See also Costa Rica Ministers and Costa Rica Parliament
1986-90 2. Vice-President Victoria Garrón Orozco de Doyan
1994-98 2. Vice-President Licda. Rebecca Grynspan Mayufis
1997-98 Minister of Housing and Urban Development
1998-2002 1. Vice-President and Minister of Culture, Youth and sport Astrid Fischel Volio
1998-2002 2. Vice-President and Minister of Environment and Energy Lic. Elizabeth
Odio Benito
In 1978-82 and 1990-94 Minister of Justice and Attorney-General,
1994-97 Judge by the International Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia.
2002-06 1. Vice-President Lineth Saborío Chaverri
Also held various Cabinet Portfolios.
President Abel Pacheco de la Espriella
(b. 1933-) surrendered
his power temporarily to her on
various occations from 2003 due to liness.
2006-08 1.
Vice-President Laura Chinchilla Miranda
2010-14 President
Vice-Minister of Security 1994-96, Minister of Public Security, Interior and Police 1996-98, Minister of Justice and Grace
2006-08 and Acting Minister of Security 2008.
2014- 2. Vice-President
Ana Elena Chacon Echeverria
Vice-Minister of
Interior, Police and Public Security for Police and Interior 2004-06,
MP 2006-10.
Last update 14.05.14