Australia Aboriginal Councils

Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership
Female Heads of Australia Indiginous Councils

Also see Australia Ministers

1990-96 Chairperson of The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Lois O'Donoghue  
Born as Lowjita, she was taken away from her family and grew up in a children's home. She was trained to do housework, but later spent a long time fighting to be allowed to train as a nurse. In 1967, she joined the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and became the director of the South Australian region in 1975. Two years later, she was a founding member of the National Aboriginal Conference. 'Self-determination'. The ATSIC is the principal democratically elected Indigenous organisation, which advises the government on policy and works at both the regional level through its elected Regional Councils and the national level through the now fully elected Board. In 1995 she was short-listed to become Governor-General of Australia. (b. 1932– )

2000-02 Deputy Chairperson of the Torres Strait Regional Authority Margaret Mau
The primary functions of the authority are to recognise and maintain the special and unique Ailan Kastom of Torres Strait Islanders living in the Torres Strait area and to formulate and implement programs to improve the quality of life and lifestyle for Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal persons living in the Torres Strait area. Margaret is also Chairperson of Dauan Island.

2004-08 Chairperson of National Indigenous Council Dr. Sue Gordon
She is a children's Magistrate and former ATSIC-Commisssioner. The Australian government relaced the ATSIC against protests from the indigenous population and the most prominent community leaders refused to be named to the non-elected advisory body.


Last update 21.12.15