Madagascar Local Leaders

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Local Leaders of Madagascar/ Repoblikan 'i Madagasikare
(Female Suffrage 1946/59) A French Protectorate 1895 and a colony 1897, 1958 an autonomous republic within the French community, 1960 Independent, 1958-75 known as the Malasy Republic

Also see Madagascar Ministers and Madagascar Parliament

2004-09 Chief of Region Dr. Hanta Rabetaliana, Haute Matsiatra
Schachenmann is a former Project Coordinatoer of WWF and Vice President of Madagascar's International Year of Mountains national committe.

2004-05 Chief of Region Louise Odette Rahaingosoa, Sofia

2005-07 Chief of Region Moana Essa Raseta, Ihorombe
2007-08 Chief of Region of Sava

2007-09 Chief of Region Anjara Manantsara, Diana
Since 2009 Secretary General of the Ministry of Decentralisation.

2007-09 Chief of Region Samoëline (Samuëline) Raheliarisoa, Atsimo-Andrefana


Last update 19.12.09