got suffrage in 1971 as member
of the National Council for the Christian People's Party, CPV, 1971-87.
Vice-President of the Council 197-77, Lawyer from 1944.
She lived
(1922-2015). |

1977-81 President of the Lagting Margit Tøsdal, Norway |
Vice-President of the Upper House in 1973-77.
She lived
(1918-93). |

1978-79 President of the Cámara de Diputados Lidia Gueiler Tejada,
President of the Congress |
President 1979-80, until she was deposed in one of the numerous
military coup d’etats.
1978-80 Speaker of the Legislature Ada May Edwards,
Associated State of
Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla (At the time an External Territory of United Kingdom) |
retired teacher,
she lived (1911-2004). |
1978-80 and 1990-94
President of the House of Arkiri Margaret
Makea Karika Ariki, Cook Island (Free Association with New Zealand) |
full name was
Karika Takau
Margaret Ariki and she was the holder of the Queenly title of
Makea Karika Takau since circa 1935 and was the Highest Ranking Chief
in the House of Ariki
(Chiefs). She lived (1919-circa 94). |
Acting Chairperson of the Presidium of the
Meta Jangolenko-Vannas, Estonia (Autonomous Soviet Republic in the USSR) |
1967-69 Minister of Public Service, 1969-85 Deputy Chairperson of the
Presidium of the Supreme Council. The post was the post was equivalent
to that of a President of the state.
She lived (1924-2002). |

1979-92 President of Cámara dei Deputati Nilde Iotti, Italy |
1962 and 1968-72 Vice-President of the parliamentary group of Partito
Communista di Italia, 1969 Vice-President of the Assembly of
Montecitorio, 1972-79 Vice-President of the Cámara dei Diputati (Chamber
of Deputies), 1997-99 Vice-President of the Council of Europe. As
President of the Chamber of Deputies she was the third in the state
hierarchy after the President and President of the Senate. She lived
(1926-99). |
1979-81 President of the Legislative Chamber of the
Marea Adunare Naţională
Alexandrina Găinuşe, Romania
Gainuse was concurrently Vice-President of the Grand National Assembly, 1985-86
Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, 1986-87 Minister of Labour.
She lived
(1932-2012). |
President of the Vecé Republika of the Savezna Skupština Stana
Tomasević Arnesen, Yugoslavia
Before becoming President of the Chamber of Republics, she was
Member of the Communist Party and Commander in the war against the
Germans, 1958-63 Federal Councillor in the Federal Secretariat for
Labour Questions, 1963-67 Ambassador to Norway and Iceland, 1969-74
Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federal Assembly,
1974-78 Ambassador to Denmark, 1969-74 Federal Councillor in the Federal
Secretariat for External Affairs.
She lived
(1922-83). |

1979-85 President of the European Parliament Simone Veil (France)
1974-79 she was French Minister of Health and Social Affairs 1985-89
Vice-President of the EP 1984-89 President of the Liberal Group of the
EP, 1993-95 First Minister of State (Deputy Premier) and Minister of
Housing, Social Affairs, Health, and Development of Cities. (b. 1927-). |

1980-84 Speaker of the House of Commons/Chambre
des communes
Jeanne Sauvé, Canada |
Former Government Minister and Governor General of Canada 1984-90. She lived (1922-93).

1980-91 President of the Assembléia Popular Nacional Alda Neves da Graça do
Espirito Santo, Sao Tomé e Principe |
known as Alda do Espírito Santo or Alda Graça, she fought in the
independence war and was a acclaimed poet.
1975-78 Minister of Culture, Education and 1978-80 Minister of
Education, Social Affairs and Culture.
As President of the National Assembly
she was Deputy Head of State.
She lived (1926-2010). |
Speaker of the House of Representatives Marie Davis-Pierre,
Dominica |
Cerk of the house 1967-78. As Speaker of the House she was Deputy Head of State.
She lived (1918-2014). |

1980-90 (†) President of the House of Arkiri Pa Tapaeru
Ariki, Lady
Davies, Cook Island (Free Association with New Zealand)
She inherited the title of Pa Tapaeru in 1932, the highest-ranking
traditional leader in the Cook Islands
as paramount chief of the Takitumu tribe from 1924. She was
first married to
George Ani Rima Peyroux and had 9 children, and then to Sir Tom
Davis, Premier (1978- 83, 1983-87), and lived (1923-90). |

Chairperson of the 3rd Session of the 5th
Rénmín Dàibiăo
1980-81 (or 1983-86) Chairperson of the Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhèngzhì
Xiéshāng Huìyì Deng Yingchao, China |
Vice-Chairperson of the NPC 1976-82.
the period 1976-78 there was no Chairperson of the National People's Congress and she was one
of the 21 vice-chairmen who constituted the collective Head of State.
Other sources name Song Qingling as Provisoric Chairperson. Member of
the Politburo 1978 and 1982-85 and
Chair of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference,
CPPCC. She was member of the Group of
"Immortals" (Paramount Leaders) 1986-92. She was widow of Premier Zhou Enlai. She lived (1898-1992). |

1980-81 Executive Chairperson the 4th Session of the 5th
Rénmín Dàibiăo
Cai Chang, China |
1928-77 Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,
1945-49 Member of the People’s Government Council, 1949-54 Deputy Leader
of the Executive and Legislative Power in the Council of Minister,
1975-79 Vice-President of the National People's Congress. She lived

1981-1992 Chairperson of the Presidium of the Kuo-min Ta-hui Yeh Chin-feng,
Taiwan |
in a number of lower courts before becoming Judge in the Supreme Court
1981-1986. In 1987-1988 she was Senior Specialist of the Judicial Yuan
1987, Commissioner of the Examination Yuan 1987 and 1988, Deputy
Director-General, Department of Women's Affairs 1988-1992. 1992-96
Vice-Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Committee of the Executive
Yuan, 1996-2000 Minister of State, 1996-97 Minister without Portfolio,
1997-98 Minister of the Interior, 1998-99 Chairperson of the Mainland
Affairs Committee, 1999-2000 Minister of Justice. As Chairperson of the
National Assembly she ranked second in the hierarchy of the state after
the President. (b. 1943-). |

Joint Chairperson of the Consiglio Grande e Generale Maria Lea Pedini
Angelini, San Marino (1.4.-30.9)
Captain-Regent was her country's first female head of state, government
and parliament - jointly with a man. From circa 1991 Director in Ministry
of Government and Foreign Affairs. Since 1995 Ambassador in the Ministry
to France, Denmark, Sweden, Norway etc. (b. 1954-). |

1981-82/89 President of Asemblea Nacional Dr. (Maria) Julia Castillo
Rodas, El Salvador
1981 Vice-President and since 1987 Leader of Partido Autentico
Institucional Salvadorano, 1978-81 Undersecretary of Health and later
Director General of the Salvadorian Institute of Social Security until
1999 (1940-). |

1981-82 President of the Nationalrat/Conseil national/Consiglio
nazionale Heidi Lang, Switzerland |
Lang-Agheri was Councillor of Interior in the Canton of Zürich 1983-91
and of Economy 1991-95. She was President of the Government 1989-90 and
1994-95. She lived (1931-2004). |

1981-85 Joint Chairperson of the Libandla Queen Mother Dzeliwe Shongwe of
Swaziland |
After the death of her husband, King Sobhuza II she was regent for one
of his sons,and as such also Co-Chair the Swazi National Council or
Upper House. She lost the title of Queen Mother in 1985.
She lived
(1927-2003). |
and 1987 President of the Legislature Ruby M. Rouss, United States
Virgin Islands |
Senator 1979-89. She lived (1921-88). |

1982-83 and 1987-89 Cathaoirleach/Chairperson of the Senead Eireann/the
Senate Trás Honan, Ireland |
Senator 1977-93 and was Senate vice-President 1983-87.
Senate Chairperson she was member of the Collective vice-presidency of
the Country. Her husband Derry Honan was also a Senator, and died in
1986. |
1982-88 President of the Skubscina Silva Jeret, Slovenia (At the time
part of Yugoslavia)
No back
ground information has been found on her. |

and 1987 President of the Nordic Council
Hetemäki-Olander (Finland) |
Vice-President of the Council 1979-82, 1983-87 and 1988-91 and
1. Vice-President of the Finnish Eduskunta/Riksdag, National Assembly
1988-91. (b. 1927-). |

1982-85 President of the Conseil General
1992-2004 President of the Conseil Regional Lucette Michaux-Chevry,
Guadalupe (France) |
President of the Conseil General she was also Chief of the Government.
1986-87 Secretary of State and 1993-95 Minister Delegate of Foreign
Affairs in the French Government,
Mayor of
1987-95 and became Mayor of
Maire de Basse-Terre
in 1995 (b. 1929-). |

1983-87 President of the Upper House of the AlÞing Salome Þorkelsdóttir
, Iceland
1991 President of the United AlÞing
1991-95 President of the AlÞing |
Salome Thorleksdottir was 2. Vice-President of the Upper House 1987-88
and 1. Vice-President of the United Thing 1988-91. As President of the
Athing she was member of the collective vice-presidency of the Republic.
Athing became an uniCámaral legislature in 1991. (b. 1927-)

1983-86 Chairperson of Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhèngzhì Xiéshāng HuìyìKang Keqing, China |
Vice-Chairperson of
the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, CPPCC, 1979-93, and lived (1911-92). |

1983-86 President of the Senate Jeanette Grant-Woodham, Jamaica |
Vice-President 1981-83 and Minister
of State of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Industry 1986-89.
University Lecturer at West Indies University in Jamaica.
1983-89 President of the Legislative Chamber of the
Marea Adunare Naţională
Marie Gheorge, Romania
1983-89 Vice-Chairperson of the State Committee for Prices and 1983-89
also Vice-President of the Grand National Assembly. |
1984-89 President of the Senate Doris June Garcia, Belize
Doris June Tomasa Garcia nee Cayetano was
Member of the Dangriga Town Counci from 1983 and
United Democratic Party
Senator 1984-89
(b. 1943-). |

1984-85 and 1988-89 President of the Nordic Council Karin Söder (Sweden)
Vice-Chairperson 1971-86, Deputy Group Leader 1978-79 and 1982-86,
Chairperson of The Center Party 1986-87, Minister of Foreign Affairs
1976-78 and of Health, Social Affairs and Nordic Co-operation 1979-82,
Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs’ Committee of the Riksdag 1984-86.
She lived
(1928-2015). |

and 1989-90 Joint
of the Consiglio Grande e Generale Gloriana
Ranocchini, San Marino
Captain Regent she was Head of State, Government and Parliament for a
six-month period jointly with a man. (b. 1957-). |
1984-89 President of the Sobranje Kata Lahtova, Macedonia (At the time
part of Yugoslavia)
leader and Undersecretary for Health and Social Politics in the 1960s.
She lived (1924-95). |

1984-90 President of the Odelsting Åshild Hauan, Norway
Odelsting is the Lower House of the Norwegian Storting. Fylkesman/Governor of Norland 1991-2007. (b. 1942-). |

Executive Chairperson of the 3rd. Session of the 6th
Rénmín Dàibiăo
Dàhuì Shi Liang, China |
1949-55 Minister of Justice and Member of the Executive Council, 1953-79
Vice-Chairperson and 1979-85 Member of the Presidium of the National
People's Congress, 1978-87
Vice-Chairperson of Chinese Peoples' Political Consultative Conference
and 1979-85 Chairperson of China Democratic League Party. She lived

1985- Joint Chairperson of the Libandla Queen Mother Ntombi laTfwala
of Swaziland |
Emakhosikati (Queen) Ntombi was one of the youngest wifes of Sobhuza
II, and mother of the future king Mswati II. After the former Queen
Mother Regent, Dzeliwe, was removed, she was installed as Queen regent
in late October, As Queen Mother she is
Deputy Head of State and co-Chairperson of the Swazi National
Council, together with the king. (b. circa 1950-). |

1986-87 President of Asemblea Legislativa Rose Marie Karpinsky Dodero de
Murillo, Costa Rica
Ambassador to Israel 1974-75, Spain, Morocco and the Sovereign Order of
Malta 1994-97 and To the Vatican in 1997.
candidate for the post of 1. Vice-President. |

1986-89 Speaker of the House of Representatives Joan Child, Australia |
Labour MP 1974-75
and 1980-90, Deputy Speaker 1983-86.
She lived (1921-2013) |
1986-87 President of the
Federal Chamber of the
Savezna Skupština Milka Takeva-Gligorijevic
further information has been found on her. |

1986-92 President of the Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference
Mary Simons (Canada) |
Secretary of the board of Directors of Northern Québec Inuit
Association, 1979-82 1. Vice-President and 1982-85 President of the
Makivik Corporation, Special Envoy 1992-94, 1994 Commissioner of the
Nunavut Implementation Commission (preparing the autonomous Inuit
Territory in Canada). 1994-99 Ambassador for Circumpolar Affairs and
1999-2001 Ambassador to Denmark. The ICC is cooperation between the
Inuits (Eskimos) in Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Russia.

Chairperson of the Bundesrat Dr. Helga Heiden-Sommer, Austria
Member of the Bundesrat 1979-83 and 1986-90 and member of the
Nationalrat 1983-86.
(b. 1934-). |
1987 Acting Chairperson of Rajya Sabha
Pratibha Patil, India |
Member of the Government of
Maharashtra 1967-78 and 1982-85, Congress Leader and Leader of the
Opposition 1979-80.
Deputy Chairperson of the Union Upper House, the Rajya Sabha 1986-88 and Acting Chairperson in 1987, when the incumbent was elected
President, Governor of Rajasthan 2004-07 and State President
2007-12. Married to Devisingh Shekhawat, a former Mayor of Amravati. (b. 1934-). |

1988-98 President of the Bundestag Prof. Dr. Rita Süßmuth, Germany |
Süssmuth was Federal Minister of Youth, Family and Health 1984-88. Since
2000 Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE. (b. 1937-). |

Executive Chairperson of the 1st. Session of the 7th
Rénmín Dàibiăo
Dàhuì Chen Muhua, China |
1971-82 Vice-Minister of Economic Relations with Foreign Countries,
1977-82 Minister of External Trade, 1978-82 Vice-Premier
Minister,1981-82 Minister of Family Planning
1982-88 Minister of External Trade and of Economic Relations with
Foreign Countries, 1988-93 State Councillor and 1988-98 Vice-Chairperson
of the National Peoples' Congress, Former Chairperson of the
People's Bank of China, The Central Bank.
She lived
(1921-2011). |

1988-91 President of the Sameinad AlÞing Gudrún Helgadóttir, Iceland |
President of the United AlÞing she was member of the collective
vice-presidency of the Country.
1991-99 She was 1. Vice-President of the United Althing. President
of the United Alliance Party since 1998. (b. 1930-). |

1989-94 President of the Chambre des Députés/ Abgeordnetenkammer
Erna Hennicot-Schoepges, Luxembourg
1993-94 President of the Committee of the Regions of the European Union
1988-95 Mayor of Walfendange, 1989-93 Vice-President of the Committee of
the Regions of the EU, 1995-2003 President of Parti Chrétien Social,
1995-2004 Minister of Cultural and Religious Affairs and Research and
from 1999 also Minister of Higher Education and Public Works. She was
Minister of National Education 1995-99. Member of the European
Parliament from 2004 (b. 1941-). |

1989-93 President of the Odelsting (Lower House) Inger Lise Gjørv,
1984-86 Secretary of the Odelsting, 1986-89 2. Assistant Vice-President
of the Storting, Vice President of the European Council 1988-93 and
Fylkesman/Governor of Nord Trøndelag since 1993. (b. 1938-). |
1989-93 President of the Senate Jane Usher, Belize
1979-89 Parliamentary Secretary and Deputy Minister of Health and
1984-89 Parliamentary Secretary of Housing and Co-operatives.
After her political career, she was Executive
Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer of the Holy Redeemer Credit Union
(HRCU), and was still in office in 2013, when she was awarded an
Honorary Doctorate by Galen University. (b. 1917-). |

1989-90 President of the Assembly of the Association of Pacific
Legislatures Herminia Dierking (Guam) |
Senator in Guam and had been Secretary of the Assembly 1986-88 and Vice-President 1988-89. from 1994.
She lived ( 1955-2008). |