Panama Parliament

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Parliament de Panamá

Also see Panama Ministers

Asamblea Nacional

1989-90 2. Vice-President Gisela Chung

1993-94 2. Vice-President Aura Emerita de Villaluz

1994-95 President Balbina Herrera Arauz
President of Partido Revolucionario Democrática, Deputy Party Leader 1999-2008 until she became Party President again Party President and won the primaries to become candidate for the May 2009-elections, which she eventually lost. Minister of Housing 2004-08.

1996-97 1. Vice-President Haydée Milanés de Lay
Haydée Milanés de Lay

1998-99 Member of the Junta Directiva Asilda Abrego

1998-99 Member of the Junta Directiva Aida Batista

2000-01 1. Vice-President Teresita Yaniz De Arias
(b. 1943 in Cuba)

2001-02 2. Vice-President Susana Richa de Torrijos
2006-07 1. Vice-President
Former Vice-Minister of Education, Minister of Education 1981-84,  Governor of the Province of Panamá 1994-98

2004-05 2. Vice-President Hermisenda Perea González

2005-06 2. Vice-President Zulay de Vásquez

2008-09 2. Vice-President Elizabeth Hernández de Quirós

2009-10 1. Vice-President Dalia Bernal


Last update 30.04.13